Rearranging and Removing Portals

Well what I mean is I think going through the Dark Portal, for instance, is important. If you want to get to Shattrath, I think going to the Blasted Lands, walking through the Dark Portal, and grabbing a Flight Path in Hellfire Peninsula is a big part of what makes WoW feel epic. Portaling from Boralus to Shattrath without leaving the city feels a bit cheap. However, if you want to do that - just become an Engineer or find a Mage. My 2 copper.

Huh…Im sorry…how is that relevant or anyones concern but mine?
That said, I make tens of thousands per day farming old mats.
I make SQUAT doing so in Legion or BfA
EAsy enough?


You are describing a game that doesn’t exist anymore. How many times do you seriously think going through the Dark Portal feels “epic”?? Especially since most of the people who have a problem with this have literally done it HUNDREDS of times in their WoW careers.


aka ‘porting there’…in which case just leaving the existing portals alone would be the easier route


In a sense, perhaps. Honestly though, that side of the token business is inching closer to an even worse acronym; p2w.

Bless your heart, but do you really need to inject yourself into every discussion I have with others?

And that would be epic, once. After the hundredth time, it’s a glorified traffic light.


Sorry about the implication. I know a lot of cool cat peeps who engage in PvP. I have nothing against them. I just had to point out the potential pitfall in regards to world pvp. Though yes, disabling the instant FP option in warmode, or putting restrictions on it would help.

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While a drop rate increase would be nice, it doesn’t need to be massive.

So would a small increase in drop chance for affected regions to compensate for the increase travel time fix the problem for you?

I do like your other idea.
This is where player agency comes in though.
You have been and are free to choose not to use those portals, when they are ‘removed’ and you support it, you are supporting the removal of freedom of choice of other people.


I’ll toss out this example but this is all Im saying because the AH will be swamped if I put much more.

Wildvine. I have gotten 6 of them in a single run that took about 20 minutes. 1200g each.
Do the math.

Now watch…the AH will be overrun on my server with wildvine

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So, remove portals, but replace them with portals shaped like griffins.


I’m fairly certain Taienna’s inflexible stance is “Keep portals the same or RIOT!” They aren’t being rational. Best to just ignore them.

It’s not irrational to want to keep things the same. That’s just you trying to take control of the discussion with your loaded words.


Only one reason why imho they are going to move new dalaran somewhere down the line.They are working on the next expansion after this which i’m sure would be northrend related.

Well, I have no idea why somebody would need those mats, but my point still stands and was explained in detail earlier. You can dismiss it all you want.

I mean… you’re still here. Perhaps they did what you’ve done and likely slept, and came back to check in?


I dont even understand why players who claim they arent affected by portal removals are even posting here.
You arent the negotiator for Blizzard, so WHY are you even offering options YOU dont get any say in?


How are the portal layout changes affecting the speed you farm herbs?

My goodness… You really don’t know how F2P games work do you? Cosmetic and Luxury items, are exactly how F2P games fund themselves.


I dismissed your ideas the second you make it clear you have an opinion about something that has no bearing on your game and that you clearly dont NEED, while lacking the empathy to comprehend that OTHER players DO.
Why are you even here?