Rearranging and Removing Portals

How would instant teleportation be a better alternative than instant teleportation?


Firstly you aint the person to be offering a compromise for the devs.
Secondly you ARE obessed…with a topic about portals you CLAIM you dont need anyway.
So youre here to troll, nothing more, nothing less.


You claimed there were 100 topics that you felt were more important than portals. Obviously that was a lie or you would be busy posting about those topics instead of bothering us.


LoL Take away instant transport to get instant transport.

Eye for and eye logic. In the end you lose both eyes.


Well, I would argue because you have to travel to a Flight Path to do it, not some centralized Portal room or go to a major city. In other words, it would spread people out more while still offering some convenience.

Yet isn’t that very much the “instant travel” that people are harping on being a “bad” thing? Also it wouldn’t be instant as it’d have to go through a typical load screen if you’re going across too many zones.

Also, Blizzard wouldn’t do that as that would be devastating to world PvP. You’re down in Tanaris and someone whispers you about a brawl outside Orgrimar. You find a FP, wham, instant portal to Orgrimar.

Yeah, PvPers talk against flying being bad for world PvP, that’d make it pale in comparison.

At least the current portals have relatively restricted locations you can go to. That idea would be a shotgun to the knees for world pvp.

And this comes from a guy who doesn’t do world pvp but can realize how destructive it’d be.


What you’re proposing is exactly what ESO has. Except you have the option to teleport without actually being at a waypoint, you just have to pay an exorbitant amount of gold each time you do it.


Making flight paths work that way would be basically adding instant teleportation to almost anywhere while portals are restricted to very specific locations.


Dam quote buttons.
Anyway I could get behind his idea if only because it is a vast improvement over afk taxis and it does the same as portals on a larger scale. Getting people to their preferred content, areas or people without fake immersion (afk).

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Then you disable it in War Mode.

Portals break continents up. Keep in mind this idea would mean you can’t fly from Outland to Legion. You’d have to go through choke point you now bypass due to portals. The Dark Portal would have a value again as would boats and zeppelins. I know not everyone would like this. It doesn’t make traversing to other continents/expansions easier, but it does make inter-continental travel more efficient. Just my idea at a solution. I know it won’t please everyone, but nothing will.

First of all, it is not all week, I just play a few, do some quests and that is it. On the very start of the patch I might do a bigger amount because of hype and on the end of it I don’t even log in.

Second of all, you can do whatever you want with your time. If you want to hit your head against the wall for hours, nobody can stop you. But here is the deal, I’m not asking you to stop doing that, i’m asking the game developers to care for their game.

The only reason these transmogs and mounts exist in the first place is because of the way this game is patched. Instead of launching WoW 2 or something like that they instead build the expansion on top of the previous one. Your character becomes exponentially stronger, and the previous content rapidly dies becoming exponentially easier to the point of ridiculousness.

Normally if I play game 1 and game 2 comes out, game 1 is preserved and I can always go back to it, but since game 2 is on top of it, it becomes a bizarre husk of it’s former self. The only things left are the scenery, the leveling content and the dangling rewards.

Normally in a game you reward players for playing the game, defeating challenges, exploring, etc… but since the challenges are not there anymore (the exploration is arguably still there) all the rewards associated with defeating challenges are now associated with a lottery where you trade obscene amounts of time doing the most boring activity possible to have a 0.01% chance on the most legendary of loots, not even mentioning the addictive factor.

This is failed game design in a nutshell, no one would pick up a game with a mechanic like this and say “wow that’s cool”. So instead of protecting the players who engage in this type of activity by preventing 2 minutes of extra flight in their bizarre lottery that shouldn’t exist in the first place, why don’t we encourage blizzard to do the following:

Make all zones scale to 120 or instead (what I think it is the proper way to do it) make your character and items scale back in time to the max level of the region, and allowing the loot of that era to stay relevant.

This way you can now to back to game 1 play it normally, with your guild, friends, random pug or whatever, and play an actual game. Yes it will not be the same thing, but at least it will still be playable. And you fix ridiculous scenarios like 1 shotting the Lich King while dying to birds on the river.

Without taking balance in consideration, doing this fix would require minimal development time since they already have scaling tech.

Stop preventing a rotten corpse of a game to stink more, cast resurrect on it instead.


Many of us PvPers see flight path camping as one of the lowest forms of PvP. Please don’t lump us all together.


so remove PORTALS that we have to WALK to and replace them with the WHISTLE we can use from anywhere.
good lord. just talking to hear yourself talk.


Warlocks ? I’m still baffled over this:

I only included them because many posts before me mentioned them and I have no idea why.

That idea would be good, but of course it’d go counter to Blizzard’s stated goal with the constant removal of portals. They openly said this was done to PUSH and COERCE players into going into new content. All by making access to older content less pleasant. Not exactly a positive way to deal with your players.

So while it IS a good idea, it goes against Blizzards “stated” reason for the changes. Ergo, its too good and too smart of an idea for Blizzard to implement.

Or if Blizzard did implement it they’d go pants on head stupid and put it on a hefty CD.


And yet you’re obsessed enough to go back and forth arguing with everyone who cares to the point that I see you name everytime I use my mouse wheel to scroll over the posts. But please keep arguing, you’ll only reinforce the belief to others like me that taking away these portals is a mistake. You also argue that you’re not troll, but you are. You presented your compromise and many people rejected it. Like Elsa says, “Let it go.”

Keep it up with the good, well constructed arguments about why this is a mistake and stay focused. I’m tired of Blizzard arguing to the community about why we should feel changes like this are good instead of listening to what we want. The developer post I feel is the epitome of that.


That’s not what I was suggesting. I was saying if you go to a Flight Path, the Flight Path itself would work like the Flightmasters Whistle does. Obviously having a Whistle to and from everywhere would be terrible.

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Well Blizzard, here’s a thought, just leave the portals in that already exist and make a portal room in the capitol cities. As a resonable person, that makes sense to me. Would just take a little more work on your part . . .

Semper Fi! :us:


Portals break up continents? how’s that they allow them to be together .You take a portal to shatratt ,for example from the vale ,how is that a break?


Obscene amounts of time?
such as…removing fast portals to places players want to go?