Rearranging and Removing Portals

That could be cool but would be VERY hard to pull off imo

I don’t think even a 10K +10K post is going to save the portals. I really don’t but we shall see what happens when it happens.


You don’t know much about F2P games do you? If you did, you would know that it can actually costs more to play for “free” than it does to have a subscription. I don’t have a problem with a F2P game having a cash shop, they have to make money somehow. When a subscription game does it, then they are basically double dipping.


It would completely destroy any sense of progression.

Sorry, you are having fun, you just don’t know it.


The last f2p game I played would have been some D&D thing…Stormreach, was it? Anyways…

I really don’t buy this argument though, unless Blizzard puts something in the shop that has a tangible in-game advantage like a new race or an ability or some method of portaling/transport. Cosmetic and luxury items are not a double-dip. If they ever do that, I will be all on-board with the “this is the end of the line” crowd.

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Much of the player base does not get on the PTR, especially the most casual of players. Of all the people that I have played with over the years, I don’t know many that have ever logged on there.

When the rest of the population finds out that they are going to be losing their convenient portal hubs after the patch, I expect you will probably see portal topics explode on the forums as well as a mass exodus of players from the game. This will go exactly how flying in Draenor did. Blizz isn’t going to cave until they see those monthly sub counts quickly drying up.

I admit, when I first heard that the devs would give us a new portal room in SWC and ORG, I thought it was a fantastic idea and a good way to compliment the portal network we already had. That was until we found out in January that they would be removing the other hubs.

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I’m reasonably sure they’re not going to say anything. The patch has already downloaded. Things are going live as they are. IF Blizz changes anything about this, it’ll be much later. Maybe 8.2. Probably later than that.

My money is on them hoping folks will be distracted by the other things in the patch so they can just let this drop. Or they hope to ignore it until Classic, or 8.2 or whatever else they think might help them slide it by without comment or action.

What? Me jaded? Nonsense!


You don’t think tokens have a tangible in game advantage? $20 for gold seems like an advantage to me.


I’ll help, but either way now Im done.
There comes a point where a line is crossed and there is no going back.
I warned the jokers@blizzard directly that I have little tolerance for bullcrap and once that line is crossed its over. it wont matter what they do now short of firing Ion and EVERYONE else whos been pushing this crap the last year or so for me to resub once my subs all dry up in May.

I aint stupid. I know the behavior. Its like an addict telling you he’s straight now and he wont steal from you anymore. He straightens up for a few weeks so you can ‘see’ how good he’s being, but the second your back is turned hes hocking your silver down at the pawn shop again.

If this were the FIRST time for this crap, fine. But in the 19 months Ive been a WoW player we’ve been at this point 6 or 8 times already.
This wont change with current leadership…period.

So they realize they made a mistake this time and recant.
The problem is the CORE MOTIVE behind the change still remains as long as these guys are in charge and making the decisions. So we’ll have a repeat of this sort of infantile crap within 60 days and be right back here again threatening to quit over it.

Too much drama just to play a stupid video game that is SUPPOSED to be fun.
I played a lot of online games since they were created. I aint EVER seen childish trash like Activision is playing right now. And that says a lot given i have a STACK of game discs stamped ACTIVISION right on the front that I loved playing.


Oh,with that are we to pay for it all over again because it’ll be different than the one we have with more content and fun stuff,I really doubt it.

TARC: "I will be all on-board with the “this is the end of the line” crowd.

and until then…no one probably cares that you arent.
I know I dont.
You clearly dont need the missing and soon to be missing portals so you have no credible voice in this exchange…it doesnt affect you either way by your own admissions.


I don’t think so myself. There were always gold sellers for those folks who wanted to go that route. I think gold is pretty easy to come by and it doesn’t really give you any “advantage”.

Most FtP games (all I’ve heard about anyway) require you to buy stuff with cash to advance at all. Cash to go to a new zone. Cash to get the best gear. Cash for anything that advances you.

Everything in WoW can be had by just playing the game. Nothing is cash-gated except a subscription. (Pets and mounts are just cosmetics and there are hundreds more available in game than on the shop.) Sure, you can buy a mythic run for gold, but you don’t have to. There is nothing in WoW that requires you to spend cash (or gold) that you can’t earn through game play.

Can’t be restated enough, really. The problem isn’t just the portals; it’s the design philosophy which keeps leading to the removal of more and more player agency.


I am one of the ones that have already canceled over this, my 6 month sub runs out at the beginning of June and then Blizz will no longer be getting my money.

I have already started looking at other games.

I have been tinkering around on an old F2P ESO account.
I am also thinking about renewing my old FFXIV sub.
The Star Citizen alpha also looks like it might be fun.


While you guys are at it making these changes to make cities look amd feel more populated, would you mind linking my server to a more populated one. And if you could do that for all other dying servers as well, we would really appreciate it.

“You think you want to have fun, really you don’t.”


You typed “cat”? oh Noooo!
I once typed a word meaning cat beginning with P, quoting a statement by the president of America, and now can never achieve trust level 3.

I like your new name for the game very much, Current Zone of Warcraft! I might just use that more instead of ‘world’. :+1:


I don’t have an active account. I’m taking the first ever long term break from wow since I first started playing in December of 2005. I am only reading and responding because I had planned to come back to wow in November for the anniversary. Blizzard has made so many changes I dislike and removed so many things I did like that I am about ready to give up on ever spending money on their products, and this portal fiasco is the last straw. If it is not reverted, I won’t come back in November as I had planned.