I would like to thank you, generally speaking, for your communications (here and for Classic). It certainly feels like an improvement comparatively to what we have experienced over the last few years… The depth and comprehensiveness of the communications from you is appreciated greatly as well.
To preface my response to your communication, I have already cancelled my subscription in relation to portal removal. This was done prior to your post when Bornakk responded to the other larger thread. This could change (I highly anticipate bringing back my subscription for WoW Classic access) based off of future content or differences in decisions.
There are some areas within your post that I can understand and somewhat agree with - such as
I actually can readily agree with this, but I would have gone farther to say eliminations in distance or the speed of travel between distances. This can have profound perceptions on the ability to traverse the world, the size of the world, and the impact of dynamic changes to the world (such as the destruction of Riverbend in Highmountain).
However, this is a significant departure from the direction that World of Warcraft has had. These changes resulting in shrinking of the world (or the perception of shrinking of the world) started in The Burning Crusade with the implementation of flying. As was experienced in Warlords of Draenor, you cannot go back to change core game functionality/expectations that have been developed over years and doubled down on. For example, Legion added portals to locations we’ve never really had portals to. Legion consolidated many portals with fairly rapid access in a fairly central location (Dalaran).
If this were a new game or a relaunch of the game and the relaunch took a different direction, I could understand never implementing portals or flying or x or y or z. However, you’re trying to actively remove features/conveniences/quality of life improvements players have come to expect or rely upon. This will, generally, be received very poorly by players. I anticipate that you will find extreme backlash and, likely, a substantial decrease in active subscriptions.
Another important note is: the World of Warcraft has never been larger than it has been now (with or without portals).
Let’s take a look at how larger the world is in terms of continents/zones:
- Kalimdor
- Teldrassil
- Darkshore
- Ashenvale
- Felwood
- Winterspring
- Azshara
- Stonetalon Mountains
- The Barrens
- Durotar
- Dustwallow Marsh
- Desolace
- Mulgore
- Feralas
- Thousand Needles
- Tanaris
- Un’goro Crater
- Silithus
- Moonglade
- Eastern Kingdoms
- Eastern Plaguelands
- Western Plaguelands
- Tirisfal Glades
- Silverpine Forest
- Alterac Mountains
- Hillsbrad Foothills
- The Hinterlands
- Arathi Highlands
- Wetlands
- Loch Modan
- Dun Morogh
- Badlands
- Searing Gore
- Burning Steppes
- Blackrock Mountain
- Redridge Mountains
- Duskwood
- Elwynn Forest
- Westfall
- Deadwind Pass
- Swamp of Sorrows
- Blasted Lands
- Stranglethorn Vale
The Burning Crusade:
- Azuremyst Isle
- Bloodmyst Isle
- Eversong Woods
- Ghostlands
- Isle of Quel’Danas
- Outland
- Hellfire Peninsula
- Zangarmarsh
- Terokkar Forest
- Nagrand
- Blade’s Edge Mountains
- Netherstorm
- Shadowmoon Valley
Wrath of the Lich King:
- Northrend
- Howling Fjord
- Borean Tundra
- Dragonblight
- Grizzly Hills
- Zul’Drak
- Sholazar Basin
- The Storm Peaks
- Crystalsong Forest
- Icecrown
- Wintergrasp
- Did not add continents, per se, but added zones
- Mount Hyjal
- Uldum
- Vashj’ir
- Deepholm
- Twilight Highlands
- Tol Barad
- Molten Front
- Gilneas
- Kezan
- The Lost Isles
Mists of Pandaria:
- Pandaria
- The Wandering Isle
- The Jade Forest
- Valley of the Four Winds
- Kun-Lai Summit
- Townlong Steppes
- Krasarang Wilds
- Dread Wastes
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- The Veiled Stair
- Isle of Giants
- Timeless Isle
- Isle of Thunder
Warlords of Draenor:
- Draenor
- Frostfire Ridge
- Shadowmoon Valley
- Gorgrond
- Talador
- Spires of Arak
- Nagrand
- Tanaan Jungle
- Zangar Sea
- Broken Isles
- Broken Shore
- Stormheim
- Highmountain
- Val’sharah
- Azsuna
- Suramar
- Argus
- Krokuun
- Mac’Aree
- Antoran Wastes
** various class exclusive zones, sometimes used for only small questlines were also added
The old world is not lacking in size. Even with the various portals, access could still be challenging. Although consolidating, in some ways, the locations of portals available is good. I can also see possibly reducing the redundancy of portals from older content.
You’re removing portals that accessed:
- Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- Caverns of Time
- Dalaran Crater
- Karazhan
- Wyrmrest Temple
- Hellfire Peninsula
These are not being replaced. This contradicts one of your statements:
Additionally, some of the portals you’re adding will not go to the previous hubs, but rather to seemingly random locations we’ve never had portal access to before. Why create a portal location to Azsuna if we have never had portal access to Azsuna before?
For Alliance, access to virtually anywhere in Lordaeron is almost completely lost. The nearest access point, without being a certain class OR having control of the Arathi Highlands in the warfront cycle, is Twilight Highlands. If you wanted to complete the “Love is in the Air” quest in Silverpine Forest, your travel time is drastically longer and removes the value of completing this quest. This will also be true for many players to kill Grumpus. I believe Horde will have a, potentially, harder time accessing Karazhan, Zul’Gurub.
I also wanted to add that the removal of portal access to Hellfire Peninsula will be very confusing for new players. You travel to the Dark Portal, expecting either Hellfire Peninsula on the other side OR Draenor. What if it’s not what you want? Do they know about having to talk to the Bronze dragon at x location to go back to change it to whatever timeline? It’s going to be a source of confusion and frustration.
I’m disappointed that the attitude, thus far, seems to be doubling down on removing portals that this same development team implemented and thought were OK until now.
Edit: There was another issue/area that I wanted to potentially address.
Although some transportation items do exist, many have to be obtained individually by each character. If it was as simple as talking to X and they give you Y, this would be less of an issue. Instead, some of the transportation items require completion of questlines, reaching certain reputation requirements, or use of various currencies. Some of the questlines are long. Some of the reputation grinds are long. Acquisition of some currencies takes considerable amounts of time.
Having to regrind access to those items/areas on each character can be overwhelming. This is especially overwhelming/frustrating when you consider all of your characters could use the portals that took you to these areas before without grinding/obtaining anything special or unique. Now, not only will you be unable to access some of those areas at all, some you have to grind to create/restore access to across multiple characters.