Rearranging and Removing Portals

You can easily say it, just like you’ve easily said a lot of untrue things. Especially with how easily you can be proven wrong. It will have a definite measurable attempt on travel time, which will only become much larger when you take alts into account. Something you have steadfastly refused to even acknowledge because it takes your pathetically weak argument and stomps it into the ground.

You’ve built an entire interstate freeway by going down that route. You’ve done nothing but be condescending and hateful towards people for daring to speak back to Blizzard.


I’m still hoping someone who is for the change can help answer my questions about what benefit the change is for me? If the change is so trivial, why can’t we just leave them in? What harm do the portals actually do, and is the benefit worth the cost? Are the benefits listed (making the world bigger, increase player interactions, condense the chaos) accurate?

I do think a more organized and central portal room is a good idea, to be fair, so that point I agree with.

But it seems a lot of arguments on the side of the changes are just saying why our reasons for wanting the portals to stay or include portals we’ve been given in the new portal are bad.

Sell me the portal changes instead? I’d love to hear why they’re a good idea, what the benefits are, why I should actually be glad for the changes. What makes you excited about the changes? Why do you think they are beneficial? Why should I think they are beneficial? Is there something I’m missing? Can you change my mind by touting the benefits? Can you change my mind in regards to how I feel that this change IS detrimental to me and the things I enjoy/value?


My main on alliance is a nelf druid, so I run in kitty form and jump, but sometimes that bird form in not there on my priest, or pally.
I do love to fly around SW or Orgrimmar, but I will not miss that dang portal for Dalaran. Now I can just fly for fun.

Yeah,as of late now,I find myself wanting ,waiting to the incursions to start so i can have fun using the rocket pack in one quest,remind me of the gunship in ICC.

People didn’t even want a portal room (extra loading screens? Great, we totally needed more of those!), they wanted the portals condensed into one area. Them bothering with a room is a waste of time.

Why people don’t want them removed is how useful they are for farming old content and doing stuff like the Christmas events where the old Dalaran portal was a direct port to the daily event for 100+ characters. As a mage, I also hate random whispers asking me to drop everything to help some idiot get to where a Dalaran portal can easily take them. You don’t do old content, other people do, other people can then do that old content in smaller blocks because of the reduced travel. Take the portals away and you have a crapload more travel per character to do old raids, dungeons, transmog runs, etc. Blizzard already knows this and has a BS reason for the removal because they want to crank in more travel time and because none of their test team bother with old content.

You may not care about that, but loads of other people do. It’s the difference between them finding the time to play or not. Pretty big deal when people are already packing up and leaving the game because they hate the current expansion content.


Don’t think I can yell any louder.



If you are a PvPer and the timing is right for the necessary area. Glider to protect airship from opponent saboteurs (their quest end). Fun stuff.
(Although apparently flight ruins wPvp for the uncreative).

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I feel your feels! I don’t like the crowds either! (But probably because crowds = lag in my mind, lol) But, there are crowds at times in IF & I don’t have lag issues. So meh. Trying to find that one person to make a trade with in front of Trade District AH… Make sure you invite that person to a group. Make sure you have clicked on that person’s portrait to highlight him. Oh for goodness sake, people stop standing on top of my person! I cannot see his hightlight! …… yeah.

I never use the Darkmoon Mages because it is cheaper to take the flight path from Org than to pay them for a port, and the Thunder Bluff flight path is really close to the DMF portal, even for characters that don’t have flight yet.

Someone commenting in a different thread (a guide on how to get around most efficiently) had a great idea for getting out of dungeons with no portal exit, at least. Since we had just talked about it, I thought you might like to hear it, too. It was new to me and I really appreciated learning about it!

When you finish your dungeon, make a PRIVATE group in group finder. List it, then leave party.

It will teleport you out of the dungeon to the nearest graveyard after a minute because you are no longer in the party.

I tried it just now since my druid is close to the Darkheart Thicket. Ran in halfway through the dungeon, made a group listing, left the party, got teleported out to right outside the instance entrance!


Oh, I am sure of that. Why else would there be so many senseless restrictions on things that hurt no one?


Did you get any kind of deserter debuff or anything?

Maybe some day we can have transmogs without limitations, toys without cooldowns, and travel without tedium. Until that day happens, guess we get to keep listening to Blizzard how we should enjoy their game. 🤷


It may not technically be F2P, but they have pushed a lot of F2P features into the game. They are using some unholy amalgamation of the paid subscription and F2P monitization models. They actually charge more for their services than a true F2P game does.


You ask some good questions. I can tell you that the developers have been removing portals for a long time. I don’t know if they are a drag on the system or they think no one uses them. One CM said it was to make the world feel bigger, however, in other games they use a similar system and those worlds still feel big. I am going to say, that this is more of “an old man upstairs” who does not want change to the way they use to do things. I disagree with the CM because it is older content and we are going back there to run old dungeons or raids for transmog or to RP or help a guild mate or a friend. For anyone leveling, not having those portals would seem more logical until they complete quests to go there.
Having one portal to go back to Orgrimmar to use another portal to go someplace when we could have used the portal that was right at the spot next to use made more sense. Times change…

Now to give you issues.

  1. Now when these portals go down we are going to be stuck in SW or Orgrimmar unless you have a dalaran or garrisnon hearthstone and I hope they don’t take those away.
  2. Alliance or Horde WPVP in those portal rooms will be nasty and it will happen unless they gated them so either the horde can go into the mage tower nor the alliance into the portal room for the horde. We are asking for trouble.

Going forward.

  1. Room of portals - makes more sense and going forward, they do not have to create portals to other areas, they can have just one portal back to our main city. It is logical.

I don’t know if that helps at all but this is sort of how I see it and what happens in the beginning of new expansion of them removing portals and us being unhappy about it. LOL

There’s no debuff involved.

At least not until Blizz decides people are having too much fun using this to optimize their play time.


Makes the game feel bigger… I love that one.

The game already feels massive enough that we are choosing to use portals when we can. No additional effort on their part needed :laughing:


Nope! It wasn’t a queue into a group with other players, so that doesn’t affect it. It works just like if you make a party with friends and then leave the group, just bypassing the friend part.

You don’t have to have anyone join, just list a random group - private means no one but friends or groupmates of people in the party can even see the group exists (so no randoms). I didn’t even have to make the group for the dungeon I was in, I think it made it for something in current BfA content.

Once you leave, you get the “you’re not in the group, bye Felicia” minute warning then are ported out, no deserter buffs or anything! While I wish it wasn’t a full minute, it could be really useful for farming old dungeons where you need to get back out without having to spend multiple minutes running. At least you can get a potty break or a drink or just read the forums before you can reset the dungeon and start again! 8D

Hope that helps, try it out yourself when you have time in a random dungeon and then if you have any issues I can help you. I was worried it would be complicated but it was really easy!

I think it’d be very funny to watch them try to fix it given their hesitation to do anything restrictive to the LF_ systems so far.

I’m not talking about Orgrimmar. There’s already a mage there. I’m talking about putting mages in other locations, in other expansions.