That’s what amazes me - they clearly have this major issue with people doing older content for ANY reason, because people aren’t exclusively grinding through the new two-island micro-game they’ve crafted in the new zones and making them “look busy” with people you cannot meaningfully interact with.
So they do silly things. They nerf the rogue pickpocketing quest into the ground, not because it’s easier to do - it’s not - or that it takes less time - it doesn’t - but simply because it is “old” and THOU SHALT NOT ENJOY OLD CONTENT.
So yeah, the Legion Dalaran portals all had to go because not only are they there BECAUSE of “old stuff”, but they also go TO “old stuff”. Double-stacked oldness, this just will not stand!
And Northrend Dalaran? Well, if we remove the CoT portal then NOBODY will go there, which means we don’t even need to spin up an instance for the city, which means a 0.47% saving on the cloud computing bill for the day! And nobody needs to worry because it’s all OLD! Brilliant!
Tell you what - why don’t we DELETE the world of Warcraft with each new expansion. Just kill it. Nuke it (ooh, geopolitics storyline!), let Sylvanas at it, whatever. Then everyone will have no choice but to bask in all that lovely lovely shiny new content that has been declared to be the new “world” of Warcraft, right down to all the cool stuff from those other inconvenient bits of the world being nerfed, restricted or outright disabled.
Think of the SSD space it would save! Think of the savings in cloud server costs!
You can thank me later Blizz. I get it now! Portals are just the beginning!