Rearranging and Removing Portals

Going back to old content is one of the few things that keeps me playing. If your goal is to get us to try new content get it right from the start. If it is to get us to leave for the classic then you are starting too soon. Don’t make my single player fun a drag. I haved played from day one, don’t make my life harder, I will cancel my 3 accounts and join my kids games.


There is so much that is going to suck now. BFA is turning into another WOD where i go back and do past xpac content because i’ve plateau’d on current content. But according to blizz, play their way or dont play at all because saving a few minutes of travel here and there is game-breaking.


The goal of trying to make the world have meaningful size and the idea of trying to encourage traffic flow through specific places are at extreme odds with one another. reducing the number of port hubs is essentially just removing any reason to go to Pandaria or broken isles for a huge portion of the player base and just constricts the world down further.

Almost the entire world is dead space at max level, and reasons to go out of the 2 continents and 3 Zones that were updated for BFA, are limited to cosmetic farms, which are the activities that would feel absolutely horrible with these changes. They’re the ones that will be taking the 100+ visits to a place and the bulk of their time will be spent in auto pilot mindlessly flying to a zone to nuke down an outdated boss or two in a few minutes.

On one hand, I agree. Portals are bad for the feel of the world and should be removed. I honestly feel if the world was made right for it, that this change is leaving too many portals intact and making a mistake with the portal room and that the right thing to do for convenience would be adding more decentralized transport through boats and zeppelins.

On the other hand though. The problem with the world hasn’t been addressed, and You can’t give a meaningless world, a feeling of meaningful size.

TL;DR In the immortal words of Ragnaros “TOO SOOOOOONNNNN!”


Actually it is true. It’s up to Blizzard to decide what the game is going to be and the players to decide if they like the game enough to play. Them listening to GD would be like the old joke about the lunatics running the asylum.

No new blue posts for days in either giant thread about this being a stupid idea.



Well, this only works if the people in charge haven’t lost a few marbles over the years.


IDK that we’ll get another response before Tuesday.

It’s Friday, and they will probably just “collect feedback” (ie: condense the ‘debate’) into this thread without further comment.

Their philosophy is that “blue posts influence and draw attention to discussion that would be organic otherwise,” so holding out for somebody to come in and respond to the mountain of feedback explaining exactly why their “philosophy” and/or “lodestars” are misguided at best ain’t gonna happen.

We’re here to tear each other to bits while the change goes live and then they’ll let this thread live on to continue condensing the “feedback” that they don’t listen to.

They don’t listen to beta feedback, they don’t listen to PTR feedback. The dev team puts stuff in and then it goes live and then, weeks/months later, if the outrage still doesn’t burn out at that point they might be able to allocate resources and revert the changes, but in general they’re a small crew sailing a huge ship and they have captains who are very particular about how it should be sailed because of their, you know, “lodestars.” They can’t really act on feedback (if they even listen to it) in a ‘timely’ fashion because it arrives to them so late in the development cycle anyway, which becomes a convenient excuse. “Well, we didn’t get the feedback…” (queue the ringing of hands, here)

This is their game, you see–we are privileged to play it. Whether you agree or disagree, that is the attitude Blizzard has had toward their games in recent years. It’s impossible to extrapolate that that’s why their franchises, as a whole, are stagnant or in decline…but, you know, if the shoe fits…

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When it is nothing but rhetoric and excuses that make no sense at all, then yeah, I am going to judge that as an invalid response.

What portals do we want kept? All the ones in the basement of Legion Dalaran.
Go ahead with your pretty portal rooms in ORG and SW, but keep those portals currently in the basement of Dalaran.


There’s the portal to Shattrah and also a Thrallmar (Horde) or Honor Hold (Alliance) mage that will take you to the respective keeps. Not a portal, but a dialog box/click button.

This view of the issue, to me, is disturbing.

It sounds like you are saying that, in this big world that made me fall in love with WOW, devs may be trying to keep us OUT of old world content because the game can’t properly handle players traveling there any more?

If that is the case, then WOW is in more trouble than I imagined.

When it reaches the point where I can no longer engage in the activities that I enjoy, then there will no longer even be a question in my mind as to whether I should stay, or go. I will simply be gone.

On the other hand, if the decisions being made, by the current iteration of devs, is simply (as I suspect) their desire to erase the game as it was originally created and intended, then we are in the process of turning WOW into a completely new game.

I am simply not liking where this “new game” seems to be heading.


Seriously I posted before that we shouldnt require a guide to figure out how to get around the Portal Network/Maze that is Wow.

Guess what? You committed to this choice for the poor reasoning mentioned above and look what we have!

Enjoy Following a Web Guide for the foreseeable future. What a farce this development has become.


I don’t want this game to die either. I want to want to continue play this game. I have a lot of issues with the game right now, but I’m still playing because I’ve been finding stuff to do that I still enjoy, and quite a bit is old content / achievement hunting.

People fight so hard for changes, for improvements because they want WoW to stay alive too. They want to see people out in the world doing WQs, leveling, or doing dungeon runs or BGs. Removing portals isn’t going to help this though. At all.

My biggest issue right now is how Blizzard has been approaching issues and player feedback. They get a lot of good, thorough feedback from players before things go live, and don’t do anything about it. They push it through. Only to maybe “fix” it later. It’s like they don’t really care. I don’t get it.

And then there are changes like the removal of portals that do nothing to benefit the players. Players like having them, use them to play the game, and Blizz is removing them. Mages and making the “world feel alive” are terrible excuses; other games have convenient and quick travel and do just fine. Blizz makes changes that try to control and manipulate how players play this game. They need to stop.

I want to stick around, but I don’t think I’ll be here for long. I’m unsubbing and using up the gifted prepaid game time cards I’ve received and will see what’s going on by the time those run out. I want to feel valued as a player. I want Blizzard to show that they care and that they actually want this game to succeed, because right now it seems like they are just going through the motions.


Awesome. Glad to hear that at least! Thanks!

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If they actually did something to spice up old world content and make it current somehow this might be less of an issue. Problem with worlds that are excessively large is that they are way to difficult to meaningfully populate. Most of it is kept as is for nostalgia, but I’d like to think that it’s possible to introduce significant content (maybe elongated events?). Something that gives more of a reason to go there outside of being bored with our two islands.


Ofc in itself its not “game breaking”, however when you consolidate all the stupid, thoughtless changes that have been made lately it become a big stinking poo pile.


It would probaly do you and the community a whole lot of good to post these somewhere. Or are they secret?

As a Marksmanship hunter, I don’t feel like this is authentic and that you have ZERO principles when it comes to my class.

This is only my opinion, but if you take the community as a whole, you can probably start to get an idea as to why everyone is getting more and more agitated as time goes on. There’s no vision any longer. Nothing is sacred. Characters I spent YEARS with are changed on a whim and a fancy. There just doesn’t seem to be any respect to anything regarding the world of Azeroth, and it’s quite possible that the giant sword sticking out of Azeroth is more of a metaphor than any of you guys would like to admit.


there is no reason other than making us stay logged on longer. you are making a huge mistake removing the portals, not only will this not work you’re only pushing more people away from the game. I am seriously contemplating not renewing my sub because of this.


+1 for not removing the portals

Just leave them alone. They are not hurting game play. They actually help those with limited play time get around quickly to get in all they need to get in before they have to log off.


Thank god you guys do not design real life airports with silly arguments like this. It makes no sense.