Rearranging and Removing Portals

Off topic, but hot dang, I love your name. A lot.

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wai u du dis…

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Thank you so much. It’s a little tribute I do for my dad since he’s no longer with us.

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I was the same way. I had been looking forward to the portal room so much… and the rooms themselves are fine as far as they go. The issue I have is the removal of all of the other portals.

When they removed the BC and Wrath portals in Cataclysm, I was so P/Oed that I kept my hearthstones set in Dalaran on at least all of my alts that were in their 40s and could travel through Tanaris in relative safety (so they would use the COT portal if they wanted to return to the older zones). Then they put portals to Org/SW back, so I moved all of my other alts back to Dalaran too.

Edit: Oh, and since I am out of “Likes,” have some of these:


If that’s their dream they should join the Classic team :slight_smile:


??? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

When they came for what Bob enjoyed, you stayed quiet.
When they came for what Mary enjoyed, you stayed quiet.
When they came for what Sue enjoyed, you stayed quiet.
Who will be left when they come for what you enjoy?

That’s the thing, if we don’t speak up, they’ll keep Taking and Taking, and when they Take what YOU want, you’ll be screaming and wondering why nobody has done anything to stop them.

And we’ll point at how you stayed quiet when they took everything else.


If they come for me I’ll just go play something else. already do that at the end of every patch cycle.

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You are probably on to something.

I got called lazy earlier because I don’t want to AFK on the flight path between SWC and IF. Yet if I were to actively take a portal from Dalaran to IF in a fraction of the time so I can go about my business faster, that is lazy? They have some messed up reasoning.

I changed my mind, I am going to stick around and fight for our portals until my remaining time runs out.


I don’t think this really follows in these circumstances. This isn’t a matter of defending others, but of expressing one’s own opinion about the state of the game. If one doesn’t agree with your opinion, they’re not obligated to support you so that you’ll support their desires in the future, because your desires at that time may be diametrically opposed to their own.

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Then YOU are part of the problem, not the solution. Apathy is one of the most destructive things in existence.


Imagine if people said “not my problem” back when they wanted to make everyone post under their real name on the forums.

Think on that horrifying fact.


That’s a good chunk of my problem with this situation; people dismiss it as “just” portals, while ignoring that this is a design philosophy issue. It’s not “just” portals, but the decision making behind the loss of those portals.

People ask, “Why are you complaining about this minor issue when there is so much wrong with the game?” and I wonder “why aren’t you complaining that Blizzard is prioritizing this minor issue when there is so much wrong with the game?”

And then Blizzard blows smoke up our tails, gives us “reasons” that run counter to the effect their actions will actually have, and outright lies to us by claiming they have a tradition of something they did once, years and expansions ago. Not only do they not respect our time, not only do they replace our agency with their so-called vision, they don’t respect our intelligence.


Gotta love this hyperbolic rhetoric. And no, I’m not apathetic, I’ve voiced my complain pretty clearly, in a number of instances in this thread. To me it seems like a net negative.
But since people are acting like this is the end of all things, I end up defending it.

Again, this really doesn’t apply to matters of opinion. Changes to the game are not oppression, and if someone disagrees with you, they aren’t contributing to it.

The person you’re replying to has basically just said they’ll vote with their wallet if a change comes that they don’t like – which is basically the advice people tend to give to begin with.

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They use the same argument of laziness against player controlled flight, too…and then say the flightmaster’s whistle means we don’t need flying. Now, which is lazier, controlling my own travel or teleporting to a taxi and afking to my destination?


I would take it even further. It isn’t just the decision making process that is an issue, it is their attitude and their patronizing tone when responding to the issues their customers raise. That is very troubling.


We could seriously use some timely update on those spells.

I see absolutely no problem or even any balancing issues if we are allowed to get the closet up by ourself, solo.

The act of summoning still requires 2 players to actually funtion. So why we need 3 person to get the closet up?

By the way, Ritual of Doom in Dreadscar still requires 3 warlocks to function. Think the team can at least be more considerate how times have changed, and allow us to solo perform it - instead waiting for hours on premade listing?

I believe the term is called User Experience.

I honestly hoped that Pillar of Dark Portal effect would have been made into a talent.

At the very least, it is a more logical and competitive choice against Demonic Circle and Burning Rush.

In a way, it’s funny that they want us to be immobile, yet the talent are placed in such way that we can take two ‘mobility’ talent and still sucked at movement.


The mindset a lot of people are going to have once this goes through is, “Why should I even bother with old content at all anymore if I just have to sit through 10-15 minutes’ worth of flight paths to get somewhere I could previously go instantly?”

With that consequence in mind, I think discouraging a large subset of people from playing the game is a bad move.

It also doesn’t encourage player retention from a subscription standpoint when WoW’s direct competitors (FFXIV, ESO, GW2) all have instant travel methods that already go way beyond the existing portals in Dalaran.

And I don’t think people are necessarily asking for instant travel on the scale of other modern MMOs, but taking away these conveniences isn’t a sound move when morale surrounding the game is already relatively low, let alone the potential impact on the game’s bottom line.


Oh the 2nd option of course.

Come to think of it, whenever I am in the queue, I never AFK in Boralus. I am always out doing WQ’s or taking portals (hahaha) to go play in some old content.

I only AFK in game when I am dealing with the children, looking something up on the internet or typing something in the forums.