Exactly. BfA has been facing a lot of flack since it launched. It’s not being praised as a great expansion. The lackluster story, the Azerite Armor, the loss of so many useful abilities, the problems with Warmode, the list goes on an on.
And what do they do when a game is getting flogged by the community? They put out even more reasons for the community to flog them!
That’s just straight up stupid and shows they’re not even paying attention anymore. They’re completely out of touch with the state of their own game.
The really funny thing about the “laziness” argument is that, ever since my partner started playing in MoP, we’ve referred to the flight paths as “lazy travel”. We’ll decide on something to do, and the question becomes, “Do we want to fly there, or do we want to be lazy pandas?”
Lazy pandas usually only wins if we’re running to the kitchen to grab a drink while on the FP.
ROFL. Sorry, the image of bored Pandaren kicking back on struggling birds, drinking a keg came to mind.
But yes, if I plan to do something like get some fresh drink or the like, I’ll hop a flight point. It disengages me from the game instead of engaging me.
I think the argument “could” be made in this instance becaue I haven’t really seen any support for it. Mostly people that are indifferent to it and a few others to say essentially, “stop whining”.
That being said, I only got on the forums like 2 hours ago and haven’t been able to read all of the 10k+ posts about it.
How exactly does it make the world feel bigger to make it more difficult to get to old zones and kill off traffic there? Previously you could go to Broken isles Dalaran or shrine in Pandaria and see people. This will kill off traffic there and make old zones feel dead. It limits the amount of places people will run into each other in old areas and so make the world feel smaller and more empty. This doesn’t include the fact that sometimes people like to hang out in old expansion areas for nostalgia and this makes that more difficult.
So here’s an idea that fits Blizzard-Activision’s actual goals pretty well: make the portals microtransactions.
Yeah, so instead of letting players have them because you actually care, you can sell them portal access for like $1.99 a pop. I mean, you guys don’t do anything cool unless there’s money involved, so here we go: players get their portals, you milk them for more money, and not everyone is happy, but at least Blizzard is happy because this is easy and profitable, and that’s all that counts, right?
Want to have easy access to the Caverns of Time? That’ll be $1.99 for a permanent portal. Oh, they want access from Northrend, Shattrath, and the Broken Isles? Well, that’s actually three portals, so that adds up to…$5.97, which admittedly, doesn’t sound like much, but since this is on a per character basis (you know, so you can make more money), those microtransactions are going to add up fast!
This is totally up your alley: you’re apathetic about making an enjoyable gaming experience but you’re fairly enthusiastic about money, so why not?
And you’d think after 10k posts Blizzard would realize they’ve got a serious hot potato on their hand. But, they seem determined to burn their hands and went through with it. I logged on earlier and the patch downloaded.
Now obviously they can always hotfix things. But as it stands, they’re holding the burning hot potato, and there are probably Blizzard devs stupidly wondering why they’re smelling burning flesh.
Attention to whoever in charge. If you want to know what wrong please read.
Fully understand it your game and you can do with it what you will. The problem is you are catering to yourself and smaller player base and not to the larger player base. That is the core problem. First is you are not the original designers of the game. You have your own ideas that are counter to them and the majority player base built by them. One thing most larger player base agree with. The original designer had the larger players base ideas and want for the game in mind. Naturally, it would be in the interest of the game to allow the team to decide things. As they had lager players base motivations and desire coincide with themselves. However, they no longer with the game.
Like with flying, global cooldown, azurite armour and among other thing. You do not have the basic idea of what larger players base want any more. Only what you and smaller player base want in the game. That has lead to ever increasing depleting player base.
The found principles need to evolve and take away the notion that you know what best for the game. Due to the fact they continue to ignore what good portions of players want to lead to the smaller player base of like mind players. If things do not change it will continue to get smaller. Till you only have ones who agree with your designs. As the current team is really oblivious to what larger portions of players want. Based on the outrage over several key things that have been tried since WOD. This team wants only what it wants and that not the way to do things. If they had even a small glimpse into it the players base would grow. Instead of shrinking till only they and what left who agree with them is left.
Humility is needed here. Not pride.that what you guys are blindsided too. Pride always lead to a road of ruin.
Oh for sure. I don’t know how much blame we can honestly place at the feet of the devs though. How much of this is simply, “do this” from directors who are reporting to the executives.
The thing about a change like this is, indifference is support. A change that is purely reductive isn’t going to be praised, but if it’s accepted by the majority, then that is functionally the same as support.