Rearranging and Removing Portals

I really didn’t mind the RNG, to be honest. There were mildly irritating elements to it, but I’ve always had abysmal luck, so RNG hating my guts has tempered me against frustration on that front.

As for the artifact, I loved them. They altered gameplay for classes and specs in fun ways, even without the grind. I’m hoping Blizzard recaptures some of that when they change the Azerite system as they’ve said they would in 8.2 – but I don’t have my hopes up.

Pathfinder and flying limitations aren’t a subject I want to discuss in this thread – typically, my opinions on that subject are not received well, as I not only like it, but as someone who enjoys wPvP, I actually enjoy the periods of time where I’m grounded. The balance of some-flying; some-grounded cycle could be tweaked some, sure, but the overarching design concept isn’t something I take issue with.

Probably evident at this point from my other statements, but I don’t agree with this. Legion was better than WoD for a significant number of reasons IMO, but that’s a discussion for another thread, and probably one that’s been beaten to death repeatedly, so I’ll just stick with what I’ve already said.

Ultimately, it’s not whether or not feedback or advice can help them. Obviously, it can. They simply aren’t using it wisely, at least as far as I can see.

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Same here. I detest scaling. I would much prefer some form of mentoring system (such as EQ2 has), so it would be optional.


Completely agreed, seems unnecessary and the justification was flimsy . Throne of thunder and Northern Eastern Kingdoms are now really inaccessible. Seems like a mistake to me.

When you make decisions like this, you show us incrementally that you value the length of time it takes us to do things more than you value the us having fun while we do them. We’ve both known that you’re a company and you value money. We’ve both agreed that as long as you provide us enough fun, we’ll keep giving you money. But when you keep showing us that you aren’t interested in keeping the game fun as transparently as you have for the BFA cycle, we’ll take our money and go elsewhere.


Old content not supported… except they keep adding things to old raids. Like the Pandaria Raiding with Leashes thing coming in the same patch they’re removing Shrine portal.

It’s like the level and rewards design teams don’t even talk to each other. I wonder if design bothered to run this past engineering to see how the servers will cope with spinning up extra zone shards for people tabbed out on taxis who would have otherwise ported to their destination…


This isn’t about our feedback guys, it’s about being lazy. They already said it would hit on the 12th, no matter how unfinished, controversial or half-donkey’d… they will put it out on the 12th and batten down the hatches in hopes of weathering the storm.

That’s why there is no further comment on the matter. They want it to die off and deal with it later because they felt they didn’t have the time to fix anything this week. Only way to drive the message home is the same way it was taken care of in WoD; cancel your sub, take your survey, and tell them why you’re leaving.

Plenty of other games to play while we wait for Blizz to get their head out of their butts. :smile:


TL;DR - Play Ions way or get out.


“spectacularly mediocre”

I love it! :+1:

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If anything, I think they’re trying to breathe new life into it.

This aint the way to do it.


Well, I mean, liposuction isn’t the way to get rid of unwanted fat (as opposed to targeted exercise), but that doesn’t stop people from doing it.

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Same here. Especially if I were to make any more new alts. I would want to be able to have quick access to all of the racial capitals. The new portal rooms don’t include portals to Ironforge or Thunder Bluff. At least Undercity can be accessed by a portal on the old zep tower and Darnasus has a portal at the docks. TB only has the flight paths or the slow zep there and IF isn’t much better (at least you can walk the length of the track if you get tired of waiting for the tram to arrive). The only portals to IF and TB are in the new expansion’s capitals… and even if I had bought BfA, it would be a royal pain to get a new alt there.


“Blocking new content”?

How is not removing portals, that have been in the game for years, “blocking new content”?

It sounds like you have bought into the idea that players must be forced to play a certain way in order to comply with the “new vision” that the current iteration of devs has for WOW.

The fact that this view differs so much from what the original devs had in mind, yet appearss to be where this new group seems determined to make players go, is just another picture of how they seem to be in a hurry to erase everything and stamp their own personal mark on the game.

Problem is, lots of players do not like where we seem to be going, or, at the least, have reservations about turning WOW into a game on rails where any kind of game play but the “correct” game play is punished, or is made less and less convenient, or even possible.

After 12 years, I have a problem with being told that I am not suppose to play the game the way I always have enjoyed playing it.

I have more of a problem with devs that are progressively cutting players, who do not play the game the way their “new vision” says it must be played, out of things that they have been able to obtain since BC (Looking at flying here, but there are lots of other things as well).

The portal issue is just one of the many changes that represent the current views of devs who have determined that I WILL be a dungeoneer, and preferably a raider, whether I like it or not, or I will no longer be able to have the things that I have always been able to obtain.

They are practically inviting players to leave and that should be a red flag even at the highest levels of Blizzard.

I will await your response to how the removal of portals is “blocking new content” with bated breath.



Activision-Blizzard will just put a new item in their market that will offer portals for convenience. They are also doing this to increase play time per active player. This way their precious investors can see that the game is not dead yet.

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Missing my “Likes” again. Have some thumbs up:


This company really seems to hate the majority of travel means.
I remember when they removed the “have group, will travel” perk. And then they started talking about removing flying completely, to compromise with what we have now.
And now its starting with portals that have been in place for years
It makes me feel that there’s a grand plan afoot that we haven’t seen yet.
Maybe the devs dream is that we will be ground based in a few expacs, confined to flight paths, reduced portals and walking if we want to get anywhere.


How is not removing portals, that have been in the game for years, “blocking new content”?

Like I said, it is a really weird example since this is a really questionable “content” that I’m not even fully behind, but this applies to all kinds of content that could hassle old content farmers. Possible examples being: making old content accessible in other ways, zone and dungeon remakes and things of this nature.

Out of likes, have a :+1:


Which will be promptly ignored because it doesn’t fit their vision of the game, unfortunately.


And runs absolutely counter to the claim that they want the world to feel large and alive.

It’s like saying, “We want you to go outside more, so we’re taking away some of the doors; now if you want to go outside, you have to use the door on the far side of the house only.”

Edit: Thinking on it, it’s actually worse than just removing the doors. It’s taking the time and expense to remove the doors, while the pipes are leaking, the paint is peeling, and there’s a good chance the ceiling will fall in. But sure, those doors need removing…