Rearranging and Removing Portals

As i said then, not a single iota of empathy and its all about YOU.
I have mages. I dont need the portals. others DO.
No one here really cares if you cant fathom THEIR needs in the game. They’ll complain when Blizzard pulls this infantile crap every time.

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Yes, you are doing content that is equivalent (probably way more boring) than a job as a truck driver, I don’t get it…

Of course its common practice. Especially when there is a merger. The problem crops up when you have two companies that merge that have diffierent priorities on how they run things.

Things can too easily shift toward one side taking more and more control. And while they’re technically partners, one side may as well be a subsidiary of the other.

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I am sorry but if I wanted to pay $15 a month to fly around org 24 hours a day, why would that bother you?


Ever buy mats on the AH?
You can thank FARMERS like ME for them being there when you go looking
I waste MY time so YOU dont have to.


I think fear is what is driving folks at blizzard to speak up with bad changes they know won’t end well. 800 people just lost their jobs.
I imagine behind the scenes at blizzard is something like this now


They should be more fearful of no response or they’ll just get a thread with unlimited responses.

This isn’t a fair statement. If you’re to be allowed the subjectivity of your own opinion, you need to be in a mindset to allow the subjectivity of others’.

This line here? Not cool. Hard to defend your ability to state your own opinion when you follow that defense by insulting things others may enjoy.


Yeah, I’ve never seen something like this in my life on any forums. Just insane.


the ability to understand and share the feelings of another

Absolutely non existent in some.

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It’s not just the portals.

It is the portals, the loss of guild controls, pathfinder part 2, the loss of UI options (that we now have to use add-ons for), the pruning of class abilities, removal of content, etc, etc, etc. All of which affect everyone whether they are playing in the new expansion or not. It all adds up.


Yes, but… progressing my max level character is pretty irrelevant to me, honestly. It happens, but I don’t go out of my way to do it. I like to quest and do various things out in the world. “Old” content isn’t old to me.


This portal crap just made me realize they aint stopping.
This line of tripe WILL proceed into the future and am I willing to go down with this ship.
The answer is no…Im not.
Im bailing while I can still stand to play MMO’s.


You don’t need portals to farm relevant herbs. And the zones where these herbs are have mobs that can’t be 1 shoted by an auto attack, and you can do a quest or 2 in the mean time, fight some hordies, etc… it is not 100% travel time.

3313 posts not a single blue not even a jerk blue nothing no response from the devs.

Can’t they take a few moments and talk with us and not at us?


I’d chalk this up mostly to courtesy rather than empathy. I don’t empathize easily with people whose opinions differ from my own, but if I expect to be treated like my opinion is valid, then I must extend the same courtesy to others.

There always a struggle between them for control til one sides gives in or one leader ceo decides to look for a better job else ware one that is less stressful or is replaced with those the other side fully trust.Does this sound familiar?

If you are wondering why people are having a hard time taking you seriously in here, statements like this are why.

It sounds like you have a complete lack of empathy reading your posts in here.


blah blah blah.
You dont NEED portals OR to FLY either.
This is about TIME SPENT.
Empathy. go learn some. Not having it isnt making it easy to take you seriously.

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Sounds like? She called someone mental for this thing earlier. Ridiculous.

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