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What is the cooldown on a mage portal cast anyway? I never played a mage so I wouldn’t know.
comes complaining about 2-3 minutes of extra travel multiplied by 10 alts that he uses to obsessively farm.
It is really hard to take seriously.
If you don’t like traveling, go do content that involves doing something besides traveling.
thats just stupid. MANY of us FARM. 30 or MORE trips a DAY times 3 more minutes PER TRIP is how much WASTED TIME for NO blasted reason?
no one cares if you take anyone here seriously.
posts like yours really make me adore the fact that Master Loot was removed.
There is no cd
It’s irrelevant to you because you can’t fathom people playing this game any other way than you do. You’re doing it to yourself.
I’m not suggesting it isn’t – only that I’ve not heard any such news, and I typically pay attention to that sort of thing. Hence, requesting a source.
My conspiracy theory on why this is being done. Some “Designer” is making a play for influence and or power in the office and using Portals as their horse. There is no value in adding more inconvenience to their dwindling playerbase. This design choice speaks purely of someones pet or vanity project.
It is, but they would have to have two portals, one for at-level players in the Jade Forest, and one in the Vale for max level players. And apparently, having two portals on a massive continent is beyond the pale for modern day Blizzard.
I don’t say I agree with it, I’m just saying, unlike the Legion portal going to Azsuna, this isn’t moving the destination, it’s a straight-up deletion.
One sort of person who makes me the sickest is those who have not one iota of empathy because their entire existence revolves around THEM.
I have mages, I dont NEED the missing portals. Others DO.
That you wouldn’t be hearing it is slow but steady paced then before you know it is done and no way to reverse it.
Yes, you do obscene amounts of content that is 100% travel time. You shouldn’t be complaining about travel time…
The person I was talking to asked me this specific question
I really love the fact that master loot was removed. It was an outdated mechanic that had no place in the game.
I’ve got 7 or so 120s that I RP with routinely…20-something-ish more between 110 and 120. They can all hop in depending on the storyline or setting. Someone’s snakebit? Call the hunter. Someone is down in the dumps? Therapist Paladin to the rescue!
Sometimes I get tired of running DS on mages, so I’ll go in with a hunter or a rogue. Or a warrior. Or a paladin. Ulduar on a druid…Ulduar on a shaman. Firelands on a shaman.
They all get ore, or herbs, or fish, or skins…I make mog stuff for myself or my friends…I give feasts to those of the raiding population on the server that are RP-friendly. So we can all roleplay to our heart’s content. In the Role Playing Game. That is what WoW is to me. It’s meaningful, to me.
Pronouncements like yours about what is and is not acceptable are your opinion, not an immutable law of gaming. And you know what they say about opinions…
< hands over a can of Febreze >
Empathy doesn’t really figure in on something like this. One’s own way of playing the game is the only relevant factor when providing feedback on the game. On some things, we can convince one another that change is good. Or not good, as the case may be.
On others, we can only state our opinion, and let the devs use that in whatever fashion they may to make a design decision.
This is the latter of the two.
Master looter was amazing. What? It helped you give gear to raiders who performed and showed up. Wow.
All the remove LFR posts are the reason I’m so happy Master Loot was removed.
Thats about as asinine as saying that a truck driver who makes 10 trips a week shouldnt care to take the LONG way around each time.
Good lord. Your responses are worse than tarcs.
I never thought it would be possible, but yeah, worse than Tarc’s lol.
Yes sorry, I really don’t get the appeal of spending hours traveling to the same place over and over with different characters, to me is just loot on a string to make you do boring content. He asked me if I had a bias against old content, I answered.
and then theres that.
So you have a bias to hating old content, the one thing that people who liked the portals like to do. See how you are already starting off on the wrong foot here? It isn’t about the portals for you. It’s about attacking players and how they play the game with their sub. I wish you’d leave.