and Im sure I read there wont be any ingoing portals to MoP except the Jade forest ones.
Absolute garbage.
why would we port, as 120’s, to some backwater nothingburg instead of the ‘capitol’ ?
Well, there are some of us who have not bought BfA, and have no plans to do so. Personally, I have given up on ever buying a new wow expansion again. Prior to Warlords, I bought a copy for each of my active wow accounts. This could be an attempt to force those of us who still play but have not bought the newest expansion to cough up the cash for it.
Let’s see … first off Bobby Kotick. No longer with the company to my knowledge. But he was an Activision employee put into upper management after the merger. A year ago (roughly) Blizzard had their CFO replaced by one from Activision.
One who is dishing out orders to reduce costs everywhere.
Nothing new in old zones anyway. As leveling has been stat squished to death, I’m running out of reasons to level might as well sit in a city and queue. Or buy the level boost. Less portals just gives more reason to not go out in the world.
The one constant question that was not addressed. Why, why ,why in the battle for azeroth is there now reason to venture out into any of it? I want to fight for azeroth. Not just in the new lands.
Maybe, I do have 0 respect for content that involves insane amounts of traveling and 1 shotting mobs and hoping for lottery level odds, a content that is not being supported in any way, and specially when the person that engages in this kind of activity that is the most torturing thing imaginable, comes complaining about 2-3 minutes of extra travel multiplied by 10 alts that he uses to obsessively farm.
It is really hard to take seriously.
If you don’t like traveling, go do content that involves doing something besides traveling.
Blizzard: “Good news everyone, remember those portals that went missing a few months back? Well, now you can buy scrolls of teleportation direct from the shop without the hassle of bothering your fellow mage players. Sold individually for $1 or a bonus pack which contains a few not sold separately for $19.99. Don’t miss out get yours now !”
And that’s exactly my problem the Jade Forest portals are farther away then the vale for farming collection items. Farming old raids and world bosses from the vale is much more convenient
Some time back, there was a quest on Horde side that was the transition from the Barrens to Ashenvale (after the Cata revamp). This quests was broken for (I kid you not) at LEAST 2 years before they put in a workaround. They STILL haven’t properly fixed it. Now we can see why. They are too busy worrying people might be getting to the Exodar auction house 5 minutes faster than they should be.
Worked really well for me.
I was playing 8-10 hours per day average for 19 months till this crapstorm started maybe 8 days ago.
since then Ive logged in just long enough to check and relist my auctions each day, then just played on the internet all day.
But they do need to keep the Jade Forest portals, for anyone who still wants to quest through Pandaria “in order”. And they refuse to have a second portal to the continent, even though that would be the most sensible solution: Keep the Jade Forest portals where they are, put a Shrine portal in the actual portal room (locked until players open the Vale, if they really want to be petty about it).
Just because someone else plays the game differently than you doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You are basically saying you don’t care about the portal change which means you don’t care about the players who use them frequently. Why are you even here? It’s clear you just don’t care about others and how they feel they enjoy the game. It’s kind of sad.
This is common practice in companies ,it’s no different in any industry.The one company had this happen to it and i have seen it happen 3 times in over 33 yrs.
Just because someone else plays the game differently than you doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
I completely agree,
You are basically saying you don’t care about the portal change which means you don’t care about the players who use them frequently.
No, I’m saying that a player that does content that is 100% traveling, complaining about traveling is hypocritical.
Why are you even here?
If I agreed with you you wouldn’t be asking this question… I’m here because there are 8000+ posts of people overreacting about completely irrelevant stuff.