So I log in to see how long maintenance will be today (no notification on launch window, because why would there be?) and what do I find? A link I can click to check server status. Well alright, that’s what I was looking for.
Realm Status page is here: Realm Status - Americas & Oceania - World of Warcraft (
Edit: I noticed after the fact that the realm status page has the link you listed in the original post and is used for additional information. Does look like that link is broken for whatever reason. Not sure if it’s intended or not.
Well, given the fact that that page would only show the status of the servers, not if they’re able to be log-on to, it isn’t useful. More of when there’s another server, namely the authentication servers, would affect it. There expected time it’d be back up is 11AM PDT, about 2PM EST.
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I should’ve been more specific. I was looking for the page where they indicate how long maintenance is expected to last, which should have been on the link I posted. Where did you find the expected time it would be back up?
My launcher has a notification window on it. Maybe restart your launcher.
It says maintenance is expected to last until 11 AM PDT
The realm status page hasn’t been used since 2021 as it had an extremely limited reach, as noted by the number of visits it received. So it was retired.
We use multiple sources to provide information on Maintenance.
Our site:
The Battlenet Desktop app and Twitter (X) to provide breaking news.
I’m not sure what you mean by no information in the launch window. I posted that myself on Friday and has been up since.
If you aren’t seeing it, I’d check to make sure you are logging into the correct region on the Battlenet Desktop App (making sure you aren’t logged into the European region) and that your language is set correctly (i.e. make sure you aren’t on UK English, but US English).

Thank you, Vrakthris - this was the error for me. I just want to note it seems like a strange and new oversight? I’ve always use UK English because I’m actually British, but I play exclusively on the US servers - I always used to get maintenance times on either the desktop app or in the login screen, which don’t appear to happen on either right now.
I don’t want a twitter account and the site is now essentially unusable for people who don’t have one - I found this thread because I was looking for the info, there was nothing on the client about it. Are there any plans to return maintenance messages to the game login page?
First, thank you for responding. That message is not visible on my launcher. Language settings are correct. I have DF installed, but have not yet updated the software to include TWW, and the logo on the left of the launch window just says “World of Warcraft” and nothing else. Perhaps the older version was not included in the update with your maintenance message?
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There normally should be. It seems an issue with the Warband page was blocking the second message in the WoW client itself. That has been reported.
Do you know if this Status Page needs to be manually refreshed in the browser or will it dynamically update?
As far as I know it is dynamic, though I believe it has been known to pick up the realm status when the realms are technically active for internal testing before they become live. I’m not sure if it still does that.
That page should probably be updated though since it does seem to list the old forum page, which can cause a bit of confusion. I’ll see who I need to bug for that.