That’s because they are shutting down the login server to prevent people from login in during maintenance. So the realms are technically still up you just can’t get passed the login server. Then as they start shutting the realm servers down for maintenance you will see the status page update with them being down.
Then they should include a line for the login servers, which is really what we care about since that has to resolve before the servers themselves do.
Because their player base has gotten so big over the years that they dont need to care anymore. They could lose 200 thousand players and its really not going to effect them that much, so in their minds why should they communicate. Very typical for large companies but its absolute horse manure.
I am an old school player as well from back then and you are absolutely right the status page almost always worked correctly AND they let us know when the servers were going down no matter the case. This is unacceptable for any game with a player base as large as WOW. With that being said I just started playing again after about a 15 year break so I am still learning what has and hasn’t changed. We are not off to a good start thats for sure lol
It is still not working properly.
It seems axiomatic that a web page devoted to delivering accurate information about server availability, should report said availability.
If it’s not enough for the server to be online in order to enable login, perhaps the page should be modified to so indicate. Server online, login offline would be useful.
is it still down for anyone or is it just me?
Just you it seems. Try reloading.
The realm status page isn’t used anymore, been retired since 2021:
Realm Status? - Support / Customer Support - World of Warcraft Forums
My launcher always tells me the maintenance status with pretty up to date information.
begone necromancer sprays holy water
Yeah, this result comes up when you search for WoW status. So, it’s still relevant to this day. The idea that posting on an older forum post is “bad” is the very definition of asinine and toxic. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Yes all posts do, even ones years old. it’s not like the EU forums when a post thats been in active for a certain amount of time is removed. NA has to use date, which was honestly not used. Seeing as you bumped a post that hasnt seen activity in 5 months
Bumping old threads is really not a good idea. It is considered spam.
The most current related thread was on the CS forums a week or so ago where the Blues marked the “solution” as the post explaining it is retired.
WTB auto locking threads on GD after 30 days inactivity.
Removing posts is just bad policy, period. Also, that isn’t how the EU forums work, since I’ve seen posts on the EU forums from years ago. And no, not “all posts do”. Relevant posts do.
No, it is not spam. You’re just making things up now.
The forum rules disagree with you. You may want to familiarize yourself with them. Also the linked forum code of conduct.
Same, maybe start a go fund me page?
Nothing is relevant about a post that hasn’t seen action in 5 months. The RSP has been defunct for years now. it’s been posted about many times by CS. Bumping old threads is considered spam.
They have the ability to do it with this forum software. They just don’t for some reason I can’t understand. Some of the other Blizz forums have that option turned on. I mean, give it two months inactivity even if they want to be generous. It would solve the whole issue of necros.
That is not what I did, at all. Not even in the smallest of ways. I searched on Google, this was the top result, I responded here so that others who come here will see the correct answer. I was not bumping them to bring them up to the top of the forum queue, I was posting here to put a final pin in the post and provide an answer, nothing more. I don’t care where it appears in the forum lists. 99.9% of users search on Google and get brought to a post, they don’t search forums actively.
This post is still revelent no matter what you claim. It is at the top of google results. And people wonder why they consider WoW players toxic…thanks for demonstrating that.