Realm Status Page

Can you all please keep the Realm Status page updated? It shows realms as online when they are not. Also, it would be nice if the launcher showed if realms are offline/online (maybe either a tab with the same details on the Realm Status page or a generic green or red circle to show online/offline).


Woot, what he ^ said - especially the part about explaining outages on the launcher.


You have to tell a high end gaming company the simplest things.
It’s sad isn’t it?

I mean they’ve had since '04 to get this one right.


on my end it looks like half the severs are down


yeah you figured they would have had time enough to fix that sh@@@ i guess not lol


I just checked it. They are all showing red and down to me.


But all severs are breakdown…

Yes, it looks like most are showing offline, but it shows some as online (which are not). Maybe they are physically online in their data center, but not available for players to access?

Edit: It looks like they are now all showing as offline. I guess it has a 15 minute lag? It’s confusing when I visit it and see my realm as online and check the game and it isn’t (even 5+ minutes after it still showed as online - now it correctly shows as offline).

Realms are online tho

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yup for how long the question is lol.

It always surprises me when companies forget about customer communications. It’s so basic.


how DARE you question our
sanctified developers!
they are above petty considerations
of courtesy to we who
keep the lights on for them!
i love this game more than anyone i know…
but…this is what happens when love is
recognized and abused.

Small indie company… not enough staff to update the launcher to let people know its not their launcher thats broken, their is a maintence window happening… sigh


yep…such an easy fix…to extend a little common courtesy.
but no…we’re/me included stiil here…therefore…
they don’t have to…so…they don’t.

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Dearest Blizzard, I mean Activision, I mean Microsoft…who knows anymore. historically, and I mean from vanilla in 2004, the “Realm Status” page would do two things, and in my estimation it did them well, for a while.

First thing it did was truly show if realms were accessible. Not “down” per se, but accessible. This is important. Today’s page shows intermixed green checks for “online” and red “x” for offline, but the green check servers are NOT accessible, WHICH MEANS DOWN!!

Second thing it did was, in a nice little paragraph at the top of the page, link to a Blizzard employee post on the Forum to explain that day’s events, even if it was a 10,000 foot view and had zero technical details. Today’s page STILL has the link, but to nothing, just a broken page.

Blizzard employees gave a damn about their product. Slowly, through acquisition and attrition, y’all have stopped caring about the World of Warcraft product, it’s players, or the ecosystem that was so lovingly crafted over 20 years ago.

Sometimes it’s just the little things that make us love a damn game. In this case, it was a lot of big and little things, in a game that had been crafted with love and respect for the gaming community. Seems some have lost sight of that. It’s a pity.

Please fix this.


yes please , have server status properly reflected, i don’t care if the server is "powered on or not, i care to know if it’s playable or not. You can add more colors if you want, red powered off, purple powered on, yellow pingable, green playable, if you want to keep it simple to 2 colors, keep green for playable and red for not playable.


Yea, game says no servers available, server status page shows TONS of green circles. Talk about false advertising.


And sadly, they are still wrong.

Showing All green for me @10:15am eastern

Not even a banner to let us know when back up. Sheesh.

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