Realm Policy

It’s gone from funny to irritating pretty quick. What sort of precedence does one need to set for proper moderation? Seriously? This guy that keeps getting muted for harassment and slurs, now only here to do the same thing? Again? And now he’s broken his own ceiling by insulting people using archaic 2000-2007 internet speak and suggesting that blood elf players are offenders of sexual harassment? This is disgusting. Are some folks on the moderation team surprised at what he immediately went to go do? I guess it’s just another disappointing decision. This is just dumb. This isn’t the General Discussion forums or some low-ball trolling in a larger public board. This is a server board. This is a known offender on multiple accounts, multiple levels, and shows no signs of changing.


moderation bad, we been knew


Odds are there’s one, maybe two poor interns that have to monitor all the realm forums themselves, so they’re stuck with a gigantic backlog of reported posts to go through. (Hell, they probably have to monitor GD, too, since that forum’s generally a dumpster fire as well.)

Meanwhile, the CS forums are absolutely pristine, thanks to the multiple blues in there on a daily basis.

Interesting. You all remember Dehmahka who is totally not a certain OP’s alt account.

Take a gander at this

Same achieves and the achieve dates match. Hi Aggressor.

Boy howdy do I wish that were true but I remember the day when a literal handful of mods were mass moving posts because of… Ahem. The day’s events. I don’t know if anybody who checks on the realm forums are consistent but I’ve seen a few names and those are just the ones that were visible.

I don’t know if it’s policy, backlog, or other system related issues but… Well. I can only offer so much empathy to the employees when we’ve seen how others have used their power.

Can you please identify where did I wrote this


If you’re not going to clarify the point you were trying to make then people are going to default to the assumption that you were insinuating that BE players are offenders of sexual harassment.

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His alt account’s posts are gone… that was quick

My point was that Machinimas are usually played by blood elves or elves. Same for twitch when there is event more than PVP.

I really won’t bother explaining now how this people just do this regardless how much I explain and how this comments from same people HAS NOTHING to do with my posts/threads and so on you can see it by yourself on my posts but wait if you do it you will be called my alt so don’t.

Your parents really should be more aware / involved with your internet activities.


You are no one to talk about my parents or my family, and make sure you know your limits.

If this is how you explain things, please put more effort into it.

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Do you know my limits?

Do you know your limits?

What the literal, actual, genuine, unadulterated hell does this mean.


Effort is put when audience is worth it :grimacing:

Now enjoy talking about me guys and “like” each others comments.

Your inability to communitcate is not an issue for the audience to solve.


Come on fhqwhgads


Also, obligatory tumblr to join that Varsity Snax one


Truly, no one has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like.