Realm List Populations Updated -- Oct. 28

Phase 2 fast approaching and some realms still have layers? Hmmm…


On an Ocianic server, its so dead now.
Can i get a “Free Character Migration” to a server that has population. MMO isn’t Massively Multiplayer Online when only a couple hundred people are on a server.
Currently playing a TMO Tiny Multiplayer online :frowning:


Currently on a dead server, this seems to be a bigger issue then over populated server. Please fix

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Pagle is where I would send my friends and family. Herod is for the serious players.

wtb paid transfer

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Paid Transfer PLEASE! I made a mistake going to EF and it takes so long to find a group now, just make it so we can switch from low-med pop to High pop at least


Not only that, there were full stat breakdowns of races, classes, level curves.

The freedom of information really helped drive my decisions about what I wanted to play.

I wish we could have even aggregated type metrics such as those for Classic, it would be great for picking which server suits your playstyle the best.

why not do like private servers? since classic wow is aimed to be a paying private server from blizz…
show the current in game numbers instead of those from last week. since those numebrs cant be 100% accurate, because you ban the bots and they remake new accounts…

Im confused, do you mean if the server has a queue when you log on?

Im assuming if there is no shop button on my log in screen then transfers dont exist.

PS I will also PAY for transfers!

If your server has a queue you should just get a display asking if you want to transfer. It did that when I ran into queues on Pagle.

As the only thing I can recall in the shop is the free transfer, I imagine that if your realm isn’t one of the layered realms you will not have the option for a transfer.

“All of the servers have more people than any server did 2006-2008.”
QFT, most servers had no activity outside peak times. I played during non peak times, even 5 man content at 60 was rough. I had to change my sleep pattern to be on during peak times for raiding, which was opposite to the server time.

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How about instead of just 'High/Medium/Low population" you give a proper census detailing level 60s you troglodytes

so inept it’s infuriating

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wtb paid transfer²

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How about just giving us 3 columns:
Current (logged in) Population Level
Total Population Level (last 7 days)
Faction Balance (last 14 days)

As for layering… By your own admission, servers are hosting higher numbers than they did in vanilla, yet over population in high level (50+) areas is a growing issue, one which you continue to ignore.

Zone sizes are the same. Spawn points and respawn timers are (mostly) unchanged. Quest kill/item requirements are unchanged. Yet we have a multiple of how many players vs vanilla now in these unchanged areas competing for completion? This ‘competition’ that has blown quest completion timers in to the double digit multipliers compared to vanilla is supposed to be ‘fun’ how exactly?

#nochanges may look good on paper and in select focus groups, but the reality is a fuster cluck in progress. Turn layering back on, leave it on.

(ps, if you need help figuring out how to properly manage layering restrictions, take a look at other games that allow players to pick their own ‘layer’, but impose a measured lockout on moving to another layer without assistance)


Paid transfers when? I missed out on transferring to Heartseeker to play with (and gank occasionally) my husband.