What is going on that the [Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, and Thunderlord have been down all morning?
Blizzard is currently working on connecting some realms together.
There is a Breaking News up that says the following:
Realm Connections - August 20th, 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM (PDT)
The following realms will undergo maintenance to complete their connections:
Eldre’Thalas, Korialstrasz, Akama, Dragonmaw, Mug’thol, Korgath, Cenarius, Perenolde, Cairne, Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, Nazjatar, Azgalor, Azshara, Destromath, Ursin, Andorhal, Scilla, Zuluhed, Eonar, Velen, Madoran, Dawnbringer, Azuremyst, Staghelm, Garona, Icecrown, Malygos.
It’s been up for several days but you may not have seen it before maintenance began.
For more information check out the post in the General discussion forum.
Why is Azgalor the ONLY realm that’s down now after maintenance?
Helps to not necro a post from 2 years ago…
There’s more recent post, funny if the Google mod served up this necromancer special. Check out the front page and grab a coffee.
Why is Khadgar is down as well? No mention of Khadgar in the list.
Because they necroed the post from two years ago.
Both my realms, Daggerspine and Gilneas are down as well
Give if another try, all realms should be showing as online now.
Given the age of this thread I"m going to lock it up.