Realm Consolidation Update - Oceanic Realms

Suggestion to keep server transfers open.

Proposal to turn shadowstrike into the gdkp server.

What happened to the free transfers? I log on after maintenance and its no longer an option

Because CS is full we get ques again now its horrible

Ah fair enough, I guess ill just do dungeons with the 2 level 20s that are the only other people online then

that sucks sorry about the luck. Hopefully blizz fixes this sooner then later ( doubtful )

I’ve made a thread here that requests shadowstrike have transfers kept open permanently as we’ve been able to transfer back and forth and make the server playable.

We still have access to a working AH on crusaderstrike and if we need groups can go there but also have the option to come back for raids while this isn’t the most ideal situation i am certain if you announce you will allow the transfers to remain open guilds may consider setting up raids on shadowstrike for the oceanic ping and just going to crusader strike when needed.

Thank you.

your posts are 100% troll

I’m going to start reporting you for harassment and also ignore your profile leave me alone thanks.

where you able to get over to CS?


If they can’t give us OCE seeded servers, at least let us transfer back and forth to raid on OCE ping. There won’t be any economy issues with this, considering everybody is free to transfer to CS whenever they want.

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off topic, but, can the devs please do something about the world map resetting after doing a character transfer? this bug is cancer and y’all don’t do anything about it…

Keep transfers open indefinetly between shadowstrike au and crusaderstrike for oceanic solution.

This is cooked as. crusader strike has 260 ping vs wild growth US 160ping. this is consistent with the entire east coast of Australia. blizzards solution is to send the dominant server in the region to the biggest lag fest imaginable, why not let us choose the better ping server. what a waste of time sod has ended up being jsut as we are getting to the good stuff. 3 raid teams a month ago down to 0. If i didn’t know better id guess your just forcing us rejects to go to retail so we continue to pay for your bad service.

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Hopefully they will leave transfers open for shadowstrike.

I totally understand your frustration. It’s really disappointing when server issues like high ping and lag disrupt the gaming experience, especially for entire raid teams. Blizzard should definitely consider allowing players to choose servers with better ping to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable experience. However, opening up servers for constant free transfers could introduce new problems or exacerbate existing ones.

For instance, there are already complaints about name reservations.

How would Blizzard address this issue if players are constantly transferring back and forth?