Realm Connections -- September 2-3

Maybe you can fix the server lag too, cause this is ridiculous.


One more Earthen Ringer hoping for just a bit of new vitality on our server. We love ER, please help keep it alive!


That is what I was thinking. The top guild on Aman’thul is 11/12M and the economy is almost dead. People know me as the only person who posts actual trade in trade chat. They should have left Barth and Frostmourne alone and merged just about every other OCE server with each other. It would have kept the numbers of alliance/ horde relatively even and it would still be smaller than the other 2. You are going to have some angry players if you ignore servers like aman’thul.

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Good bye sweet low populated but chill Nordrassil/Muradin.

The Dreadmaul and Thaurissan would be better off under B.arthilias

As for Aman’thul being heavy Alliance, Dath’Remar + Khaz’goroth would be a good place to connect.


I truly cannot believe that, after looking the Oceanic realm landscape, they have decided to merge Dreadmaul/Thaur with Frostmourne.

It gives guilds and players on all 3 realms basically no increase in playerbase being that both are like 95%+ opposing factions. Absolutely bizarre decision.

I guess you’ll make some money as the remaing Horde on that group of servers finally decides to transfer their characters to Barthilas… Because connecting realms to help the actual players would be such a silly idea now, wouldn’t it? :slight_smile:

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Whoa nelly, new friends!

Edit: Funny, I started on Lothar when the game launched in Vanilla lol. Strange seeing it come back around.

For the love of Elune, can we have a connection to Aman’thul cries in shadowpriest

There’s no actual high pop OCE server either, so there’s that. Frostmourne isn’t high population according to the most reliable service we have.

And am I the only one not screaming for a connection on Aman’Thul? I know it’s low pop and I know Trade is dead, and the economy is weird, but I think they’ll get to it eventually.

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So where does Spinebreaker and associated realms come into this? i see spinebreaker as posted for realm connections, but with whom?

Why on Earth are you not giving Barthilas those two realms?!

This makes NO sense! This determination makes actually less sense than connecting Hyjal to Proudmoore. The amount of times I have been grouped with Frostmourne’s Horde since starting this game, is twice. I was grouped with both of them only in 2020… To have encountered almost literally no one from Horde on Frostmourne in 14-15 years speaks volumes on the population disparity.

You’re taking an already incredibly low number of players on one faction and connecting them to a realm that is entirely controlled by the other faction. What benefit does it give the smaller player base to connect these realms? So that the players on Dreadmaul and Thaurissan can group up and/or join a guild with the 5 other Horde players on Frostmourne? So that there is access for them to more items on the AH, or something? I truly do not see the benefit. Warmode shards are going to be abysmal for those players as well.

Who in the heck is in charge of making these realm connection decisions? They really need to re-examine their metrics and do more to provide to the player base the decisions that will a) make the players happy and b) be more sustainable for the longevity of the game.


It says Spinebreaker will join Hellscream and Zangarmarsh.

Let me be the first Gnomeregan/Moonrunner player to thank you for increasing the lines for rare kills, tames, and the general congestion on our realms by 3 its going to be fun seeing 15 or twenty players camping Loque’nahak, or scalping the individual proc quest items we need. Also more competition of herbs, and fishing nodes like we weren’t already having a hard time with players phasing in from all kinds of unconnected realms (Gnomeregan players will understand for some reason our server gets way more cross traffic than would be expected.)

On top of getting rid of the low pop servers which for many of us is a nice place to detoxify from the insanity of a med/high server. Like many other blizzard moves this is obviously financially motivated where as trimming server stacks to cut costs.

If you really wanted a long term and effective cost cutting measure try moving the company to a place with a significantly lower cost of living and business overhead instead of under paying workers, squeezing the player base for more cash, or condensing equipment to the max of its specs. There are many places in this country that would be more than happy to have a large company link Blizzard, and would probably even offer tax incentives to bring you in.

Honestly, they can never make everyone happy as long as we have these group of players coming here to post stuff like “I ChOsE to be on low pop realms, StOp connecting us to other servers!” or players who are strongly against server connections because according to them “The healthiest, most populated realms are the ones that have a clear realm identity due to never having been merged. Merging in a low population realm risks that health. Risking the health of a high population realm to save server costs on a low population realms is likely a bad idea.” (pffft)

These people need their safe space and do not care about the sustainability nor the longevity of the game.


Actually, we do if we have some sort of end game playing in our cluster! We still have very low population with all those connected realms.

+1 and also a :blue_heart:.


Another voice for merging Earthen Ring. Our economy, our rp community, and our experience would be improved. Please #mergeearthenring.


I believe that merging super low pop to a high pop is good. The high pop will get new names available for use. Having 10 low together makes it hard to keep track of. You don’t know if they are connected or phased. So if someone asks for help, I would be more likely to help a connected person rather than someone spamming general chat that isn’t connected.

Here’s another voice chippin’ in hoping for the merging of Earthen Ring - I haven’t been on in a hot minute but part of that does come from the overall lacking population. It’d be a great support for our community (RP or otherwise) if we were to be merged, so please #MergeEarthenRing


Why on gods green earth would you connect one of the smallest Horde dominated Oceanic realms to THE biggest ALLIANCE DOMINATED Oceanic realm? This is actually worse than not merging them at all lol.

RIP Thaurissan players, I guess. What a horrible move