Realm Connections -- September 2-3

Yes, I probably agree, it doesn’t have any advantage I think, aside from a better AH for the thaurissan players.

i understand the of frustration of horde on Thaurissan but this is the logic i can see behind it OR blizzard is just a idiot.

I assume the reasons Thaurissan is being merged with frostMOAN is because Jubei’Thos is going to be connected with Barthilas due to having more horde and alliance on it comparably, not make frostmoan much larger and to keep the merged pools balanced in server count but honesty they should offer free transfers to horde on Thaurissan and alliance on Jubei’Thos if it happens so they can get out of that ghetto.

Also think the next ones we will see is Nagrand connected to saurfang and dath’remar connected to aman’thul or vice versa, i hope to see all these connections before shadowlands, honesty if this isn’t the plan its a bloody joke.

just dear god don’t merge forstmoan with anythingelse, nobody wants to connected to that plague and nothing else should for any reason be connected to it, it already has the highest server pop in oce with unblanced faction, the only vaild reason would be to merge all of oce togeter and nobody SANE wants that.

all this is based on the data at wow progress i am not sure if there is a better metric to check

Gnomer is seriously a dead server.

At least I’ll be able to put my horde alts in my guild’s horde side guild if they connect us to Dath’remar I guess…

How long does it typically take once the realms have been merged before I can potentially transfer a character or swap from alliance to horde? (or both)

within a few hours for sure, shouldn’t take long once a server is merged for the restrictions to be lifted.

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The real imbalance is a lack of Alliance dominant (high end) realms which has pushed up Frostmourne’s population as people search for a server where they can still play Alliance and push cutting edge progression.

Please, merge Brazilian realms Goldrinn, Nemesis, Tol barad and Gallywix, Blizzard.



i mean sure but i was just trying to see the logic behind it, i don’t think they even accounting for it, they purely looking at pops IMO, realistically Jubei’Thos and Thaurissan should just be merged with barthilas i would also say merge the rest of the realms that are not frostmoan and barthilas but they have balanced factions and that would be higher pop then frostmoan its self so i aummse that wouldn’t happen, they really just need to offer free transfers off the alliance/horde ghettos of barthilas and forstmoan and hope that 5k players around about on each side works on the remaining servers, when they finish connecting the rest of them, 5k is less then 14k on frostmoan and 9k on barthilas but i don’t see any other option they would take.

2 “balanced” 1 horde 1 alliance.

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I will never forget that ‘day’ when blizzard connected Moon Guard with WrA long time ago.

Compared to the highest pop servers? These are still ‘low’ pop.

Because the servers in question were arguably ‘medium’ pop when actually compared to the highest pop servers. But I don’t think that merge is dead… only delayed.

Don’t be fooled by the realm selector, it uses a bell curve to distribute that moniker. But the bell is heavily skewed towards low pop servers. So it’s very easy right now for servers that are near dead to still be ‘medium’ or even on the low end of ‘high’.

Aman’Thul is “medium” on that curve. lol

I think what people forget is that if you log into current content and you’re seeing any sort of CRZ… you’re low pop in effect. I know this is the case for Proudmoore and Hyjal because they CRZ with my dead realm: Terenas/Hydraxis along with Winterhoof/Kilrogg so blizz could combine all four of those… and it still probably wouldn’t be enough to turn off CRZ.

Note: Even Moonguard which is listed as ‘Full’ CRZs with WRA… so that should tell you how bad the monikers are.

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This isn’t quite correct. If a high population server has enough population for, say, one and a half shards, the half will often CRZ with other servers. People on servers with arbitrarily high populations will still see CRZ. That’s even before considering the fact that there may be cross realm groups in the shard.

If you’re always seeing CRZ and your server is always in the minority of the shard population, then you’re lower population; but some people like it that way.

According to Blizz that shouldn’t be the case, if you’re on a realm with enough pop you shouldn’t see CRZ at all. For example Bleeding Hollow and more populous realms are like that. They don’t CRZ with anyone… ever.

Pretty good evidence that Maelstrom (the Lightninghoof + 4 on your list) still needs help, especially because it’s an RP connected realm, less people do real content.

Merge Maelstrom with more realms please.

Do you have a link? Not that Blizzard hasn’t been wrong about their sharding befoew.

No, don’t. The people who actually play on the Maelstrom connected realm are happy with it now, and we do the content we like, which is really the definition of real content.

If you’re a frustrated guild Mythic raider, you’ll need to transfer to one of the few factions that can actually support a strong community for Mythic raiding guilds anyway, which on Alliance means you’ll need to go to Sargeras or Frostmourne or maybe one other realm. The RP realms are all too faction balanced to permit the large server massive majority factions needed to support these communities.

Lol no, blizz will not ever publicly disclose their sharding algorithm. But it’s not as simple as 1.5 shards means CRZ for one shard. My understanding based on past disclosures is that 1.5 shards translates into two 0.75 shards of the same realm. IIRC 1.2 wouldn’t shard either… because the hard cap for a shard should be 1.5 or at least high enough to split into two 0.6 shards.

Yes, do. Actually. This person spends all 3000 of their posts just trolling people.

And I play on Maelstrom connected realm and I am not happy, so your point is invalid, thanks.

Without a reference, that’s just a guess, though. I can imagine that’s how Ion thinks it works, but he’s not a software engineer and doesn’t really understand the implications of sharding. For that matter, at times the shards did not work the way their software engineers thought they worked, because the dynamics of this kind of thing are complex and it’s easy to miss edge cases and not-so-edge cases when programming the shard assignment algorithms.

Also, your links don’t support that point of view, though they don’t contradict it either.

Of course, the links are demonstrably incorrect in some respects. For example, I’ve used a level 1 character to anchor a group on a particular RP server’s Stormwind, and used the group to shard multiple 120 characters to that server’s Stormwind so they could attend a RP even there, even though the 120s were from a different server. This is, of course, a good thing, not a bad thing, since it allows people to RP with friends on other servers.

That contradicts the second link’s claim that (a) cross realm groups aren’t supported in RP server capital cities, and (b) that groups are anchored to the highest level’s home shard. The current Wyrmrest Accord invasion complaints also contradict (a).

At any rate, back at the beginning of the expansion when there were still enough people playing for sharding to be common, I certainly saw cases where realms with multiple shards ended up overflowing onto CRZ shards with realms with lower population.

We do have to keep in mind that the whole sharding system is primarily designed to prevent overcrowding in current zones at the most populous times, that is, immediately after release of a new expansion. Population at this late point in the expansion is about a quarter what it was at BFA release, so we should expect symptoms of low population now - it’s better than things being too crowded to play at the beginning of the expansion.