Realm Connections -- August 4

I’m talking about my server ED not yours, I’ve lvled so much toons since the 100% bonus experience and stv with warmode on is empty very rare to see players unless you in a city. Right now I’m trying to lvl a pally on Tich and i see people all the time and i actually get attacked lvling up

Stop connecting and just merge servers, then get rid of CRZ thanks.

Why? Connections are merges but better.

No they’re not.

How are they not better? They do the exact same thing and people don’t have to rename their characters and guilds.


Realm connections are mergers in all but name… they are copying all the data from 1 server to another host server blade and decommissioning realms in the process without forcing name changes/realm changes…

I dont think they will go back to fully closing servers again (they never did this in US anyway, but other regions have had some servers shut down way back in the day) and honestly I dont see what good it will do if they did that.


It will probably result in a worse game experience for the players on the servers that are already high population. We will now see the non stop trade spam that full servers have and may even have queues come shadowlands.

They keep on doing this to people - make a large population have worse game experience to benefit a small number of people.

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You know you can move the Trade channel to its own tab, right?

And you think that is the solution when we didn’t have to do that now? There was a semblence of community at times on that server, can’t see that happening at all with non stop spam

They do not do the exact same thing. If they did, they would just merge servers. No, I’m not going to waste my time arguing about this with you. It’s simple and obvious face value facts. Take it or leave it.

log in ques haven’t been a thing the last few expansions and I don’t see those ever coming back… classic is different cause they artificially cap the server population there but on the main game, well its technology has much evolved beyond that… Blizzard even stated it doesn’t matter much where the character is located these days (from a hardware perspective)…

The changes you will see in game are what matters, and honestly most of the “benefits” of low pop servers aren’t even a thing anymore… cross realm and realm hopping are a thing yet your economy is still restricted and you will likely be restricted in your interactions with other you see because chances are they are from a different server cluster. But you do keep all the dissadvatages of having a small economy. trade chat spam is a problem but lets be real these days its just a boost advertising channel and they are just as much a problem on low pop servers as high pop, pro tip: leave it or use a spam filter add-on, regardless of your current server it will help.

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You’re not making any sense. I’ve explained that connections are better because you get all the same benefits PLUS you get to keep your character and guild names. How are merges better than connections? I’m waiting.


if you do a realm check on someone on a connected server, you will notice that only 1 of the former server is active for the whole server group…

for example in the VentureCo/Lightninghoof/Maelstrom server group, its actually only the maelstrom server that still exists, the other 2 are physically copied over onto the same server blade.

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What are you talking about? I’m on what’s probably the lowest pop server in the US right now and I’ve had Trade in a separate tab since Wrath. If you’re not going to do that and complain about the spam in your chat, that’s your own problem.

I am concerned about this as well. I don’t want to be on a “Full” server, as I prefer not to have a log in queue at the beginning of a new expansion. Right now I can log into Lothar/Grizzly Hills with no issues. Please don’t screw this up for us.

No need to worry about login queues regardless of your connected server being labeled as “Full”, as I can confirm that the connected dead server cluster I have some of my characters on (Alterac Mountains / Balnazzar / Gorgonnash / The Forgotten Coast / Warsong) is somehow labeled as “Full” for whatever unknown reason and we do not have login queues on new Xpac launch days because our server cluster is DEAD and nowhere near “Full”.


Drakkari is very dead, please merge it with Quel’thalas. Or even better: merge all LATAM servers into one.

I enjoy the chat that goes on in trade chat on occasion. I would rather have that then people from a low population server some of whom obviously place no value on community.

And you had all 5 of those servers connected at the start of BfA? I actually have had log in queues on malfurion in the last year on occasion during the middle of an expansion (not long ones, i.e. less than 5 minutes).

If you enjoy it and want to read it, you can click on the Trade tab? I don’t see the issue.