Realm Connections -- August 4

It won’t exist anymore because it will be non- stop carry sales. I am not discussing this with you further. I was providing feedback to blizzard.

The 5 servers were connected back in 2014.

It was always listed as “Medium” through WoD but sometime near the end of Legion, they stared to list this cluster as “Full” and all of us still here were scratching our heads while our top progression guilds were transferring off to other populated servers.

BfA launch was smooth, and although we may have had login queues on occasion, they were very short less-than-5-min ones that aren’t worth mentioning, and besides, when it happened, it seemed like every single server were having the same login issue - not only higher pop servers.

It’s almost as if that’s what Trade is for. It’s not called Discussion, is it? There’s General chat for that. Also, Blizz isn’t going to cancel realm connections because you want to be able to have discussions in Trade chat.

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On Maelstrom there’s a similar imbalance, mostly toward classes that are good at world PVP. Hopefully that means everyone is upholding Maelstrom’s RPPVP tradition by keeping war mode on.

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800 players online was a typical number for Maelstrom when it was new.

I would expect the numbers to increase substantially when the new expansion launches, then come back down when people realize how bad the Covenant system is in actuality.

Yipes I didn’t even see my server on that list, and I was looking for it! now I’m scared

They need to connect RP realms, like Maelstrom, to a high pop non RP realm or this is never going to get any better. Merging two more low pop RP servers isn’t going to make people buy transmog items. The economy is broken on these realms, and we need some meaningful influx of people.

PLEASE create a server-wide transfer tool to transfer up to 10 players off of an RP realm - charge 100 bucks or something.

The economy is so messed up that raw materials are much more than finished goods. Potion of unbridled fury is 75g per, the mats needed are over 130g. We need a real fix for this.

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They never said this is the last of the connections, they can follow up by connecting the now merged cluster again with another east cost RP realm in the coming weeks… doing it too fast isn’t good either incase problems arise. there are enough RP servers out there that you can make some decently high pop servers out of them. Mixing RP and non Rp servers is a bad idea though.


Also servers that are already connected would be split.
You’re right. That suggestion was bad - and selfish.

I wish you would list the realms you consider to be “low pop” and how a realm is considered to be low pop (is it based on total character made for those characters? max level characters? includes active population numbers?).

Cenarion Circle/Sisters of Elune feel dead. I can level a character through just about every zone and rarely see another person. I’m in Org all the time. I see maybe one other character per day.

I have a characters on Blackwater Raiders and Ravenholdt. I can make gold just fine on those servers. Each server, even the high population ones has a different economy, you just have to find what is in demand. I don’t want them connected to an ED, or Moonguard, or WrA.

Transmog just isn’t a good seller on all servers because people can make characters on any server and buy transmog where it is cheapest. It is the same with pets and mounts since those are also account wide.

However, the same goes for selling transmog, you can farm and sell it anywhere. If you are really interested in selling transmog, just next time you have a character boost, put it on a different server and farm transmog on that server and sell it there.

There already is a fix for that. If the mats are sold at that price always, you either farm mats and sell them and buy the potions. Or you buy all the potions and relist them to a reasonable price.

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Everyone cheering these realm connections is dumb… Please come back and be sure yell about shadowlands que times!

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Unconnected to realm connections.

Korgath needs to be connected to another realm. It is a ghost town, server economy is awful. Raid progression and mythic plus progression is awful too!

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You missed the entire point of this in that the economy is backwards.

Also I know this was directed at the player above you, but why would someone want to sell transmog items on realm they don’t play on?

Same goes for buying transmog items on any realm. Like what do you think is happening here…do you think that most players have several servers they have hundreds of thousands of gold on? They don’t. I actually do, and it’s not common. I would bet that SOME players use characters on multiple servers and one server has their gold, the other is to mess around with friends or something.

The point is that making excuses about this doesn’t mean it’s not broken.

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I would think most people who are serious about transmog or mounts or pets actually do have characters on several servers because the prices vary so much.

If they are just paying for their game time with gold, you don’t have to make that gold on your main server.

The economy is not backwards. It is called supply and demand (if indeed those things are operating like that on a consistent basis).

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Again, you are confusing people who play the game JUST to make gold, with someone who is just trying to complete a transmog set, which is like the most casual thing in the world to do.

Keep defending Blizzard though, it’s gone so well thus far. Lol.

I don’t see that I am defending blizzard anywhere in this thread. I just think people making excuses for ‘x’ happening are going to be making excuses for ‘x’ happening regardless.

Also, your complaint was about not being able to sell transmog, what’s the concern about buying it now?

Well, considering I have 400+ transmog items up every 2 days and maybe 1 gets sold, that’s an issue. And yea, some of these items are kind of rare, some aren’t. Point is there isn’t enough people looking at them to make any kind of revenue on it, and that’s basically my only way of making gold.

I spent 66k leveling Alch so I could sell flasks…not only are the mats almost worth more than the flasks are, but the flasks arent selling AT ALL. And that’s a product of not having people doing enough raiding and high keys. I’m not just spouting nonsense…on Maelstrom, this is what’s happening. The AH LIFO change didn’t help anything either.

Why are you trying to sell things people don’t need/want.

and it is this business that is driving up the prices of herbs - too many people are doing exactly like you wanting to make easy gold without putting much effort into it - and make gold on items for which there is little demand.

I am on a high population server and I can rarely sell transmog gear.

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