Realm Connections -- August 4

Where would I find an updated list of all the connected realms including the ones done several years ago.

7:40 P.M. Friday night on Maelstrom/Lightninghoof/Venture-Co.

150 Alliance online.
307 Horde online.

Twisting Nether and Ravenholdt are a bit lower once you remove the bot farms in instances from the count.

If all five of these servers were connected today, there would be about 800 players online at prime-time on a pandemic Friday. Once Shadowlands releases and the expansion has had a couple months to get stale, we’ll be back down to sub 400 numbers at prime-time on the weekend, even when we’re all connected.

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You can go to the front page of the Forums and scroll all the way to the bottom and check out “All Realms” section. ( I would assume it won’t be “updated” until after the connections are finished on August 4th)

As for the connections done back in 2014, this article pretty much covers it.

Starting to see the same pattern as I did last time Blizz did realm connections, rather than doing a round of connections for all the low pop realms, they focus on the same group of servers several times over while others continue to slowly die off and by the time they get to those servers the situation is worse and needs more help than it would have if they had just gone through them all once then gone back for a second round if needed.

How do you see those numbers?

I doubt this is the case. Malfurion/Trollbane actually don’t need any more people already. Come Shadowlands I am betting those servers would be approaching full status all by themselves. And Lothar/Grizzly Hills have actually better raid progress than Mal/Troll so it is really doubtful they are ultra low.

weird… this weeks mergers are all medium pop servers being joined with medium pops yet theirs skullcrusher…low pop getting no love. seems the low pops would have been addressed first.

we need more connections between realms too.2 / 3 of our community plays in a single realm (azralon) as Horde, while the other 4 realms (nemesis,tol barad, goldrinn and gallywix) have become most Alliance and bad places to play. (weak economy and very few progressing guilds) it would be fantastic if Blizzard connected all 5 Brazilian realms or even the 4 that are in a worse state.realm list shows only gallywix as “new players” but the population is low too in goldrinn n nemesis/tol barad.

Stop drip feeding which are going to be connect and tell us all of the realms you are going to connect. You already know which ones you are going to connect so what is stopping you telling your paying customers?


They’re about 475 here, not much better.

idk about you but I got ganked as soon as I hit STV.

omg, yes. SoE and CC are soooooo dead. I go to Org and it’s a ghost town.


does this indicate a downward trend? needing to merge servers this way , this late?

anyways. come to grizzly hills were pretty cool :wink:

/who 1-100
/who 101-110
/who 111-119
/who 120 Mage
/who 120 Warrior

etc, etc. If I ever reached a 50 player result, I’d add additional search parameters. I use a census addon for Classic but don’t have one for retail, although I’m sure one exists.


Just a couple of thoughts. I like connected realms.

Better auction house, less buyout all the mats and repost at high rate.
More guild choices.
More random options.
I like the fact that I can have my shaman’s pseudo last name -Lightening’sBlade and my mage -BurningBlade and also have the choice of -Onyxia as a pseudo last name.
If my preferred name is taken, I can try the connected realm.

My Druid is on Emerald Dream and was hoping that my horde toons on Ravenholdt would join there, but at not the end of the world. I logged onto alliance Ravenholdt and went to SW auction plaza then our upcoming Maelstrom SW, then to Emerald Dream SW. Counted everyone I saw and ED had 12X the number on future 5 merged realms.

I know that now is a bad time to count since things will liven up in SL.

You are going to get a full server anyway, why would someone want to go to a full server with crappy mythic raid progress.

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Thanks, I’ll give it a try.


Alterac Mountains / Balnazzar / Gorgonnash / The Forgotten Coast / Warsong would like to welcome all the new connected dead but supposedly “Full” servers to join the club.

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Basically what the realm list says is meaningless… the Bar seems to be much lower in general for US, as there are many more high pop/medium/full labeled servers here compared to EU despite those servers on average having a much lower population to a comparative EU low/medium pop server.

Regardless let me point you to EU there are a few interesting mergers happening there that further reinforce this point… In the original round we had EU-Dentarg Merge onto EU-Tarrenmill (method’s server)… this im sure wasn’t done cause Tarren Mill needed a merger, but rather to help dentarg achieve a decent population.

not fastforward to today we also have announced that EU-Blackhand (the biggest German Horde server) is being merged with the Mal’ganis server cluster this coming Wednesday (august 5)… im sure blizzard is aware that backhand doesn’t need more people but the benefits to mal’ganis are great so it does make sense.

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Here’s the numbers for Garona at 6pm on a Saturday night:

293 Alliance
179 Horde

Max level characters:
193 Alliance
106 Horde

I also want to point out that while Alliance seems more or less balanced class-wise (most are 23 mages, 22 hunters, 21 paladins and least are 10 shaman, 11 rogues and 11 monks) the horde is kind of, uh… Let’s just say there’s 36 druids online and the second highest are mage and DH with 11, and all the other classes have under 10 characters online. There’s only 2 warriors, 3 warlocks and 4 shaman.

Seems totally healthy, right?