Realm Connections -- August 20

If I remember correctly, Hyjal had log-in queues for both Legion and BFA launch. That was just Hyjal on its own, with half the population of that of Proudmoore. Making the two realms into one realm would increase the chances of that occurring, which is why I think there would be queue times to log in. I get what you’re saying about the shard thing though, but I don’t think that would be the case come SL release, as we’d all be competing to log in on 1 of 3? 4? shards. I don’t even know the number of shards there are, I don’t think they ever gave a statement on the total numbers?

Oh for real? Are Winterhoof/Kilrogg a CR? I see all four of those realms you listed in open world content everywhere, just not in The Great Seal. Uldum included :stuck_out_tongue:

I am sorry but I have to chuckle. I started Day 1 on Garona and xfered off (12 chars) in Cata. Seems nothing has changed. Waiting for my new choice to merge :slight_smile: Thought about 52 but didnt due it due to queue…

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Winterhoof and Kilrogg are, yes. Hydraxis and Terenas are connected to each other as well. The four of us are two separate connected servers, for now lol. I imagine they’re probably our top nominee for future realm connections. Basically already living together anyways, just can’t trade with them.

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Ideal realms for a Hyjal connection! :slight_smile:

Is there any way possible for the planned realm connections to end up in my mailbox? :wink:

Blizz, please consider connecting the Brazilian servers as well, at least the least populated! There is a massive amount of players going to US servers, mainly alliance players, because there is almost no competitive game at all, and fewer offers/sells in AH transactions.

lol it must have been even worse if you were Horde on Garona as well? I think it’s about 70% Alliance and our side is dead so I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like on Horde side.

But yeah, I can’t afford to transfer all my toons, neither do I want to cause I know most of the people here so I’ll just wait till they get their… stuff together.

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Well who the hell asked for that? Are you telling me it’s that hard to look up the time zone of the character’s original server and display the time in that format?

Not with a decent date-handling library (or language) it isn’t.

Does it matter? You can show your local time instead of server time in game anyway. Server time as to be the same across the whole cluster otherwise it’d be confusing for scheduled guild events and stuff like that.

There were definitely log in queues for the legion launch, I feel like that is probably what made blizzard change things under the hood by 7.1 to prevent them afterwards, however BFA definitely didn’t have them… There is the occasional log in server queue but like I said the authentication servers are separate from the game servers and those being backed up is just a result of too many people (from all servers) trying to gain access at once, it’s not affected by realm connections.

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I try to look at it from a practical sort of angle and off the top of my head I can count the number of times I had to type someone’s name out with a hyphen on one hand. While eight to ten people in forum thread may seem like a lot that is an incredibly small amount of players. And we all know people are more likely to complain than they are to compliment or praise.

Thanks for sharing your personal experience and I can see why you’re concerned. So to sum it up you were concerned for Proudmoore losing it’s identity much like your own server did ten years ago? Ten years is a long time and I think what the players on Proudmoore built is much more durable than some of it’s defenders give it credit for, so much so that it’s culture still remains in tact despite the harassment and troll attempts that try to wear it down.

As a long time player on hyjal for both factions the number 1 server for alliance players to transfer to has always been Proudmoore. Of course that’s in the past since it was scrapped, it’s a late reply but I didn’t want you to go through the trouble of writing that post out and me not noticing it! Thank you and good luck.


Baelgun/Doomhammer PLEASE!!! We are dead over here.

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Hyjal is not currently a connected realm, so of course you don’t have this problem - yet. Wait until most of your guild has a different realm name and a lot have alts to save their name on your realm name.

Maybe but that’s a good problem to have for people in the situation of having around 5 active players left on a faction that run content. Alliance hyjal side has one guild doing heroic ny and working on that elusive N’Zoth kill.

And again it just doesn’t seem like a problem when I try to imagine it. If it’s my friend or a guild mate I’m trying to talk to I could message them on discord, in guild chat, in a community chat, add them and message them directly on battlenet if I find myself having to reach out to them that often.

Maybe it wouldn’t bother you if you mailed a stack of flasks to some stranger instead of the intended recipient. You’d still notice it pretty quick.

Guess I’d have to experience but again for me how often would I be mailing stacks of flasks? Alas it wasn’t meant to be.

Cairne/Perenolde was connected to Cenarius in the first connections, in early August. They’ve had two sets of connections (the second last week) just this month.

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Rejoice, because:

That connection results in a roughly 164% increase in server population, based on WoWprogress’s population statistics.

wowprogress is really, really bad for gaging population statistics just saying.

both realms have a similar population (the Chromaggus cluster has a slight edge though), and they have similar faction splits yet the opposite faction dominates so once that connection goes through its going to be as close to 50/50 as it gets between alliance and horde I recon.

You’re right, I didn’t even think about that, I wonder if they can do a “Battlegroup” realm. Everyone is under one name, yet different servers to keep the names. For Ex: Velen will be the Primary name, Then you see a dropdown for the different “shards”. I just like seeing every one in one server under one shard. That’s a big thing in classic that builds community. I don’t like the crossrealm see everyone and never see that person again.