Realm Connections -- August 20

This is the kind of stuff that I was talking about in my earlier posts. Thanks for thinking everyone on Hyjal is unwelcome. :slight_smile:

Signed, a member of the LGBTQ+ community.


Blizzard has done some awful things to their player base in the past, but dangling hopes over their most dejected fans, only to acknowledge Hyjal is “low” by their metrics, then renege on their word, is amongst the worst.

It is disgusting that the loudest voices against the merger are those on Hyjal who would rather see that server rot than have Alliance Players outnumber the Horde… combined with those on Proudmoore being intolerant of people who play on other servers.

That is what won the day. Grats.

Yet, I take bitter solace in knowing Blizzard has Hyjal and Proudmoore on their radar for mergers. The day will come, though later than it should have.

The downtrodden can be patient, since logic and inevitability is on our side. These servers will be connected with others, if not each other. Blizzard decided to peel the band aid ever so slowly, to the point of infection and disaffection.

I am disappointed Blizzard has chosen to make false promises while waiting for their player base to dwindle in order to act.


Oh I know how people can be. Just a fact of life. Some people are jerks. But I still think its silly to condemn entire servers because of what a few may do. But I can honestly say, in my decade or so on Hyjal, I have never seen anyone get bullied or trolled regarding their orientation.

Personally I’ve only had one bad experience total, but that was over a friendship that ended poorly because I wouldn’t pick a side when two of my friends started arguing(didn’t know the whole story, so not my business to get involved). But I do know lots of LGBT folks who are very happy and have the support of their guilds and friends. So to assume Hyjal is unwelcoming of that is again, silly. :slight_smile:

I understand your frustration and I sympathize. None of us on Hyjal are inherently against a connection. But it needs to make sense. The entire idea of Proudmoore and Hyjal was too much. Lots of other servers, such as yours would be a much better fit, population and balance wise. Not a huge server like Proudmoore. You know?

Right? lol

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I know Blizzard is against letting us know how many players they are hemorrhaging as they continue to make short sighted decisions.

But if they want to leave their servers to rot, can they be honest about Server Populations, so we can make choices with accurate information?


I really don’t understand what is so hard for some people to understand - We are not against mergers, we just want mergers that make sense.

The lack of Horde population on Proudmoore is something that needs more attention than a simple merger, because of the population numbers on the server. You can’t just slapdash a merger and potentially screw both servers in the process.


Stop assuming. By whatever metrics Blizzard uses, sure, I guess Hyjals 7500ish may very well be low compared to the other big realms. But we don’t want a mega server that will be lag filled, queue fests. Proudmoore is literally a high-full realm. In no world does it make sense to merge that with anyone. Hyjal? If you’d stop assuming and actually read, several of us have openly said we aren’t against connections. But give us one that makes sense. Of which, several have been mentioned.

Connecting Hyjal to a server like Proudmoore would quite literally have the opposite effect, as lots of us would either transfer off, or quit. We do not want a mega server. Connecting us to a like sized realm would make us basically high, or even full without pushing into that mega category. One is okay. The other is not. :slight_smile:


I don’t understand your stance here other than to argue, because you don’t even main Hyjal? We’re the loudest voices because we all care about the realms we play on and we’re going to defend our realms… I don’t care if you “have a toon on Proudmoore” or “have a toon on Hyjal,” so you “know what it’s like.” Play on either realm every time you log into the game and then worry about what happens to either of them. ??? Tichondrious will never experience any type of total population crisis. Anyways, Hyjal isn’t rotting. I’ve been on the realm for 10+ years and only once have I thought, “Hey this realm seems really empty.” Those times that Hyjal felt like playing a barren wasteland of a realm was when I played Alliance here. So I took the steps necessary to make the game playable/enjoyable again, and knowing that the opposite faction was thriving I decided to join it. I don’t care about the politics of the game, I just wanted to have fun and not feel like I was playing solo, or wasting my time, in an MMORPG.

But I do agree that publishing the statement in the first place only to redact it was a crazy thing to do. The whole concept seemed like an experiment imo. “Hyjal WILL join Proudmoore, no if, ands or buts about it!”, it just seemed like a last minute decision that was tacked on there. However whether it was giving hope to one player or (for myself personally) causing anxiety, at the end of the day it isn’t any of our faults that ActiBlizz waits so long to make their moves to try to connect with and/or make their player base happy.

If anything, the outcome of this entire thread has given me hope that they actually are listening to us more now than ever! It displays that they aren’t as out of touch with us as we’d hate to think they are, but it could be better but that’s a separate issue.


Agreed. I think KJ would make an excellent CR for Hyjal. Unless that person is trolling, then they would really benefit from that connection too.

On the one hand, you espouse the virtue of “defending” the realm you play on.

Then on the other hand, you flat out say you don’t care if I play on the effected realms.

That sort of selfish hypocritical system of thought is refreshing to see laid out. At least we can see that your metric of value does not stand up to it’s own weight.

You speak very firmly for someone who knows little of it. People have also posted they never thought Proudmoore or Hyjal would even be on Blizzard’s sights. Because they believed Blizzard’s lies on the Server Selection screen, or Raider IO, or Realm PoP, or other equally garbage nonsense.

No. Tich is not immune to realm connections, and I am glad for it.

I would not be surprised if Hyjal/Proudmoore/Tich wind up merged by the beginning of the next expac. And I would be for it.

It should happen sooner, rather than later. But if Blizzard wants to wait for their fans to be disenchanted, I guess that is what it takes.


“The Blood Furnace, Mannoroth, and Nazjatar realms will join the Azgalor, Azshara, and Destromath realms.” so whats happening to Thunderlord?

So as I just mentioned and as you practically just reinforced, is that your logic for posting in this thread is to argue with others. Got it. You’ve offered little to nothing constructive to this discussion, previously or right now. All someone has to do is scroll up to see the things you’ve posted here. In fact, you just called Hyjal players disgusting. This isn’t some kind of RP, theatrical forum thread. This is for people who are affected by the company’s decisions, who play the realms being analyzed, which you do not fall into the category of. Sorry.

I am able to speak firmly because I once had an Alliance Rogue on Tichondrius during WoD; being outnumbered literally anywhere in the game on a massive PVP realm was a miserable experience. I ended up moving that same Rogue over to Proudmoore, and that too was a fantastic decision and greatly improved my enjoyment in playing.

Not sure where you get off on this but you are taking this way too seriously.

And I am able to speak firmly on this because I have similar circumstances, and I arrived to a different opinion. Almost exactly in reverse.

I played on Proudmoore since Vanilla. But by the time WoD was in full swing, Horde Proudmoore was pretty dead. So, I moved most my Proudmoore Horde Characters to Proudmoore Alliance and Tich Horde, just to encounter people and do stuff.

With that in mind, when I see people on Hyjal Alliance and Proudmoore Horde crying out because they are enduring a pain I long since shed… I do not just roll my eyes and say:

“Pay to Xfer out. Git Gud.”


I see the Realm Connections for the boon they are. A boon denied and delayed. I remember watching my Faction on my server slowly die, until I found greener pastures.

The idea of being able to help rebuild Proudmoore, on both sides, was intriguing. And I dare say, not entirely lost.


I respect that.

I’m not opposed to connected realms at all.

I don’t think anybody should have to pay out a bunch of money in a video game in order to have fun, either lol

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Both sides really.

Don’t try acting like it’s only one side of the political spectrum either.

In the spirit of some sort of reconciliation, putting all this behind for a moment… Going forward… it would be nice if Blizzard was a bit more forthright about Server Imbalances and Populations, so people can make better informed decisions.

Merging them all together afterward seems fraught with issues.

I know Blizzard is loathe to come close to informing us of their total numbers, and people will glean as they will from any honesty. But darn, you are really burning people up every which way, Blizz.


Why not join Hyjal to this cluster? :grimacing::raised_hands::wink:


I definitely agree. I think WoW could greatly benefit if they incorporated a system of their own that would track realm populations, factions populations, etc. like the external resources/websites do, that way all the information is immediately right there for the player, whether they’re new or returning. There has been plenty of times that Blizz has crafted a feature of their own that is based off of an addon previously, I don’t find it too crazy to think that they could do the same with realm populations and faction population of the realms?

No way in heck could they merge all of the servers together haha. That would be catastrophic!


I wish Garona was connecting with Madoran and Dawnbringer instead. Garona is my old server and I still have a few Alliance characters over there. It would have been nice to have them connected to my newer server.

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Why should your personal sexual orientation dictate what realms are connected to others? This isn’t about people’s sexual orientations or preferences, this is about servers that are dying / low-populated in general or have faction imbalance issues.

With that being said, I really think Blizz needs to “trim the fat” so to speak and get rid of a lot of these servers anyway and just migrate players to med/high servers. We don’t need the amount of servers we have anymore.


Yeah, I have a character on Mannoroth and was really hoping for a good merger because I didn’t want to have to transfer her. I would love to have a healthy Alliance population.

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