Realm Connections -- August 20

Come on Blizzard, still really hoping for Earthen Ring to be connected to some more friends. The realm has been dead and dying for years now without any help. Please please check out the Earthen Ring forums, because as of now our #mergeEarthenRing thread has more views than this thread (4.4k views vs 3.4k here currently). For such a small and dead realm, people -really- want and need a merger.

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So why is this channel still have Drak/Skywall separate from Silvermoon/Mok ? IT team ooops or what ?

I have not seen it stated that these are the last ones ever to be connected. They have been doing this for multiple servers over the course of weeks. I am not sure why this is even an opinion…

Is there any indication that these will be the last ones connected? No. They are specifically saying they are doing this to many servers, and they have been. They are not going to do them all at once, thankfully.

More is to come. Yeesh.

The fact that as I say this… you only have one post, is a statement of its own. As if you logged to the forums just for this… instead of being some toxic Forum Alt on a Sunday.

Ever since the AH changes, there really isn’t any reliable way to tell what the current population is. The AH changes made Realm Pop website stopped working. The other websites are just guesses based on who uses their logs or whatever. And WoW isn’t publishing those numbers. The only thing we can see is what their wording is in the server select screen. And they won’t even confirm what those words mean. How many have to be logged on for the realm to be considered “full”. There are a lot of people who say they know, but no one has been able to prove with with a blue post or an official message from Blizzard. So it is all guesses.

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Exactly… queues waiting to burst.

Yeah, I really wish Blizzard would have an actual current population counter on the website. There’s a game called Tibia that has had this for almost 20 years; I can’t think of a good reason for WoW to not have something like this.

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Where are you getting that number? 1500 active players according to what? Blizzard does not publish population number for servers. Are you guessing based on some log site that is guessing itself?

Just merge realms for crying out loud. Connections ruin a sense of community.

This is fairly selfish, you’re ignoring the part where that small amount of players on horde proudmoore are stranded on a server where their faction doesn’t have nearly enough players for an active community or decent raiding scene.

Blizzard should be doing this for all of the underdog sides of every server. It doesn’t need perfect balance among the factions, it would be great to have both factions of every server to not be left behind though. They could transfer or relevel another toon, but what if those players are attached to their toon they’ve had for 15+ years and can’t afford to pay for a transfer on top of all the other costs in this game.

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connections are essentially merges, the only difference is people get to keep their character name with having their server name beside it. It would suck to lose your name after having it for 15+ years, its your identity.


yeah its pretty dumb that its only a server wide population estimate, not faction based. A noob might pick a server like Proudmoore wanting to play with lots of people and then pick horde without knowing its actually a very small player base on horde proudmoore. I hope they make sure each side of every faction for every server isn’t dead so this type of thing won’t happen.


Raider dot io.

Keeps track of population based on keys and raids.

Most accurate way we have atm.

This blue post was about NA realms. So my comment was about NA realms.

Ah, yes, I just took the chance to point out how huge connections aren’t completely new across the world.

But indeed, it’s a quite odd decision which probably only aims for faction balance (1:2 is better than 1:10), but by creating a realm 83% the size of the top us realms, basically if the top us realms get queues, they really put this connection at risk of queues too, which goes against their initial post about connections (they said they wouldn’t cause queues).


I posted on a toon that is on one of these servers to give my voice a little more credibility because I’m speaking from experience when I say being merged with another dead realm does nothing to fix the problem, which I’m worried is going to happen again.

Actually yes there is a big indication, look at how Blizzard has handled all connected realms in the past. They do not monitor the realms and make adjustments as needed. It’s been 6 years since initial merging and no additional merging has happened until now.

Oh, about the hot topic here, as in proudmoore-hyjal, there’s a very interesting coincidence on wow progress: you have to know the population section is a bit outdated, since some point in legion, and you can see proudmoore is at around 15k and hyjal 7k, making up a total of around 22k, pretty much equal to illidan.

Now if you check the guild section, which is instead updated to current tier, you see proudmoore has 330 guilds or so and hyjal 150 or so, for a total of around 480, illidan has 490 or so!

So moral of the story: population and raiding wise, hyjal + proudmoore = illidan, this gives you a very accurate representation of the population you’ll end up with, if you know how stuff is on illidan.

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They are combining the servers. They’re just changing the namespace so everyone can keep your name, and it will be displayed with your old realm name to anyone with a different old realm. It will all be on one server’s hardware, though.

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Maybe on a meta level, but on a practical level it wouldn’t feel like the combined server would be as large as Illidan. Proudmoore-Hyjal would be split while Illidan is all one faction. There’s no meaningful increase in population to raid with because you can’t group and raid with opposite faction players. Merging a horde server and an alliance one is a terrible idea.

If they move forward mistakenly wanting to find servers to merge with Hyjal, Zul’jin (same size as Proudmoore, but horde-heavy) would make more sense than Proudmoore because players on Hyjal would have more players to do things with. I still think it’s a mistake to merge some of the largest servers and that Hyjal, Zul’jin, and Proudmoore should be left alone, but if they are going to merge then it needs to be horde server with horde server and alliance server with alliance server.


wowprogress keeps track of all this stuff without having to sign up

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Why would you add a HIGH population server to a FULL population server? You should be adding a LOW (Horde) population server! Will you offer us free transfers before Shadowlands? The queue times are going to be a nightmare!

I’ve played since Vanilla and I am ready to say enough of this. YOU are not listening to your players!!!