Really wish they would rip the Paladin bandaid off and go all races

Im alliance at heart. Never really enjoyed the Org experience, but did so because my server is mostly horde and cross faction guilds werent a thing. But then they were. So a good chunk of my BE’s became VE’s or NE’s (sorry. Orc/Human is boring as hell to me. And a Ranger or Beast Lord class never felt Dwarven).

But Im ready for a mostly Alliance account now. And while Menari or LF Draenai is an interesting look, Id rather be an elf. Maybe Void, maybe Night. Especially with the Purple shield and 2H hammer that were from the trading post.

Hoping it’s soon. My Paladin is my first ranked alt character. Would love it to join my hunter and Priest on the alliance. Especially (not that this point matters) with war bands


They gotta make a unique mount for all the races. I guess they could say “Screw it” and just force everyone on a Tyr’s Guard Pony and told to suck it up.


People would be happier with that than to not have a Paladin of their favourite race.

I hate this all or nothing approach.

I’ve been asking for ducks and swans with real buoyancy in water for years. They sort of did it. We still don’t have battle pets that do it. And the ducks are either about a meter below the water or float a meter above. They don’t seem to manage to float on the surface. But it’s better to have it than not.


Agreed. I would be much happier with Gnome Paladins on a stock horse than waiting another year with naught but a glimmer of hope.

Or just unlock the race/class combinations and add the mounts later? If I remember correctly, Dwarf Paladin didn’t have it’s proper holy ram until Legion or BfA.


I’m just waiting to reroll mine to a Forsaken Paladin. Will look cool and the rage on the forums will be hilarious.


My understanding is that lorewise it is actually possible, but the holy power just hurts you.

Forsaken would just have the human mount, right? Because canonically they’d have had to be Paladins before they were undead.

Would they though?
I’ve seen people complaining over far less.
Its a lose lose.
Release them sooner without custom race mounts and get a bunch of angry people.
Release them later with custom race mounts and get a bunch of angry people.

It’s likely they just want to get them out with the custom race mounts so they dont feel like they have to revisit it again later.

I’m totally fine with waiting for them to do it right if they are going to do it actually.

And yet they keep introducing more and more warlock customization, they added an enormous amount of customization to druid forms just for the last patch. This argument is a lot less meaningful these days.

You all aren’t worthy of wielding The Light! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Which is nothing.

None of the paladin mounts uses a unique model. They’re all existing models with the Light thrown at them.

If we embrace the true desire of one who would want to be a paladin, it would cross all races.

Why do you guys keep making these threads? They’ve already said they’re working on this.

It took them forever and some to give DID and LFD unique mounts so this argument is moot.

They have the perfect lore excuses this xpac for Shaman, Druid and Pali for all races. Even with your lazy approach idea it would be perfectly valid. But they’re even too lazy to do that.

Oh yeah. That’s what my RP is going to be. His faith in the Light is stronger than the extreme pain he feels when he calls upon it. A sort of self-flagellation that isn’t that uncommon with religious extremism.

Personally, I think they should just take the Vicious Skeletal Warhorse, recolor it white and blue (the colors of Lordaeron), and replace the Horde insignia with Lordaeron’s “L”.


Showing interest is a good way to gauge if they should do it or not. If we show a strong interest, it happens sooner instead of later. (hopefully)


I think Blizzard is waiting until the art department makes all the races their Paladin class mount before opening up the class to all races. With a small focus on the Light thanks to the Arathi in The War Within, maybe we’ll see it happen sometime this or next year?

-gestures the 'highelf features void elves got-

Whining gets places.

Not just for Paladin but for the other classes as well. I’m fairly certain that Druid, Paladin, Shaman, Evoker, and Demon Hunter are the only ones that aren’t available to all the races yet.


Going to make one myself. Warlock and paladin are my two favorite classes.