Really wish they would rip the Paladin bandaid off and go all races

Frankly the community can’t tell a legitimate complaint from an illegitimate one. The response is always lol complaining about nothing. Unless it’s PvP and one class is broken.

For every complaint you’d see that you don’t get a special Paladin mount for your Forsaken paladin, there’d be 50 - 100 more mature people just enjoying that they can be that character they want. And maybe the also want a cool special mount but that’s in the area of bells/whistles, just like Dracthyr having armour. It’d be nice if they did but it’s cool to have them even if they must go without.

Orc Paladin.


they have to make models for the steed mounts, which takes time. I agree with you though, I want kul-tiran and pandaren paladins for sure.

*clears throat*

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You were from a generation which a recolor of the classic mount was fine and no one batted an eye. Course I’ve been personally fighting for an updated model or a Paladin Hawkstrider.

I can’t wait for pandadins, all will be cleansed by the Emporer’s will! c:<

pallys for all

I would really like to be a Gnome Pally, please!!! :slight_smile: :heart:
They’re warriors and priests, stands to reason! :smiley:

I have a BE Pally that became disgusted when the Horde burned the tree and I’ve been wanting to bring him over to the Alliance side for years now!

I do not mind if there is a special/different horse for a Gnome Pally, I just want to play a Gnome Pally! ! :heart:

Off topic: anyone else really freaking irritated that they made the dwarf paladin mount human colors?

It doesn’t even match their heritage armor. Meanwhile, my DID paladin has matching weapons and paladin mount.

Yup, I’d rather have a Draenei Druid with stock bear/cat/deer models right now than wait to have them make a bear model with face tentacles.

(I know, druid will prob never open to every race but a poor Draenei can still dream)

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They might be waiting to add both the shaman races and the paladin races at the same time.

I don’t actually want every race to be paladins but I do think there should be kul tiran paladins since they are just fat humans.

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Initially I didn’t want all class for all races either but Blizzard overruled that so I had to either unsub or go with the flow. I picked “go with the flow.”

So, now that that was settled, I just want my Moonwalkers and HMT Sunwalker. Probably a gnomadin too. I love paladins.

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As much as I want more paladins, because they are far and away my favourite class, I do want them to put in the leg work. I’ve said time and again that I hate the idea of them using the Tyr’s Guard as a blanket explanation for all races being paladins. That would be so lazy and disappointing. Especially since so many races have such obvious foundations for some proper lore just bubbling under the surface. They just need to drop in some little lore nuggets, like they did towards the end of WLK for tauren paladins.

Kultiran paladins!


Make them happen man.


The war within features trailer gave us a little taste of it.

Maybe not technically a kul tiran since he seems to be one of the arathi. But still, he’s got the bod. And it’s awesome.


And here’s the cool thing: They’re starting to give earnable cats bears and owls so if you don’t like your stock model you can do the Legion stuff and get cooler ones.

They’re working on it. They’ve already stated that they’re opening up most race and class combos.

They’ve already done of of the most controversial ones with Draenei Warlocks.

They’re working in it. It takes time.

The 3 classes left are Pallies, Shammies and Druids. All of which need more customization work than other classes. Pallies get racial class themed mounts. Shammies get totems and Druids get their forms.

I’d rather them take their time and do it right than rush out a half baked version because a few people are impatient.

Have you not seen the original cinematic for WoW?