Really enjoying lost ark, you all should try it!

someone owns Latin?

the pope?

Yes, and Julius Caesar. The pope got a license from Caesar.

it never ceases to amaze me that we know every single pope from the last 1990 years
 in order

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It’s click to move instead of using WASD. That’s a dealbreaker for me when it comes to MMOs.

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It’s surprising how many people don’t know there’s a difference. I remember some guy chatting me up and after finding out I’d taught English in several Asian countries asked me if I could speak Asian fluently.


Aren’t we all!

gotta catch world boss fights.

which can be almost as “fun” as lfg runs gone bad. See some wow bosses don’t have good tells. to me anyway. even then if like me I notice things. All the other ranged dps has moved over 20 feet. I
will move over 20 feet too. then I see why they move.

You see some LA players and wonder about some players.

when is standing in red cone ever a good thing. ample time to move and they get slammed.

And people complain that wow is pay to win

Don’t blame the language just because the people who speak it are garbage-esque

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Had to look it up. Sorry but i don’t play P2W games.

Ehh, huge pass. I’m not interested in those sorts of Diablo-este Games.

Warning to everyone who might try it : HEAVILY PAY 2 WIN. You better be ready to cash out lots of $$ to upgrade gear successfully(high chance of failing), or you’ll never do endgame content.

F2P players must grind non stop just to fail their upgrade over and over and over till it reaches 100% chance
then repeat. Months of work.

Gated behind item level, so you have to shell out $$ to increase gear and get there, or grind non stop all day to keep failing upgrades and raise the % chance of success. Very P2W.

I got bored at level 40. Press G, stay in a map for 10 mins, faceroll keyboard, random solo instance, a dungeon every few hours lol. I enjoy leveling and LA is trash on that front but the dungeons were very fun, just took too long to get to them. It’s also very P2W to even the devs admit it being P2W just recently lmao. Have fun with that

Click to move gets it an instant thumbs down from me :-1:


Sorry, I only intend to play American MMO’s.

I tried it a long time ago the Ru version , the combat is awesome but it made me nostalgic of Path of exile , so I went back there.

The gameplay is immensely fun.
The English Dub Voice acting
 Parody material.

Get out of GD with that crap. This is a World of Warcraft forum, not a forum to advertise for that short lived crap.