Really enjoying lost ark, you all should try it!

Not enjoying it enough to play the game and not post on another game’s forum.
Def sus

It’s a lot of fun.

I tried it out, but it wasn’t for me.
Obviously it is for a lot of others though, and I wish them well.

That character creator though, that was pretty great.

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I’ll be honest, I’m not sure I see the appeal.




Looks pretty generic to me.

Too late:


Tried it, got bored quick.
Gave it a 2nd and even a 3rd attempt, it just didn’t do anything to hook me.
Felt very generic and the whole starting at level 10 and getting a mount right away was odd.
Why call it level 10 if you start there?

Has no interesting races.


Lost Ark = Pretty much world of Humancraft.


Lost Ark is just another Diablo looking point and click game. I’m not really interested. But Im glad others enjoy it


Are you all enjoying it as much as you all were New World?


World of Flooziecraft

Considering I openly said New World was going to bomb after spending time in the beta…

I might try it in 2-3 years if its still going strong

For real tho. Buncha humans :-1:


No thanks, Standard Chinese would make a poor universal language and so would English. If I will support any universal language, it will be Esperanto which takes at most a year of serious practice to reach fluency regardless of your current language (compare to English or Chinese which take about 3 years at minimum)

Once the homeymoon phase ends you will realise that the game is just your typical korean grind fest with p2w elements. Not saying the game is bad but a lot of western players will grow to hate the game.

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nah, brah, we gotta bring latin back. that stuff sounds sick af.


You’re running out of time.

Esperanto is practically Latin slightly tweaked, just enough to circumvent copyright laws. :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly this. All this hype about the 1000th Korean grinder beats me. At least, say, old AION is a real MMORPG, rather than some generic wannabe Diablo.
Sorry, I have nothing against enjoying other games but all these threads hyping them in THIS forum simply annoy me.
There is a forum, here, dedicated to them.