Everyone was saying that in phase 1 wait for phase two you will be OP…
Won’t happen didn’t happen isn’t going to happen until full ICC gear and the legendary just to become competitive
Citation. I never saw anyone say that.
Everyone said you would start climbing in phase 2… and guess what? you are.
I don’t think they are going to scale as well as what was predicted.
You’re correct We just climbed above the healers in DPS…
We are so happy and grateful
You should be.
Being god-tier in vanilla and S-tier in TBC, it’s nice to see you being put in your place for a few phases.
I’m not sure what game you played warrior DPS was middle of the pack in vanilla and TBC.
The only spec that was viable was tank
Now I know you are 100% trolling.
I don’t think he actually plays the game
You play a DK flavor of the month I only talk to OG people… like my little mage buddy
Now shoo go away
At least my dps is decent compared to yours.
When they call out strats does it go something like okay listen up everyone drinknblink put out a refreshment table everyone else attacked the boss.
I only see an issue for brand new Warriors trying to PUG into an Ulduar with preBiS and having not really touched Naxx, EoE or OS…
For the dedicated warrior who has been grinding hard they are going to scale better than any class.
Ahhh I see you drank the Kool-Aid…
You won’t scale to be competitive until you get the legendary weapon in full ICC gear by then there won’t be anyone else playing this expansion you’ll just stand around and show your leet DPS to a target dummy…
Well… I’m not sure who you’re trying to troll? My Fury can hit 9k DPS on regular XT? Maybe that’s not enough for you and might not beat warlocks, Rogues or DKs but unlike Two of them classes I can fall back into a tank role if we need one while also having an amazing PvP spec for arenas? I’m very happy with how Fury is now even. I’ve not done many of the hard modes YET but I’m progressing it and am learning and watching videos to get better.
It’s better than trolling the forums crying like you…
You do realize unlike you I’m not hiding right?
My logs are all public friend.
You sound like the typical boomer… “okay Sonny You keep working that drive-thru and one day when you’re my age you might be assistant manager forget that your peers are already making 80k and climbing the corporate ladder You don’t want that job and if you cut back on your Starbucks you’ll be able to buy a home when you’re 65”
Okay Boomer…
If you’ve been reading you will notice that I have been comical and light-hearted about the situation…
Starts a crying thread, has zero self awareness, posts this:
Nobody cares that you are Mr world of Warcraft leet sauce… I’m here to have fun and be competitive with my peers…
Now where’s our refreshment table!
I put it over by the benches for you so you have something to snack on while you watch us kill the Boss.