Really bro?

If they buff warriors who else is going to watch me stream while they sit on the bench??

This isn’t the type of player i’m referencing. I’m talking under 10 parsing and doesn’t keep sunders up. I have no issues with night elf body type 2, its body type 1’s that seem to be consistently bad. This isn’t even warrior specific, all body type 1 Night Elves are generally bad, just a lot of those night elves are warriors.

I don’t care if you’re a 99 parselord, i care if you’re braindead or not.

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And this is why I don’t like raiding… it’s become way too stressful when it’s supposed to be laid back. The meta has ruined raids for me.

You only partially quoted my post, so I will assume you don’t agree that Prot Paladins should be held accountable for Ret buffs. But I’m not understanding where you and Blade have common ground.

That’s what I’m saying to Blade. Prot Paladin is not the same as Ret.

That’s a very low bar you’ve set.

On this, I would agree with you.

But the whole argument I’ve had with Bladetsar is that he believes Prot paladins should be nerfed because of the Ret buff. Prot Paladins really don’t have anything to do with Ret.

Correct and I’ll go further. The imbalance between tanking classes is largely driven by absurd levels of min maxing whereby people approach the “meta” without any nuance at all. If it’s not in meta it is considered straight up bad. So, the community automatically goes for Pally Tanks to the exclusion of all else even where other options are perfectly serviceable.

Editted in later:

Yes and it should be. Adhoc buffs and nerfs are only really justified in my view when a role for a class is not viable.

If Blizzard want to rebalance the game more tightly than that then they can’t (or shouldn’t) do it adhoc. They should set up metrics with performance thresholds and continually balance specs against them.


It’s frightening and amazing how quickly people fall into line.

I stick with what I love, no matter what.

The real cherry on the cake is that I believe my 10 man will beat Algalon without a Prot Paladin.

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I’m the same, I don’t really care about the meta - I play for fun and I play my class because it is fun to play.

I like numbers so I do like a little theory crafting here and there though.

Cheat death mechanics are a crutch! Good to see you going for Alg without meta slaving yourselves :slight_smile:


Warriors alternatives are pvp until later phases.

Blizzard isn’t going to buff warriors or rets to be middle of the pack only to go back and nerf them in later phases. Combined with the backlash and idiots going, “WELL WHY DID YOU EVEN BUFF US IN THE FIRST PLACE?!”

Realistically what is going to happen if they don’t buff warrior dps? All warriors would quit or reroll? We both know that isn’t going to happen, but if they are as bad as you are trying to make them out to be…Then good? Less people playing a “bad class” and more people rerolling more useful classes? Sounds wonderful really.

You berate people and yet you’re the most petulant child here that has no patience to wait for later phases where warriors have always excelled.

I know I wrote a bunch of stuff and probably just told you to reroll or quit to save time. I guess I will do it now.

Reroll or quit sock puppet.

A fury warrior is currently #1 DPS in the world… maybe you are just bad.

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Using Kologarn as any kind of benchmark for dps just shows how disingenuous you are.


i mean… overall Ulduar boss DPS, he is right up there with the best Warlocks and Mages in the world.

You are just bad

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Facts. I know a Rogue that hates using Kick because it’s “a waste of energy” when DKs/Shamans are also on the team and he loses out on some of his parse. Sure, those other classes have better interrupts, but I’ve never felt like using one was a waste of my resources.

Fury is behind Ret outside of parses with lucky crits and procs. I AM KRUMTOILET!!!

Same with feral cats, boo hoo. It’ll be my time to shine in icc, for now I bres and innervate my way into groups.

You’re about 4 weeks late. I think you are trying to parody my claims that the 99th percentile is heavily influenced by lucky slam proc timing and such (not crits btw which are gear dependent). And that’s true and does account for why Warriors always (even in NAX) do better in the 99th and max percentiles.

But in relation to Rets, Warriors have started doing better even in the 95 percentile - which isn’t too influenced by RNG factors.

Over the weeks things have changed and so has my position on the topic (which was initially wait and see). So, 4 weeks ago I said the numbers people were using weren’t accurate because they were using the 99th percentile, and that I would wait and see. Now, the numbers are more broadly showing that Warriors are improving performance.

My position on Blizzards buffing and nerfing activity and the need for a more comprehensive and less community influenced way of addressing class balance hasn’t changed though.

You haven’t caught up with the program.

I’m curious. I know you have said you want to use data analytics to derive better balance decisions, but isn’t the idea of “balance” itself subjective enough that some value judgments have to go into that process?

How do you think they should really go about it? Please be as least vague as possible, though some amount of it is expected due to us not being in the office making those decisions or having those conversations with the rest of the team.

It’s really not that difficult…
They can fine-tune small things like cooldowns etc until The classes are balanced

It really isn’t hard to do

You’re still begging the question here. You have to first define “balance.”

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Seriously bro?

All classes and specs should be competitive with their peers, DPS and healing.
So everyone can enjoy playing what they want and not be forced to play a class they do not enjoy.
Nobody should be 20 to 70% under anyone else.
It’s literally the definition of discrimination

Well, you would set up metrics and define acceptable thresholds. That bit may be a little subjective (or rather arbitrary) but then assessing performance against them becomes objectively measurable. For instance setting up a metric that all dps should be within 15% of each other on average across all fights - as an example. There’s no specific reason to set the marker at 15% - it could be 10% or 30% but it gives you a benchmark to assess acceptable performance against.

Blizzard should take this approach. They don’t because it commits them to ongoing work balancing.

Caveat: I’m not suggesting this example is the metric they should use but rather that committing to one allows for a more objective and consistent approach than simply asking players what they reckon on an ad-hoc basis.

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