Really Blizzard? A suspension right before P2?

Lets keep the tinfoil hat conspiracy theroies outa this forum this rant is better off in general.


This is usually the point where the thread breaks down, misinformation starts flying, and inevitably gets locked.

OP, best wishes in your appeal.


There is so much wrong with what you’re saying and not a lick of proof to back it up. You’re repeating everything from the GD playbook of misinformation. To start off, the reporting system may have a touch of automation in that if enough people report someone, they will be squelched until a GM - a real live person, mind you - looks over the reports and decides to either turn the squelch into a proper silence or release them if the reports were made in error.

Again, incorrect. I could easily pull up half a dozen posts where people had their suspensions and bans overturned. The appeals process does work. Unfortunately, there are people who like to screech from the heavens that they were falsely sanctioned when they were, in fact, properly punished.

No, it’s your opinion. A very wrong opinion steeped in untruths but an opinion nonetheless.

The OP admitted what the kid did outright, so there isn’t anything false about the sanction. Read through the posts. They don’t agree with the punishment, but they never said that it wasn’t true what they’re being hit with.

Pretty much everything you’re spouting.

No, it wasn’t abuse of any kind. The people who are active here on this forum and who have a good idea of how things work reported your post for the blatant misinformation you’re trying to espouse. And just like in all things, it was player hidden, but in time one of our SFAs or a GM will overlook it and either remove it or unhide it if they disagree with those who flagged it. Again, real live person.


I love when people say we want to make money off the game as if that is some kind of shocking goal. Making money from the games and services we provide allows those of us who work here to get a paycheck, to pay for the overhead that is required to run a business, and to actually develop and run those games and services.

We continue to provide support for our products, that hasn’t changed.

Yes and no. A number of our reporting systems require more than one person to report the activity. Like the Vote to Kick option with LFD/LFR, it tends to require more than one report to initiate a vote and a majority of users to vote yes to remove the selected player. The /afk non-participation system for Battlegrounds requires several folks to report someone as afk before the reported player receives a debuff that requires them to get into combat.

For penalty systems though, you are mistaken that when enough reports are reached is when we take action. It usually is when an investigation is initiated, penalties aren’t automated.

Chat systems are different, we do have an automated squelch system to help limit the impact an alleged advertiser/spammer may have. An actual penalty isn’t applied until the matter is reviewed.

As explained above, you are incorrect. Yes, appeals rarely do result in the action being overturned because those penalties are applied by staff who have reviewed the available evidence and initiated that penalty if verified. Mistakes happen, but we do endeavor to be as accurate as we can before applying a penalty. It is not our goal to inconvenience players but to enforce the policies that they agreed to abide by.

I believe would be an accusation that you propagating popular theories of how some believe our systems, policies, and procedures work which are often based on wholly inaccurate information and assumptions.

Much like your apparent assumption that the reporting system on the forums was abused by the person you are replying to. It wasn’t. Your posts were reported as possible trolling by several individuals who have a fairly accurate history of reporting similar posts. That was weighed by our system and caused it to temporarily hide your posts until they could be reviewed by a Moderator.

While I don’t believe you are specifically violating the Code of Conduct I do believe the extremely inaccurate information you are is not productive, so I’m leaving those hidden but otherwise available for now.

Yes, for non-participation over several games by multiple users which initiated an investigation to verify the behavior resulting in a temporary suspension for violation of our policies. Reports = Investigation. Verification of reported behavior = Penalty.

I am unable to verify this interaction. You only seem to have opened one ticket that wasn’t an Item Restoration request back in 2018 and it seems you closed it before it could be answered.

I can only assume this was on a different account. I am sorry if the interaction a Game Master may have had with you supported any of these false narratives that you seem to support, but that is what they are, false.

Reports from other players would cause your name to be reviewed, but only if the Game Master reviewing it found that it may violate policy would it be changed. That isn’t to say that mistakes haven’t been made, they happen on occasion and that is when an overturn would be applied.

Yes, it is. That is why we have a character undelete option, character unstuck system, Item Restoration page, and Mail Return/Recovery systems that have been developed over the years. So players can help themselves whenever possible so they don’t have to wait for a GM.

An automated system that can help address Code of Conduct and other violations would free up our staff to get to more complex situations that can’t be automated, but we aren’t there yet.

I think it is well past time that this thread is closed. Thanks all.