Reality of all the Microsoft threads

With the Disney/Fox acquisition some things took longer than the deal being finalized. Just because of legal stuff (boring lawyer stuff) and changes in upper management, layoffs, etc.

If not… sooner. There have been times, companies guarantee they will merge/be bought out which already had a game plan. There have been company’s once bought made changes the next day after the paper work is signed and ceo is gone/assigned a new roll.

Granted some do take time, but the majority of them already have a game plan in place… All it takes is the FTC to say… Taxes/attorneys fees please!

The worst case scenario is if the acquisition doesn’t go through… Both companies (Especially Microsoft) will have to pay a load in fees. Unfortunately these amounts usually result in layoffs which is felt in lower end staffing such as development and customer relations.

As we discuss this, I can’t help imagining Bill Gates (who is no longer even the CEO of Microsoft) carrying a Blizzard flag through Warsong Gulch while government agents attempt to CC him, but he’s jumping a lot and that seems to help. He gets all the way to the Microsoft base, but sees Agent Smith standing in the tunnel near the speed buff.

Does he dare charge through? Or will he backtrack and attempt an alternate route?

Umm… I don’t know why everyone keeps mentioning “Bill Gates!” Bill Gates hasn’t anything to do with Microsoft sense 2008… The current CEO is Satya Nadella who took Mikes place after his retirement in 2014.

The way I look at it, look at ESO. Miscrosoft (Xbox) owns Bethesda and Bethesda made ESO and from the sounds of things, the game is still going on as planned and it’s almost been a year since that sale was complete.

I feel in the end, they will let Blizzard do its thing still with WoW and at least move all their other games to Game Pass.

Only time will tell, like you said, a a couple of years at least.

Umm… I don’t know why you didn’t quote the text that came immediately after I mentioned Bill Gates.

All I said was “Bill Gates”, those two words… IF one thought you were incorrect; I would have quoted your entire text.
There are several forum posts who do believe Gates is the CEO though.

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Microsoft is not going to make sweeping changes to the game. More than likely they’re going to clean up the toxicity of ActiBlizz and then let the studios remain autonomous. That’s how it works with their other first-party studios, Microsoft does not dictate what its studios creates.