Reality check for those who think 'This Is Fine™'

Your character looks like an angry man in drag. Wtf

Well it is to be honest.

Wait, you think having T4 is sweat? There are people with Alts already geared out. If the bar is ‘having T4’ then the word you are looking for isnt sweat.

Its ‘not a filthy casual’.

For real, I pay for 3 gym memberships equaling $130 a month, and only go to one, have subscriptions for Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, STARZ, Disney, etc and don’t bat an eye.

As mentioned above, if you don’t know, school started!!! People are consumed with IRL things, not even thinking twice about a game. #nerd. Stop making new thread trying to justify your lack of a life outside of WoW.

Yet you’re the genius paying for 3 gym memberships at once LOL


That’s what you took from this? Go somewhere else troll. I pay for 3 memberships because all three offer something different; when’s the last time you’ve been to one. #covid

Hahahahahaha no one cares how many dumb TV subscriptions you pay for or how many gyms you pay for, people can get a better workout at home with rocks than you do with 3 gyms.

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p2 will die in 2 weeks and we will be back to raid logging. server transfers killed the game

I got replied to but the reply just says

I wonder why. Oh well I doubt they had anything important to add anyway.


Unsub, wait for Phase 2 release date, resub on patch day. I’m not sure why you couldn’t of thought of this yourself.

Cant compare when it first came out to now. We know what to expect and want to play the content. There wont be much progression anymore.

Its like comparing apples to oranges here

No I definitely get a better workout with my gym and my cycling gym then with rocks.

Blame Amazon.

We’d have P2 by now if they hadn’t delayed their game to polish it a bit more!

On the bright side, New World is doing an open beta the first week of September. So…maybe Blizzard will drop P2 on Sept. 7th.

Gottem. :wink:

Boosts have no effect on the game, 1 store mount has no effect on the game, bots are always gonna be a problem, they have always been a problem, and before you say it wasn’t that bad back in OG TBC or retail, yes it was you just weren’t looking as intensely as the community is now, I played OG TBC onwards, bots were always rampant. What is your argument? Quit the game, sick of seeing these posts spammed in forums, (it is impossible to manage bots well)

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Lol you chicken littles… Explain how “store mounts” are “destroying the economy”

How to tell people you’ve never worked out without just saying it

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If it “dies” itll be because all the super casual guilds realized theyll never progress through T5 and disband


Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that wasn’t what they meant.