Reality check for those who think 'This Is Fine™'

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Certainly not, I didnt even realize my son’s sub was still active until he reminded me.

One less in the world (of warcraft).

Honestly, not even worth arguing with these people unless you tryna bump your thread. I just had a long discussion and so many dishonest copium opinions to defend a dying game from a greedy company.

Literally people saying content drought in later phases is why this was delayed as if the content is still being created. Makes no sense. They are blizzard drones through and through or just like trolling, there is no other logical explanation to not support more content.


Dead Game.

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For you, yes. After your sub expires.

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Mines active currently, I have hope Blizzard will wake up, get off their asses, and actually release the content.

So your plan is to keep paying them as if nothing’s wrong while thinking the game is dead, and hope they change their business plan?

Seems like their business plan is pretty good.


My plan is to keep going until the 14th.

Why the 14th? Or is that when your sub expires?

15th I believe actually, but I’m hoping they do the smart thing and release the content by the 14th.

Yep a content drought for a rerelease is really inexcusable.

I am glad Classic happened, am enjoying TBC Classic, but it really does feel like WoW in its death throws. It’s in a holding pattern where the most highly anticipated release is the rerelease of 14 year old patches …


I haven’t been on in a week. Long weekend and back to school for my family. So my guild has been down at least 1 that has no plans on quitting. In fact many of the more dedicated guilds are starting the merge on my server to pool up a lot of players for P2. I’m sure other servers have done similar things.

That’s largely a failure of Retail though. Which I think most people can agree is definitely fading.

As long as I see the next few years out to Wrath, I’ll be content to let the game die. Or maybe check out one of the ‘other’ servers.

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I would much rather have that schedule.

5 weeks to level from 60 to 70, gear up, attune, do kara, do heroics, then SSC/TK honestly seems like we’d probably still be working on the end of t5 when BT hit. I assume Hyjal is available since you didn’t mention it in the BT section, so plenty to keep us busy.

This will take some of the 4 months for BT, which makes that phase reasonable as well.

ZA will be similar to how ZG felt in classic, but BT/Hyjal are much more fun to run than BWL/MC. The timed run also takes some learning usually. And we can be sure to gear up for the tougher dps checks in sunwell, knowing that’s coming.

I really wish this is the schedule they went with, absolutely. But then, I can handle progressing at my own pace, instead of feeling trapped or behind if I can’t keep up with everyone else.

Apparently that’s hard for other people to do nowadays.


Gearing toons insanely fast? I’m still missing quite a few things and I know some other players in my raids that are missing even more.

Maybe if you’re doing 4 split runs and shoveled all the gear you can use you can be geared out fast.

I still only have 1 level 70.

Unlikely, even casual guilds would likely have SSC and TK on farm within 6 weeks (as long as the encounters aren’t bugged). Especially if bosses drop 2 tier tokens.

Hyjal is part of Tier 6, from my research it was technically open but required limited quantity drops from both Vashj and Kael which weren’t killed until after BT was released.

I mean, I’m calling it like I sees it for my group. By the end of week 2 most of us weren’t done levelling. We had 1 kara team for the second reset I think? Team 2 started up reset 3ish.

Our first 25 man was somewhere around then too, and only because you didn’t have to be 70 to zone into Gruul. I’m pretty sure my first HKM kill I wasn’t 70 for yet.

T5 is definitely a tier where you need to learn the fights. Hydross resist gear also doesn’t farm itself quickly. My group wouldn’t be through the versions of T5 they have on the PTR within 5 weeks, and if you haven’t taken a look at the PTR I suggest you do, since they are reverting a lot of the nerfs.

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My raids were about the same, didn’t get to 70/attuned in time for the 1st Karazhan reset and guild only had 2 kara runs in 3rd reset.

HKM and Gruul were a struggle but we eventually got it down our first 25 man night, but it took all night and we didn’t even try Mag.

My guild wouldn’t likely have all of SSC and TK “on farm” just because we still wipe now and then on Mag and at least 2-3 people still die on Gruul every week.

Even if it takes 2 months to clear SSC and TK, going by the original timeline argument that’s still an apparently unnaceptable 3 months of “content drought”.

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Well, I guess I’ll speak up for those of us who started on day one but who were limited to 1-3 hours per day since the opening: I created a dranny shammy on day one and have played most days since. I play anywhere from 1 - 4 hours per day. I miss probably one, maybe 2 days a week, otherwise, I log on daily.

At this point, I’m approaching level 62. I’ve not done a ton of dungeons; I mainly level via questing. I’ve leveled my professions as I go and keep all of them up to date (save for fishing, which I’m a little behind in). I will admit to having slowed down my leveling in the last couple weeks due to the reduced interest, which, is affected in part by the constant griping of others.

I would like to continue leveling and I’d love for that initial excitment to come back, which, is, unfortunately somewhat dependent on the overall excitement of the remaining playerbase.

What motivates me now is the knowledge that at some point, many people will regain their initial excitement once a new ‘patch’ is announced. Of course, I will need to ‘catch up’ with many of those who played a ton more than I did the last few months, but at least the excitement would be back.

I’m posting only because I think it’s important for the staff to understand the motivation behind the playerbase.