Realistic view

Because they aren’t.

Roll one then and get back to me in two years.


Maybe in 2 years you would have learned to play the class and wouldn’t think it’s garbage.

Lol , has anyone who has commented mained a rogue between 2004-2007?

You don’t have to have mained a rogue to know whatever role they would play in a premade another class will fulfill it better. And they aren’t bursting down geared up bears.

I understand that but , a person that played during that time could give you a first hand account of how it was for them. Skill , friends , and the guild your in play a huge factor in getting into specific content.

I’ll be fine with gathering soulshards on my lock - I played UO where every mage spell required reagents.

Warlock I guess. Though they’re underwhelming despite what people are saying about them. They have a high gear requirement before they become an ‘average’ pvp class. They’re pretty useless until they have some of the best gear in the game. And even then other classes out shine them. Like warrior, mage, shadow priest.

Hunter is alright but again kind of, meh. They only really excel at kiting, and shamans are actually better at it.

Rogues only good at taking out weak targets(under geared warlocks) and guarding flags.

Thanks , information like this is helpful. Hence why I put realistic view as my title.

I played rogue in 2005-2006 in PvP my PvE main were a priest and a mage.

Rogue PvP is all about picking your fights. yes going against a geared and skilled player when you can’t get the jump on them you will lose a lot but if you play tactically you can win. See that warrior over there that accidently pulled a few extra mobs stealth over and cheapshot, dps, slow kidney shot, vanish kill mail. see that lock over there churning out bolts of cloth, I bet he is afk open up on him… kill mail etc…

not everything is about pre-mades or running CTF battlegrounds. rogues by nature are harassers use that to your advantage cull the weak and unprepared/unexpecting masses.

Dude just stop… everyone here is telling you you have no idea what you are talking about. Let me help you out a bit and tell you what a rogues roll is.

Why you want a Rogue:

  1. Base Guarding it is literally the most boring job ever. The reason why you want a rogue on it is because of the stealth and the insane amount of burst damage.
  2. Back line healer lock down. Bad rogues cannot do this. So it is bottom list when filling out a good premade comp.

Problems with a Rogue:

  1. On alliance you get a Nelf Hunter to do this. Not only will they have detect Humanoids up and know when an inc is inc. They are in stealth and have good burst damage. Some teams will replace a rogue with a second hunter as long as it is Nelf. Horde do not get this option… but they have all the other PvP Racials sooo
  2. All good premades rely target calling. Rogues have to be able to select the target that they can global and properly manage their cool downs. Without being tied to the warriors call outs. Bad rogues will never be able to be effective in this roll. But if you find a good one they can and will be one of the keys to victory.

Why am I playing a hunter? Because I love the class. Its that simple. I do not like melee play style. When I bother to play BFA I play a rogue, an Outlaw rogue… where I can do good damage from range. Where I harass back line healers in PvP and do not need to be focusing on what the target caller is calling out. I love to scout and report numbers, locations and other important battle information.

My second 60 will be a rogue. Where I will do all of the above except for damage from range. Hopefully leveling a rogue in Classic will make me not hate melee combat as much as I do.

Thanks for explaining why premades take other classes before they take rogues. Literally debunk your own argument nice!

loving this post, i personally played every class in original vanilla except hunter(which ill be playing now, only class i have yet to get to 60) so i can comment on all but hunter but orc shammys, troll priest(wand leveling is real asf) and night elf warriors, human mages all are lit

Some serious rogue salt here. Lol

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No doubt man. Nobody is taking a rogue to guard flags when a hunter does it better. No one is taking a rogue to “harrass” healers when a mage or warlock can CC them better. Hell even a shadow priest is better at screwing with healers than a rogue.

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A hunter is used to guard the FC when he’s on roof, the hunter flares the entrance to banana or the roof ramp and sets frost trap while two mages spam blizzard. The rogue sits flag room to catch efc in a sap to let his FAPs expire before opening. Once the EFC has left the FR, the rogue goes to EFR usually to wait for enemy FC to drop from roof to try to get to top of tunnel or egy. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s okay for people to be ignorant on subjects but to be ignorant and still have strong opinions is insane lol. Did you watch any of the vids I linked?

Why would I watch some dumb YouTubers when I was there on day one and know better than any of them. You can just take a 2nd hunter to guard the flag and be better off than with a rogue. Whatever man you take your little rogue doing 1k crits to try and burst down FC and I’ll take another MS warrior critting for triple that and laying down a healing debuff. Or maybe I’ll take a mage or warlock who can both crit over 5k and one shot them.

You’re telling me your knowledge of the game in the year 2004 is better than people’s who’ve been playing strictly vanilla for 7 years now + actual vanilla lol

Classic Hunter+Warlock have cakewalk leveling experiences. Rogue is terrible, borderline Warrior levels of eeek.

Gathering professions are personal pref. Grab and 2 and poof easy money. Early on I think Skinning+Herb would be best. One levels with you easiest, the other is profitable with all the tryhard raiders needing consumables.

Pvp Rogue+Warlock are your best bet, but even then… You’re not gonna 100-0 people in the opener as a rogue like people seem to think. Warlock is the stronger pick here imo.

All 3 are somewhat competitive? Rogues have better raid dps, followed by locks.

You’re going to get bored with rogue leveling it, the slow stealth speed, the lack of healing etc. Lock and hunter are fun and easy.

I feel like all 3 can get into groups, maybe less huntards because well… It’s classic and now huntards can roll on loot they think they need (“I’m marksman! I get damage from Int!! I need that caster staff!!!”) and rogues have hella competition for gear.

Mastering a huntard is mainly deadzone mastering in classic. Rogues are basically cooldown mashing then run or die similar to live, just slower. Locks are basically caster tanks, I can’t speak for their complexity, I don’t remember anything other than “Jesus christ I’m out of soul shards AGAIN?!”

Yes. The actual game is not going to be like private servers and the amount of disinformation being spread on YouTube and this forum is sad.

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