Realistic view

Hello , As the classic release date inches closer like many of you I am trying to pick a class to play. I have traveled to the deepest and darkest depths of the internet in search of answers.Watched more classic wow YouTube videos then i would care to admit , just to gain a little insight… Sadly i have found only a few gems here and there.

So rather then ramble on i will get to my questions. The three classes i am choosing from are hunter , rogue and warlock. The hunter i know all about as i mained one from early 2005 til TBC. Raided it all. Done it all. That’s my safe choice.
Warlock and rogue are the two unknowns.

Now while i played during this time I don’t really remember how well they preformed during this time period or what it felt like to play one. People tend or over hyped or completely poop on a class in classic. I don’t want to know which class is best. I just want a realistic view of what i am getting into.(How much time investment to achieve my goals). With limited time to play my goals in classic are :

Will be playing o PvP server (alliance side )

1.Enjoy the journey to 60 , see and do everything i can while killing the opposing faction and swimming in their tears.
2.Utilize gathering professions to make gold along the way ,save gold and materials to level engineering.Use class skills to make money.(Mounts , gear , weapons)
3. At max level mostly do pvp(world and instance) but planning on raiding and dungeon running on the side.
4. Stay Some what competitive but not cutting edge.
5.Not get bored and level a second class.
6.Be able to join groups (Pvp & Pve , Get gear at a reasonable pace.
7. Only play one class and master it.

Hopefully i can get some replies from people who actually played these classes during this time.

Any class suggestions are welcome if you feel they would better suit my goal list.Just an FYI i leveled a warrior to 60 after my hunter during classic.

If you are playing Horde do and Orc Warlock. If Alliance Night Elf Hunter. Rogues are for lazy players, don’t get spot in premades, and are the worst pvp class for anything other than ganking undergeared players.

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You may get better feedback posting in Classic General Discussion.

That said, while all 3 choices are fairly solid, for PvP I’d definitely go Rogue (for obvious reasons, lol). Added to that they don’t have some of the side annoyances Hunter and Locks have (ie pet management/soul shard collecting).

I played a warlock back in the day. Very showy class! The pets really help with questing. Downtime can be minimized with some care (spec and play style needed here…)

I did not level a rogue until very recently. Overall, I found it to be challenging.

How does lock leveling speed compare to hunters ?

Hunter is pretty easy to level. Its a lot less micromanagement than Warlock. Rogue is fun, harder to level, not as good as solo compared to hunter or warlock.

I would say run a Dwarf Hunter. Just like in the video.

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I am not sure where you got this information but rogues are vital to every premade group and one of the best classes in the game for it. Their ability to help control the game and secure kills on FC is unmatched

Warlock. Only because you mention pvp being a significant part of the game you are after. Warlocks can be tough opponents in pvp. Also, I never had a problem getting a group as a warlock (because someone has to summon everyone else…better get used to getting to the dungeons first, lol). As a pet class, world quests and farming is pretty easy. The only thing you wont have is stealth and lockpicking, tho I think engineering can make keys and blast charges to open boxes? Not sure.

as far as leveling ease/speed hunter>lock>rogue.
For sessions where you just want to gather herbs/mines on a PvP server rogue especially if you get distracted IRL a lot being able to stealth run a short ways away from anything and go deal with kids/wife/food/bio whatever for 5 minutes and not come back to a corpse run.
rogue is definitely slower to level but can be a lot of fun and full of tricks to get places others have a hard time i.e. quest to go to the back of a cave and gather some object stealth through right to the object pick up stealth out 30 seconds vs 10 minutes having to kill your way in and out again.

then again hunter/lock solo farming instances for profit so up to you.

Well, remember with a Classic Lock you are going to have Soulstones to gather and contend with…but is there anything else as cheerful as Draining the Life outta a dying Alliance as he struggles to reach you before expending his last gasp…?

If you go Horde Warlock, Forsaken’s same, play the Forsaken…

Rogue is high on my list but my fears are there will be a lot of rogues running around making it hard to get into groups. From my understanding they are one of the most played classes in classic.

Sorry no. Rogues do not get a spot in premades unless there are no other players available. When you do have to take a rogue you have him guard your flag and delay the other teams FC. Hunters are superior for that which was what the OP was asking about.

  1. in terms of solo pve warlock is the superior choice in terms of ease of killing mobs. pvp wise the rogue gets to pick its battles but the warlock (if prepared) is a solid choice and nigh unstoppable when they can spec soul link i would say around 45 go for full soul link build with 5 in imp corruption. the only drawback to a warlock in pvp is if someone catches you unprepared or you manage to somehow die in pve . it takes a good couple of mins to get back up and pet summoned .

  2. bag space will be a premium for both rogue and warlock though you are able to manage better on warlock which is basically soulshards and then regular running around stuff. on the rogue you have your poisons and herbs to make more potions among other things. if you go herbalism rogue will be holding herbs to make poisons anyways so ya. its a toss up on this one.

  3. rogues are awesome at single target non group pvp. warlock is just as awesome at single target and very good at group pvp. the only difference really is that rogues can pick their battles. everyone sees that WARLOCK OF DOOM coming. its just what can you do about it eating YOUR SOUL? dungeons both have their uses and a rogue with imp sap is awesome (if it doesnt fail). warlocks bring cc health stones and soul stones as well as being able to summon an offtank just in case its needed.

  4. youll be able to be competitive on the small scale dungeon runs and pvp with both but if you go raiding ever with rogues you have warriors hunters feral druids and even ret pallies (EW) going for most of the same gear including non dagger weapons (though ive heard some warrior tanks use daggers on pservers). on warlock you have mages shadow priests ele shaman and balance druids rolling against you on some gear but both ele shaman and balance druids are going to be rare. plus the amount of people playing the classes rolling against your warlock arent as populated as the melee ones and the hunter.

  5. there are so many more nuances to the warlock class compared to a rogue. you wont need to have a farming alt or a pvp alt or a group alt. it does everything .

  6. getting in a group as a warlock is tons easier than getting in a group as a rogue.
    you will get gear faster like i was alluding to in the point 4.

  7. theres less viable specs on the rogue than there are warlock specs. i can think of 9 different viable specs for the warlock in both pve and pvp. thats alot to master on the warlock but it can be done. a good lock in any group is a godsend.

so finally, i played a lock in vanilla but it was at the tail end. i did play a warrior and a priest and raided everything up to 4 bosses in naxx. a good warlock is worth 2x at least a good rogue.

they are always more wanted and more needed.

Your going to lvl PvP… SL warlock…

Thanks so much for the detailed information Xcentrick. I will take all you’re points into consideration.

All the class polls I have seen put rogues about even with hunters and locks.
In pve there are more spots for rogues, and in pvp most premades will be looking for one at most of all three.

Alot of people rolling lock expecting then to be underpopulated are in for a rude awakening.

If i did go lock what race would you suggest?

yes. i plan on going full sm spec till i get 5 in demo then switch to soul link with 5 in imp corr. i will test it out just to see how its going to go. i believe i will be successful.
i also plan on just fooling around with succy as the main pet in instances just to have fun.

if youre alliance go gnome. if youre horde go undead. though orc with the stun resist is pretty juicy but i believe wotf trumps it.

I will have to go look at those polls.

as Alli I would go gnome but it honestly makes very little difference. human for rep gains and perception (situational at best) maybe vs gnome for escape artist and +.5% crit and +400ish mana (increased intellect 5%)