Realistic view

thanks :slight_smile: .

polls are fine and all but wont tell the true story im afraid.

Thanks. Gnome questing area will probably be less populated to.

well it was populated in the stress test but if you skip ahead if you have people to play with you can get your imp early. some of the quests you might wanna not do but bleh its up to you . as long as you get to lvl 5 before you leave starting zone it will be fine.

Do soul stones disappear after a period of time?

No offense but I don’t know how long it has been since you’ve played classic servers. Rogues are offensive. Hunters, 2 mages and a priest are defensive along with the druid. It’s not 2005 anymore

I don’t think they did, but the items made with them with vanish if you log out for too long. I think. It’s been a few years.

They are a strong #2 fastest levelers

When factoring in yourself having played a hunter to death and everything else you’ve mentioned here, I’d suggest Rogue is where you’ll be most comfortable.

Compatibility to your listed points :

  • While leveling, you will nearly always be able to go wherever you choose, not where your class choice and level limits you to. It’s so much easier to navigate through higher level area’s / get to quest locations to access an area you want to quest in due to stealth. And yes, you can gank randoms at the drop of a hat.
  • Gather professions are cake because of stealth, there’s no need to kill 10 mobs to get to one node.
  • If you do your job right as a DPS, you’ll have no problems getting raids / dungeons and you will LOVE PvP as a rogue at 60. Clothies will be you’re favourite food, as you can frequently kill them from stealth in around 2.5 seconds ( if that ).
  • You won’t stay somewhat competitive in PvP, you will be top tier almost always.
  • Boredom ? well that’s tricky, it’s down to what you enjoy or don’t.
  • You’ll probably end up sporting 2 gear sets, but it’s entirely possible to just have one for both tasks.
  • Mastering a class you’re using is key to success, ANY class.

As to other classes ? the world is your oyster. The great thing about classic is the classes have very different feels to the way they play.

if you log out ya they disappear after 10 or so mins logged out.

soulshards used to make them and other spells do not.

Rogues aren’t bursting down a decked out druid or prot warrior FC. That’s what you run in a high level premade. They don’t do enough damage and will be the first to die. A good group is going to have an MS warrior with healing support and mages and locks for burst. Rogues have no place in premades.

This is totally misguided. The problem with premade rogues is that you only need one.


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Always be a Hunter

A: You’ll always have a friend who loves you and will be there for your adventures
B: When your group gives you grief, you can pull the whole damn room and feign death.

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Thanks , for taking time out to post this thoughtful reply. You’re insight is appreciated.

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S’all good friend. To best thank me, if you do roll a rogue, go f*ck up many clothies and make them rue the day they entered PvP as a paper doll lol.

Either way, play the class you have fun on the most, whatever it may be ;D

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I’ve been trying to decide between Mage and Warlock myself, but I am probably going with Warlock.

There will be more Mages than Warlocks, but Warlocks are still extremely useful. Everyone is always happy to see a Warlock in the group.

I love both classes in PVP, but I like the management aspect and playstyle of Warlock better. I’m really looking forward to playing different specs in PVP.

I also like never running out of mana.

I’m 100% having a Rogue alt down the line. Maybe Mage too, just not sure yet. Not sure I’ll ever have a Hunter, though.

For rogue or warlock would gnome be the best min/max race for both ?

Hotly debatable.

I won’t comment on Warlock, because my personal experiences with them in Original was limited.

As to rogue though ? You want a night elf or human. Night elf gives you better stealth and faster movement while stealthed, human gives you weapon skill bonus that can equate to better damage etc in combat.

Personally, Night elf rogue would be my choice ( as I did a NE rogue in original ) and the speed buff + slightly harder to detect stealth were the best tools for targeting clothies in large volumes. You can follow someone around and actually catch up to them while stealthed, and unless you literally stand ontop of them they don’t get the shadowed view of your toon or sound effect when you’re close to them

Thanks :smile:

It’s not. Horde is going to take an Elemental Shaman for bursting down FC before they take a rogue. A rogues strength is controlling the battle and resetting the fight. The more players you add to the equation the less ability a rogue has to do that. A shaman is bringing high burst, support heals, and windfury totem to the team. A rogue out of stealth brings nothing. Two years from now when people are geared up rogues are the ones who will be rerolling and regearing new mains.