REAL Tinfoil hat moment: What if the CIA owns Blizzard?

And the entire game stopped becoming fun or an actual game because it is now used by the U.S.'s Pentagon and Deep State as a giant, psychological and sociological experiment?

How many hamsters can we get to happily spin the hamster wheel?
How do we placate the masses and stifle dissent?

Blizzard really does seem like a tyrannical power at this point.

UPDATE: This thread started as a joke out of pure serendipity, and I never thought it would blow up in popularity like this XD. Thank you for all your funny replies!

After doing a quick Google search, I was pretty surprised to find that:

  • Activision Blizzard’s new Chief Administrative Officer, Brian Bulatao, served in the Trump administration as the Chief Operating Officer of the CIA and joined Activision in March 2021.

  • Activision Blizzard’s new Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs, Frances Townsend, is a former Bush White House aide

  • Grant Dixton, who became Activision Blizzard’s Chief Legal Officer in June 2021, had previously served as a legal advisor to President George W. Bush.

  • WoW Director Ion Hazzikostas worked alongside CIA Deputy Director David S. Cohen at the law firm Wilmer Hale, which is well known for cultivating high-profile government officials and having close ties to the U.S. intelligence establishment.

  • Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick’s contact is listed in the infamous “black book” of convicted felon Jeffrey Epstein.

  • Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show that in the months preceding Ion’s start at Blizzard, federal intelligence agencies had developed plans to infiltrate Blizzard and World of Warcraft

  • Thanks Alael for mentioning this as well! Link to Wikipedia’s page on the “Corrupted Blood incident” in original post.


I always remind myself that this Is Uncle Sam’s MMO.


Or a company owned by the makers of phone games implemented the same mechanisms into WoW maybe?


Chyna owns blizzard!


What makes me laugh is the idiots who waste their lives spying on us will die alone and pathetically, and will have wasted their lives being info gathering douches.
While they did that in badly lit offices with buzzing lights, I spent the afternoon with my pipe, watching cartoons, eating pizza and playing Wow.
I sleep like a baby, complete inner peace. What a sad existence these misled people must lead.


They definitely are connected to the news media like Fox and CNN, look at how fast CNN turned on Biden after his debacle of a withdrawal.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they have connections with the gaming industry, the intelligence community has done nefarious things before.


I like this guy already. :slight_smile:

When they launch Fresh Start Classic server come join my guild.

Bigger Tinfoil Moment: All this drama happened as big streamers made the switch to Final Fantasy. What if Square Enix paid the streamers to switch, and then paid California officials to fabricate an investigation, who then paid some individuals who work there to make some comments. All in a effort to cancel Blizzard so a bigger portion of Blizzard players will switch to becoming Square Enix players.

Galaxy brain move…

But also takes a huge tin foil hat to believe that happened.


It’s a TRAP. The guild guide is a COOK BOOK!!!

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I’m pretty sure it’s almost entirely AI by this point. Just in time for WW3… oh wait that started November 2019? runs

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Naw, that’s just globalism 101 :'D


Do you mean Goblinism?


The wrestler??


They are making everyone wear a mask. Is that for the cameras everywhere to zone in on our retinas? Yes this sounds insane, but it would be from the same people who said to duck and cover under your desk in the event of a nuclear bomb. Food for thought.


I don’t know about the CIA, but I have childhood memories of SL. From about 35 years ago.
This game was meant to happen one day, or it could mean that time is not linear.


You have it all wrong: Blizzard owns the CIA. Open your third eye, man.


We weren’t buying bobby yachts at all

We were buying him country destabilizations


Hmm, i don’t really think so but in a way whoever is in charge seems to psychology and sociology methods to sway people to believe so hard that their way is just. People are so gullible .

You ever thought to play Alliance rogue? We could use some good dps :stuck_out_tongue:

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MOP was all a big Chinese conspiracy… but only to help repopulate pandas.
I still feel used.