If I showed my wife I’d spent $1100 in a month on cosmetics, I’d need a new wife.
I’m sure they have mock ups and financial projections and a long list of FOMO items to rotate in and out to drive sales, just so far no one up the chain has approved it.
Let’s hope it stays that way or I’m done with WoW.
I am personally neutral about this idea.
As long as purchasing it from the cash shop dosenʻt become the only way to earn the tenders.
let folks who want to throw $ at the cash shop have thier fun I do not think I ever will but as long as I can earn tenders in game I am fine.
I am not so shallow as to become jealous or some nonsense if someone buys a bunch of tenders and suddenly has more than me. It has no effect on my gameplay.
I am just thankful she makes more than me, and I do pretty well thanks to my kids running my company for me. I have the luxury of getting a salary, being a FT streamer, gaming all day, and not worrying about spending
An unlimited cap would defeat the purpose. Because any month you were short on time, you wouldn’t be compelled to power through and be out in the world doing activities and seasonal events to earn them before the month is over - you’d simply think “oh, I can just work extra next month.” And that would be that; procrastination is human nature.
“Compelled” … “forced”… so tired of these weak excuses. People are allowed to grind unlimited M+ for gear, but ask them to let me just log in and do more for some extra tenders HEAVEN FORBID People need to stop ruining the fun of others who are responsible simply because they cannot exhibit any self-control.
im generally ok with monetizing cosmetics as long as they arent giant steps above the earnable offerings in terms of quality, which is something blizzard generally does a good job with.
my fear with a system like this is it could incentivize inflating both the cost of the items and the amount on offer month to month.
that said, tenders are already effectively on the shop. i dont want those mounts, but i do want the tenders, so i was definitely tempted but wound up not going for it.
i would definitely have spent $15 on the tenders alone though.
So, you -want- the predatory monetary exchange others games do and people are fighting to see pushed out of the industry? Look, I get it, it’s not the end of the world if they sold tendies. But, it is historically a bad feature in games used to manipulate the younger folk. Lets not ask for more purchase obscurement in our games, huh?
M+ is unlimited because people queueing for it constantly means (gasp) it’s easier for everyone to get groups. Tenders don’t work that way. I’m sorry people troll your threads but you really ask for it with this lack of critical thinking.
We do NOT need traders tender added to the store as a purchasable currency.
No, just no.
The occasional bit of tender included in a bundle is fine. No problems with that. But let’s keep it that way. The occasional bit of tender from bundles, and the rest earned by doing in-game activities. Otherwise, people are just going to open their wallets for anything they want and trading post prices WILL INCREASE to compensate for the fact that real $$ can now be spent directly on tender.
Because they didn’t say they never wanted it available again like you claimed, they said that they didn’t want it to become ubiquitous like repair mounts did. You can see that in your own post.
In fact it was never even removed entirely, they simply severely limited the supply through the BMAH.
I’m neutral about the idea, but the tagline on your pic is hilarious. “Are you up in arms about us not giving you any way to earn more currency after the monthly track is up? Try paying us money!”
M+ actually doesn’t reward myth drop items specifically because of the fact that you can spam it.
When you put money on the tender purchases, you completely change the incentive structure for blizzard surrounding them. It is naive to pretend this won’t affect the way the system runs (for example, how many tenders things will cost), and you’re deliberately misrepresenting the opposing arguments when you say things like “heaven forbid I ask to log on and do more stuff for tenders”. That’s not what people are saying and you know it. They’re saying they don’t want blizz to monetize more features.
Too many people will. That’s probably why it is likely going to happen sooner or later.