Real talk on "banning" a playstyle

The consumes were way too easy to make for anybody to monopolize them in phase 1 and the only thing that required a lot of gold was turbochargers for a rune, GDKPs, and BoEs. The prices of those BoEs were absurd because of the inflation caused by GDKP. They were always going to be a lot, but the Thunderbrow Ring was at least 100g on my server up until the point I quit. Without the massive amount of gold in the economy because of GDKPs I bet they’d have been half that price (if that).

It’s impossible for anybody to have exact data because of the nature of this problem, so all we can do is use logic and knowledge of basic economics to understand why GDKPs are a cancer.

I’m going to RP as a GDKP defender:

“I have NEVER and I WOULD NEVER buy gold or engage in any illicit activity. I’m just a regular joe who enjoys The Perfect Loot System ™.”

“So now that the ban is announced my plan is to circumvent the TOS by using multiple secret discords in a cell structure using anonymous proxies communicating using an advanced form of code. This will serve as the C&C for an army of alts selling overpriced items on the neutral auction house, etc, etc, etc…”

“once again, I would never break a rule, and I don’t even engage in GDKP.”

“In closing, I will risk a ban for GDKP and this is a hill I’m willing to die on. Once again, I don’t even GDKP, and I’d never dream of doing anything shady. I mean other than my other possible plan to keister bought gold, or possibly trade it for human kidneys, but that’s simply in the planning phase.”

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According to people on these forums, apparently yes. RMT or collecting the gold from other people that RMT’d is a play style that hurts nobody. :roll_eyes:

They all know the truth and are being disingenuous because they’re mad they can’t use dirty gold to have an infinite amount of gold any more. The people running GDKPs know the likelihood of them taking in dirty gold is very high.

Why not? If you do enough GDKP, you see it. If you haven’t seen it, you are probably new to the loot system.

Speaking form experience, I was jazzed when I saw the epic caster staff sell for 400g in my GDKP run in week 4 cause I was getting my cut. We all knew he was a swiper, but that 40g was so good. So yeah, I’m not an RMT’er but I know that I’ve seen the GDKP system contribute to it without question.

And yes, I know that I’m a hypocrite as an admitted GDKP attendee who also dislikes the system. I’m also pragmatic and wanted the gold. That work-to-income ratio was too good to deny. That doesn’t mean it’s healthy for the game, it just means that it’s a tempting vice.

Seeing this posted on every one of these threads makes me happy.

Better stop using the AH man. That promotes gold buying too.

Just stop using the AH. You’re supporting gold buyers and sellers.

Say it a third time and maybe somebody will laugh. Congratulations on repeating the same disingenuous crap as the lowest-tier thinkers of the GDKP supporters. You all are so desperate to get GDKPs back that you are actually trying to use a false equivalency to convince people the AH is equally detrimental. :joy:

The absolute brain rot of the WoW community is on full display…

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realtalk: I’m happy to see those whose playstyle i disagree with get moderated into a more acceptable playstyle.

Mhm the ones all crying and deleting their chars to own blizzard because they have to play the game like everyone else without swiping?

You’re not getting back your gold selling profits, sorry

You’ll probably end up being mass reported by everyone in trade chat and then automatically banned for like 7 days or something. Then you’ll refute it and go through that long process to get unbanned and you’ll try it again….and get mass reported again only to be auto banned…again. Sounds fun :star_struck:

it is just going to be replaced with an item at the value of whatever minimum gold increment you would use in that phase and it is just a loot system it would 100% bypass this GDKP is banned rule and be 100% acceptable under current rules.

It will also be half as popular because of the mere fact that it requires a proxy currency.

Imagine if a business tried to operate but they couldn’t accept USD, only foodstamps.

Just not sure what banning GDKP actually does

Makes doing the raid harder, makes getting the gear harder. Go play WOTLK or CATA classic if you want to spam the same raid over and over again until you get full BIS.

nice thing about this is there is running evidence of people using the report feature for this type of action a bannable offense.

AV had this feature heavily abused like you are saying and it will probably cause them to just punish the reporters if the trend continues.

OP: “RMT is my playstyle. How could Blizzard ban a playstyle!?”

Overreaction post

so right off the bat, the green pre bis BoE items were not solely expensive because of GDKP. That is actually baseless considering a few things.

Everyone wanted them so that increases the price.
We all had tons of gold without RMT with the quests rewards
Nobody likes to farm them and they are rare items.

RMT doesn’t contribute anywhere near as much to these a you think. Its not as wide spread as you seem to want it to be.

on top of that, who cares if green pre bis items are expensive? just don’t buy them. My druid and shaman are almost fully geared without ever spending a single gold on pre bis BoE. Why is this a problem for you? just go farm them yourself

I didn’t buy them and I’m almost BiS even though I quit almost a month ago. However, you’re trying to pretend it was common for people to have 100g or more laying around a week after the server’s launch? :joy::joy::joy:

The green items were an EXAMPLE as there’s not that much stuff in season 1 of SoD that had much value on the auction house. That will not be the case moving forward. I can’t tell if your “argument” (when really all you said is nuh uh) is based on ignorance or is disingenuous by design. Either way, your GDKPs are gone, buddy. Cope.

I can’t wait for inflation to keep going up so I can laugh all the way home at your pretend economics degree.

Everyone on the SOD forums has an economics degree from Harvard now. They totally know everything don’t you know that?