Real talk on "banning" a playstyle

A couple things to note here:
-GDKP ban is only really hurting the semi-hardcore to hardcore player as casuals have 1 character only and weren’t apart of the raids typically.
-Gold DKP is just a loot system.

For all the “we are saved GDKP is gone” sayers:

it is just going to be replaced with an item at the value of whatever minimum gold increment you would use in that phase and it is just a loot system it would 100% bypass this GDKP is banned rule and be 100% acceptable under current rules.

Personally as a non gold buying GDKP player I found the number of “whales” who you know bought to be minimal and they made their own competition so the GDKP system is the most fair system i’ve seen in game in the last 19 years. It is also the only system that rewards players for showing up even if they dont need gear and is the easiest system in game to find replacements for because anybody off the street has gold so they can come and join a pre-existing group and get gear or gold if they show up.

Just not sure what banning GDKP actually does because it hasn’t gone into effect yet and we already got past it with our new systems we just have 1 extra step in between.


Gdkp isnt a play style.


The non-GDKP players don’t understand how bad p2 inflation is about to be with no where for the GDPK players to dump gold.

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sure it is

it is a playstyle where i can focus on the fun parts of the game and not have to go kill some low level trash mob for 10c a piece so i can afford my flasks for the next raid.

regardless doesn’t matter to me we are just not going to use Gold anymore but whatever item we want to use.


Wah wah


Exactly lmao. People do such extreme mental gymnastics to pretend this practice, which promotes a massive amount of black market RMT transactions, is necessary to the game when there was a time it didn’t even exist. It’s wild. Good riddance to GDKPs but they already ruined the economy and community to a point that many people just quit playing SoD (myself included, and yes I know it’s not an airport).


For people saying this change destroys the game and at the same time, it does nothing because people will just replace gold with item X.

Pick a lane. It can’t be both.


Just kind of sitting here going

“what were they trying to accomplish?” because the system is still alive and going and will never go away ever because if they ban the currency you use you go to a new one.

I think Asmond Gold has a good take on the issue (one of the few times I actually agree with him)


And the colors come out. Play a different game. In this one, we earn our currency with valuable work expended, not leaching off of other people.

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I cant believe people still watch these guys. I couldnt care less. Theyve been buying in for years.


The price of illicit gold for SoD has plummeted in less than 24 hours. Also, in server discords players are already discussing how to report players attempting to circumvent the bans on P2W. If you advertise in trade or lfg you will be reported by a large group of players. This tactic has had an effect as evidenced by Blizz finally banning the P2W GDKP loot model. Cheers!


prices of things drop regardless with time typically as more enters the economy it becomes devalued.

Personally I just see the following happening now:
Whale wants to swipe
whale swipes
whale buys items
whale trades for gear
ItemDKP carries on as they always have and distributes the new “currency” that holds value because it is required for raiding/parsing.

honestly whales are few and most people know exactly who those guys are. I could careless they pay/will continue to pay for my consumes for next raid and I can keep focusing on doing as many raids a week as I can.

Wow, copium is flowing for the P2W kiddos.

You should probably be more concerned about the new software they have been using. Apparently Blizz is now taking the stance that people that benefit from illicit gold will also be sanctioned. Remember, prisons are full of people that thought they were smarter than everyone else. Cheers!

it certainly is

No P2W is a playstyle and now Blizz has banned it. Good riddance I say!

do not conflate gdkp and gold buying.
gold buying / selling is abhorrent.

gdkp is just a a loot system, if any loot system is going to be banned it should’ve been banned it should’ve been corrupt AF loot councils.

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Ah yeah, you’re right. People are buying thousands of gold to buy turbo chargers, FAPs, and Shadow Prot pots. What was I thinking.

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They want casual players more than they want hardcore players in SoD.


eats popcorn

dunno maybe they are that is not my concern. if RMT is the problem then maybe blizzard should focus its efforts on enforcing the existing rules against that, and not stepping in to tell people how to play the game.

would you really not be satisfied if RMT was ended and GDKPs continued?