Real talk on "banning" a playstyle

I smell recycled alts being rotated through the forums on this topic.


Macroeconomics should be a required high school course.

A few very wealthy members of a population do not affect the price of commodities in the slightest.

Best I can do is maybe a C+ for at least trying to think critically.


Blizzard has been banning bots for years and it isn’t working. People think they should get better about it, but don’t have a clue as to what that looks like. Now Blizzard is banning gold buyers, and GDKPs.

Good. If the demand isn’t there, then there will be less bots. There will never be no bots, only less.

It feels like what everyone wants is a live person stationed at every starting zone on every layer 24/7 in every realm whose sole job is to just ban people they think are scripted.

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Unfortunately we don’t live in a world filled with unicorns and rainbows. There is a lot more money in Rmting/Botting than there is in preventing Rmting/botting it’s an uphill battle for devs of any game, it’s just always going to exist. If the price of gold is already dropping for these rmters I’d say the change is a gigantic win


Its a loot system not a play style. And if raiding isnt fun then dont do it.

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Multiboxing was more of a playstyle than GDKP ever was - has been since OG Baldurs Gate & OG 3D MMORPG EQ

It was killed to combat bots, just like GDKPs are

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Nonsense. Gold prices have plummeted in less than 24 hours because of this announcement. GDKP = Gold buying in one form or another. Anything else is just you huffing copium.


Holy crap you’re right LMFAO

I looked the other day because a thread like this, but pre-annoucement and it was like twice what is is now to buy gold. LMFAO.

(And no, I still don’t buy gold, easy enough to google and pick a site to compare prices.)

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If you want to remove demand just remove gold all together there is nothing wrong with GDKPs they are the only raid system where you are rewarded for every single raid regardless of what items drop. Banning GDKPs to stop gold buying is like banning cars to stop drunk driving.

why would there ever be less bots, if you’re a bot farmer bots are cheap and you’ll run as many as you can all the time. the price of gold might go down, but it will never reduce bots. unless you can get the price of gold to drop so low that it’s less than the price for the bots sub for the month 1 bot can farm a lot of gold in a month for $15 dollars, i don’t think that will change anytime soon


Most of the GDKP players are non gold buyers, it’s just a way to make gold without going out farming plants for hours which is not fun for a lot of people. Worst decision they made pandering to a minority in the forums, never met a person who hate GDKPs in the game, most people like or don’t care about them.


Where exactly do you think the gold they’re getting from GDKP came from?
(Hint: It’s not someone farming plants for hours.)

I love when the P2W kiddos post this type of obtuse nonsense. GDKP and RMT are linked, no way around it.

If I were you I’d worry more about the upcoming bans for gold buyers and those that have profited from them. Would be poetic justice if they did a round for 3 day bans the day before the new phase starts. Would send a message and make the first couple days much easier on the servers.

Source? Because it looks like your take is incorrect. Prices for gold have dropped dramatically because of banning GDKP’s. Nice try though but no one is buying this nonsense any longer.

Because they will move on to other games where RMT is rampant and they can make more money on their time investment.

The people organizing the GDKPs were never the problem. Maybe if those guys switch to farming Blue BoE’s or materials then we can see prices for things go down across the board.

Well doh, a lot of people RMT, the point is that a lot of people DON’T and still go into GDKPs.

why? i don’t buy gold.
In fact i would be perfectly ok with gold buying accounts to be permanently banned.

Just because you didn’t buy the gold doesn’t mean you aren’t profiting for those that are. Blizz is on record as saying they will ban accounts that profit from gold buying even if they aren’t the buyer, so be careful who you group with.

lol Says every gold buyer.

well with any luck they will permanently ban all gold buyers and i’ll see be here regardless of if you choose to believe me or not.

Agreed, cheers!

and then GDKP can be back on the table.

Whatever helps you cope my man. GDKP’s are done in SoD, I’ve heard Wrath is P2W perhaps you would enjoy that more. Best of luck!