Real reason I think WoW better then FFXIV

Unlike most thread who praise FF14, I’ll do the opposite.

But first I’ll credit FF14 their beautiful world and wonderful characters. The creation is nice and day night cycle based on world’s time is amazing.

So here’s why I think WoW is better, I’ll give my highlights, in non particular order.


This one hurts but Final Fantasy is just so generic. I know games on SNES that have more interesting gear. People seems to appreciate it for the aesthetic over what it truly represent.

It’s good looking but don’t get me wrong. It’s generic, as hell. There’s no item with a bonus, effects, extra chance, bonus %. Extra hit opportunity, enchant effect.

They simply generic stat ticks that boost your character power as the item level is more higher. there’s no reason to farm a dungeon or a raid to obtain that one item that will make your class the “best” or shine out.

Time gating:

If you think wow is bad with time gating, Final Fantasy has you set up.

It’s a minimum 7 weeks to get a new weapon. A set of gear from their curency is 9 weeks.

Unless you manage clear Savage consistently which is rarely case as a very small amou gif players do so. At least it felt not many were able to on my data center. (Servers group)

Relic is just to show off:

I did put with doing 65 raids for a relic weapon. Only 15 of those were “new”. The weapon is worse then the time gated weapon and the most recent trial fight weapon, or close to equal.

It might as well not exist. It’s not balanced, you limited to a choice of 6 to 10 abilities depending your class. And gear or level doesn’t matter

Everything locked behind story:

Good story but can I just play sometimes? It’s really long to unlock content.

Class feels limited:

I can do everything on a character. But classes often feel like just changing of spec in wow. New weapon and voila I am a warrior.

Warrior can only tank and nothing else. Restriction to use an axe only. Why couldn’t it dps? What game doesn’t let warrior dps?

There’s no choice on using different weapons, your class always will use only one weapon, and that sucks.

Repetitive grind:

How to get end game currency?
Spam dungeons, you will do the expert roulette day after day experience the same difficulty, same dungeons for weeks and months as they release only 1 dungeon per patch the becomes the new defactor “expert”.

Forced to help new players:

New players won’t know but most the end game content is a throw back. As a max level player you constantly go back doing old content for your end game outlets in order to get the bonuses since they are tied to the same old repetitive stuff that you thought was so cool the first time.

After 1000 times, you will think differently.


WoW is the greatest MMORPG and always will be. End of Story.

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I’ll give Final Fantasy props for their professions and world content. I haven’t even left ARR yet and I’ve spent most of my time just working on professions and logs. It’s a lot of fun, though limited and has a finality to it eventually.

That said, and of course my critique comes from just the early game: I hate the sheer amount of loading screens, it doesn’t feel like a world to me. And so far I just haven’t had a good time with the dungeons and other instanced content. I’ve been passive aggressively abused for trying to tank and heal, kicked for not being able to keep up with a tank pulling half the dungeon, and berated for not doing a DPS rotation perfectly. Sure they aren’t cursing me out, but I find myself lectured in almost every dungeon and it’s really worn me down.


I actually gave FFXIV a try but even as I progressed through the trial, I can see all the different time sinks available. On a positive note, for those playing WoW that is looking for more things to do, FF does have a lot of stuff to do although it seems like it doesn’t amount to much flavor at the end of it all.

Game does look pretty good tho.


It’s a little sad that half the suggestions there for making more interesting gear just get told to “go back to XI”.

That said, it is a tightrope. The last few expansions have shown that devs have very little interest in internal balance.

  • Let’s define internal balance here as the relative power of different choices available to a given job in its playflow such as to create different optimal choices in different situations (beyond extreme basics like target count). When internal balance is high, optimal play is much more contextual and has a higher skill ceiling but can feel a bit more arbitrary, overly loose, or unapproachable to new players.

Now let’s say Dragoon has the option to add some damage to… Chaos Thrust, for instance. With that, the last few super-niche scenarios by which one might actually go straight for direct damage over DoT damage, since the enemy will be short lived, vanish.

That’s not to say these effects have to go the way of worsening internal balance to the point of even further oversimplifying playflow—a power might instead buff Full Thrust, to counter the existing imbalance and create more situations by which Chaos Thrust might be skipped, or it might extend CT’s duration to allow for more a modified rotation, or whatever else; it could very well be exactly what we need to offer some modicum of customization to gameplay—but is a reasonable fear.


A lot of people just don’t want to have to farm a particular dungeon or raid for one particular item. Maybe as many do, but it goes both ways, and neither is objectively better.

For my part, if something doesn’t actually (positively) influence playflow, expand the opportunities for playflow, or offer some meaningful capacity that’s fairly situational in its throughput produced (say, a significant buff to Guren or Dragonfire Dive), it’s of zero interest to me. And if it amounts, really, to just a white damage bonus… I’d rather than just be written as simply and generically as possible. If there are no synergies specifically for hit count in a given window, rather than giving me an X chance to hit for Y potency, just add that into Determination (basically, Versatility, but without the mitigation—a completely dull, straightforward stat).

2 cents on timegating:

I don’t mind time-gating per se, but I’ll admit I’m not a huge fan of how XIV does it.

My favorite form of Timegating would probably be something like late Legion Artifact Weapons, when the weekly increases in AP gains were such that you’d arrive at a given level of power at most a week or two behind the hardcore grinders.

Personally, I probably would have capped that power progression further, such that players couldn’t reach a given amount of added power (power, mind you, not currency) before X week no matter how hard they grinded in excess of about where any normal person would start getting sick of it, but still allow them to do that grinding in advance in case they might be busy the next week (just with no earlier rewards for having done so).

Basically, I would prefer if XIV’s hard caps were pushed further out and a sort of taper added instead that would better open it up to gearing alternate jobs. (And, I would like to see a bit more fun available to those who enjoy challenge in the process of currency farming itself, probably with due rewards commensurate slightly to skill but mostly just to the likely added time per run.) But, overall, a generic currency doesn’t seem a bad thing to me. It’s boring, it’s timegated (obviously), but it works.

The tomestone system is boring and timegate-y.

Yeah I don’t think it’s bad either. WoW had it for a long time as well. Emblem of Valor. Remember? Used to be from heroic dungeons, eventually earn an extra reward.

However Final Fantasy has those capped to 450 as week and it’s 2 week for for most pieces.

All that for head that you will forced to lower item level in 85% of the content you do. How’s that making sense?

Augmented Bozjan gear has % haste on the gear you can add, granted it’s only in the zone, but yeah, it is by far more generic but in some ways I think that can be a positive because your gear path is very straight foward and has little rng in aquisition.

This, so effing much.

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You’re right there is one set in the game with haste that works in a zone where you set down to a lower item level then the actually gear…

FFXIV was fun at first but the early game was so bad that I never made it to endgame. The ARR Main story Quest and Leveling Dungeons were just way too bland and boring. By the time I dragged myself through the MSQ I was burnt out and haven’t gone back in quite awhile.

I was glad to see that they kept a somewhat similar class system to FFXI (although I preferred FFXI’s subjob system more). It was nice only needing one character that you could level each class on.

Yeah and regardless of that it still feels awesome to me because i have a full set of it, and my GCDS feel fast by FF14 standard. Bozja is scaled down to 430 because players go there to level alts, and people leveling there are scaled UP. So hey, leveling alts with end game abilities and a faster gcd.

Sign me up.

I do wish you could had haste % on gear outside bozja, that would be amazing.

To be clear, gear itself and gear acquisition are two entirely separate things…

You can have interesting gear acquired in a straightforward manner, just as you can have dull/basic gear acquired in a convoluted manner.

That, however, would make gear acquisition far more convoluted, if ever made significant enough to be of any use.

Actually, they removed that with Stormblood, the previous expansion. There is no interaction between classes anymore, nor any advantages to the jobs themselves for multi-leveling.

That Haste stat barely matters though. It was also very timegated gear.

I’m not saying it matters or not, I’m merely pointing out the fact that it is possible to add % stat to gear, in this one aspect of the game.

Good thing I only mentioned Gear path in that quote of me, but then again your reading comprehension is lacking and I’m not shutting you down in another thread.

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I pop into FF14 every expansion to clear the story and mess around on the new classes, but it has never held my attention longer than 1-2 months.

It’s a solid MMORPG, just not really designed to my long-term interests.

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Well look, this is not a bashing game thread. I just state why feels better to me. Clearly everyone has their preference. Things I like are more present in WoW classic, FFXI and Lineage 2 chronicle 3-5.

Clearly I’m old schooler, I like RPG feeling RPG, not modern pseudo roleplay adventure.

Like it’s cool to have some gear with frost spell power when I do BG and then go back to intellect and stamina heavy set when I aoe farm. to me thats better the what I consider an illusion of RPG.

Everyone kept praising FF14. I played it, I gave it my all go. I did the Dancer Relic, I attempted raiding, I did find a group for the second tier. It died during the third tier we were stick on eden 11 savage.

Stuff happens, happens in wow as well.

I did crafting and gathering. It’s a good system and the same time bad. It needs a lot of investment, it’s overly complex for no reason.

The Golden Saucer was a cool casino, nice place to chill.

But I that game will never have a recipe to make me quit wow. I’m glad you’re having fun with it, but I don’t think I’ll stick to FF14, maybe casually but not full time like I did now for the sake of just actually trying during the last two years since BFA was bad.

Step 1: Enter a thread discussing gear itself.
Step 2: Talk about gear path.
Step 3: Wait for someone to reasonably assume you are implying a connection between the two (i.e., are being relevant, if tangentially).
Step 4: Point and laugh. Apply ad hominem.


Then you’re sending mixed signals.

I agree with everything you said in your reply, I play both just like you. I do think there are ton improvements both games can make and I hope both succeed in the long run.

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