Unlike most thread who praise FF14, I’ll do the opposite.
But first I’ll credit FF14 their beautiful world and wonderful characters. The creation is nice and day night cycle based on world’s time is amazing.
So here’s why I think WoW is better, I’ll give my highlights, in non particular order.
This one hurts but Final Fantasy is just so generic. I know games on SNES that have more interesting gear. People seems to appreciate it for the aesthetic over what it truly represent.
It’s good looking but don’t get me wrong. It’s generic, as hell. There’s no item with a bonus, effects, extra chance, bonus %. Extra hit opportunity, enchant effect.
They simply generic stat ticks that boost your character power as the item level is more higher. there’s no reason to farm a dungeon or a raid to obtain that one item that will make your class the “best” or shine out.
Time gating:
If you think wow is bad with time gating, Final Fantasy has you set up.
It’s a minimum 7 weeks to get a new weapon. A set of gear from their curency is 9 weeks.
Unless you manage clear Savage consistently which is rarely case as a very small amou gif players do so. At least it felt not many were able to on my data center. (Servers group)
Relic is just to show off:
I did put with doing 65 raids for a relic weapon. Only 15 of those were “new”. The weapon is worse then the time gated weapon and the most recent trial fight weapon, or close to equal.
It might as well not exist. It’s not balanced, you limited to a choice of 6 to 10 abilities depending your class. And gear or level doesn’t matter
Everything locked behind story:
Good story but can I just play sometimes? It’s really long to unlock content.
Class feels limited:
I can do everything on a character. But classes often feel like just changing of spec in wow. New weapon and voila I am a warrior.
Warrior can only tank and nothing else. Restriction to use an axe only. Why couldn’t it dps? What game doesn’t let warrior dps?
There’s no choice on using different weapons, your class always will use only one weapon, and that sucks.
Repetitive grind:
How to get end game currency?
Spam dungeons, you will do the expert roulette day after day experience the same difficulty, same dungeons for weeks and months as they release only 1 dungeon per patch the becomes the new defactor “expert”.
Forced to help new players:
New players won’t know but most the end game content is a throw back. As a max level player you constantly go back doing old content for your end game outlets in order to get the bonuses since they are tied to the same old repetitive stuff that you thought was so cool the first time.
After 1000 times, you will think differently.