Real reason I think WoW better then FFXIV

How is it a mixed signal?

Most thread praise that game and ride Yoshi P like cow girls.

It’s an okay game but not perfect. Leaving WoW for FF14 is like trading a US dollar for Canadian quarters. look fancier but brings less but relative close in value.

I tried to love it being influenced by people. I gave it all, it’s not better lol.

It’s just prettier. That’s it.


I apologize if I separated the two, I’ve always considered gearing, the act of acquiring the gear as much as the gear itself to be closely related.

I generally like the competitive and challenging content better here. Not saying XIV didn’t have hard content but it wasn’t as fun and open-ended.

The chill content and the community were way better over there though. I can’t fathom playing WoW only for the world quests, LFR, pet battles or leveling alts, and I don’t understand people that do. If I stopped running M+ I would probably quit WoW until TBC Classic or 9.3 for catch up.

I still dont understand the difference between Normal Raids and Trials. They function exactly the same way since Heavensward.

I cannot argue what is better, that is always going to be down to people, and what they like and enjoy.

No game is perfect, I like a ton of bad games.

That I’m not gonna argue at all, That is true! BUT I do love Grizzly hills the most, It is by far my most favorite MMO zone ever.

Trial is it’s own boss fight. Raid is it’s own boss chain of the same series. That’s it, nothing more complicated then that.

This is a fair criticism, but classes in FFXIV have so many more tools innate to their kits that active items would probably feel a bit odd there.

This is somewhat reasonable, although… it’s only really ANY issue at all if you hyaven’t played in a long time. The amount of story released in any given patch is usually pretty small so you’re talking about liek a half hour to an hour of a time burden to unlock content.

Oh man I love this myself. I adore the fact that each class has a defined role. But this is a case where we’ll have to agree to disagree whether this is a positive or not :wink:

I mean, every MMO is repetitive at end game. FFXIV’s endgame includes doing dungeons that in some MMOs are seen as worthless because of the roulettes, so it’s slightly less repetitive… but repetition is kind of the core of the MMO genre, so this is a non-starter. WoW is EASILY as repetitive, if not moreso.

I prefer to phrase it as ‘helping other players rewards everyone, meaning a more welcoming community’, but I guess if helping others is something you see as an infringement on your enjoyment, this will be a problem.


That I can’t agree. If there’s still Legacy or 2.0 players still in Crystal Tower after 8 years. They must be burnt out on it.

That is the same for me too, I enjoy the mythic raids and dungeons here way more than 14. I think the dungeons in wow have tons more going on than most FF dungeons, counter arguments welcome.

If you like WOw so much, why dont you go post on WoW’s foru… oh… nm.

The games have pros/cons. I picked up FFXIV again after not touching it since 2014 this weekend as there are a lot of things in this expansion that I don’t particularly care for (that does not mean they are bad). I figured I would grab something else to fill the time since 9.1 is likely delayed from the early rumors of June to August.

It was also prompted by yet again, another “lecturing” tweet from a Dev this weekend as that tends to be a major turn off for me as a customer and the accompanying ‘entitled’ attitude from those who make this game has a major impact on my desire to play. I won’t make the same mistake of following the social media platforms of FFXIV and just play the game.

The gear from said dugeon is worthless… It’s not even enougn to enter a LFR.

I’ll say this, WoW Mythic raids have nothing in FFXIV Ultimate fights. Shear amount of mechanics to memorize, you really can not outgear an Ultimate fight, the boss transitions and music. I have only ever attempted Weapons Refrain and made it to Lahabrea, but damn are those fights fun


But the currency you get from it lets you buy gear that is roughly equivalent to regular raid gear.

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I think thats more because of Ultimates being more memorizing mechanics rather than Mythics being mechanically challenging.

Possible I never did an Ultimate and it seemed near impossible to find players who wanted to give a shot. I can’t really compare.

Doing mythic stone legion right now, even then, I would not even fathom trying Ultimate Alexander, no way dude, that’s a tough fight.

They’re going to add Ultimate Nidhogg next expac I believe.

Oh man that sounds ridiculous. Nidhogg was such an intricate fight to begin with.

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…Nope, can’t really argue with that one.

Some XIV dungeons are damn pretty, though. And the Vault sure was fun the first time through.

On the Mythic difficulty comparison, though, idk. I feel each wins some, loses some. I think WoW tends to have the more unique designs overall—Argus, for instance, is way up there—but there have been some pretty great XIV fights at the highest levels too. (Though I wasn’t a huge fan of Coil Ultimate, oddly enough.)

Only after upgrading it, and the upgrade items will only be unlocked much further down the road and will cost further, often separately time-locked, currency (and/or Hunt grinding).

Yep, excited for that. Dragonsong War story is amazing. I’ll eventually try TEA, but it won’t be until I do Bahamut and Ultima