Real ID part 2

And here, after 15 years, I finally learned Bashiok’s name.

I didn’t even know the guy was gone.

When I think “legendary forum moderator”, I usually think Tseric

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this was a really good idea and I feel dumb for not thinking about it.

thanks for checking that.

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They just need to make it so no matter what character you have selected the restrictions apply as if you’re posting from the same toon. So no self liking and bumping your own post.

And Maybe a “AKA in this thread as” if you post in a thread with multiple toons.

Could be the same ‘law’ but different circumstances or applications.

I dunno, QoL forum changes might cost us a raid tier tbh.

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Thanks, just turned off real ID. Thought it was disabled already but seems it was still on.

I’ve received enough harassment from other players in this game, to know just how far some of the more delusional people would go. That is very dangerous, indeed.

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The wording is misunderstood, if it is in fact misunderstood, because it is intentionally extremely vague so that Blizzard can utilize it as they wish without repercussion.

I don’t trust them at all with this. I was on the fence as to whether I wanted to keep playing or not, and this is going to push me way over the edge on the side of not playing this game anymore.

No way do I want my personal information to be disclosed without my consent, and I have no trust whatsoever in Blizzard respecting my privacy.

I have no idea why they are pushing this again, or what they hope to gain out of it. Is it an act of desperation?

Still, I don’t know all the facts yet. Can this be totally and entirely disabled?

Tseric was indeed a legend. I remember reading that forum meltdown as it happened. Ah those were the days on the forums.

We are under China rules now!?


I hope your are right… we’ll see.

Absolutely, B-net account > Account settings > Privacy :smiley:

Sorry for the late response Grumbles, I’ve been keeping vampire hours lately lol

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Mine has been disabled for quite a while, but just to check went to look. Still disabled…

This however was enabled again: GAME DATA AND PROFILE PRIVACY

Now redisabled.

Glad I saw this. Just made sure I had it turned off along with everything else in the privacy tab.

As far as the real id on the forums thing, I have to guess it is only there for

  1. Closed forums like interoffice stuff and special invite only stuff like the player feedback one that got outed a little while ago.

  2. To cover their backsides if anything ever glitches and it gets mistakenly turned on for a public forum.

I don’t see Blizz setting it to work on any public forum intentionally. The PR disaster that would lead to would sink them.

Do you know how easy it is to be Homer Simpson Snr?

There is a simple fix to this. Put parental controls on your account, anything, then blizz has to assume you’re under 18, which means you’re protected by COPPA, no doxxing, no real names, COPPA is serious business, they take no prisoners on this matter, they’ll shut you the F%^& down if you violate their rules. Blizz wont risk it because they can’t be 100% sure you’re not under 18.

Just put parental controls on your account, blizz has to assume you’re under 18 then, you’re protected by COPPA, which means no names may be leaked anywhere.

With all due respect, I like to keep my Btag private within the context of WoW specifically. I don’t Btag befriend people in WoW (not even guildies when my guild was lively) and don’t want my Btag publicly associated with my army of alts. (I rarely post here on any of the other characters but occasionally might if my question is class-specific.)


Hey, I appreciate hearing the other side of this and didn’t take anything in your post as ever bordering on not being respectful. Thanks for sharing your view and reasoning :slight_smile:

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You think that only happens in the Runescape community? You think the wow playerbase is filled with otherwise levelheaded people?
Sir please.