Real Change, When?

Huh? I’m totally confused here. What are you talking about?

I think you’re getting confused on which person you’re replying here to.

Edit: I had to check your post history, now it make sense. You’re one of those huh?

Not at all.

You were crying about gear.

I then showed you that you were wrong.

Where was I crying about gear?

What did you prove wrong? I think you need to take a break from these forums mate.

Your whining about instanced content and “meaningful rewards”.

Side note. I absolutely loved this part where you said this. I almost died from the irony compacting my brain.

Where did I whine about this? I was stating that people could acquire decent rewards without having to do group content in the past versions of the game.

You’re thoroughly confused here my friend.

Edit: I was responding to a poster that said the game always provided the best gear from raids and dungeons. Which isn’t true.

But it wasn’t, it was relatively garbage if you didn’t do group content. Pay attention thanks.

Um, some of the crafted gear was BIS. You need to do some research homie.

Dang homie.

Like 7 seven pieces out of 1000000000000000000000 items in the game doesn’t invalidate his point.

Lets see if they can actually close out this expansion in any way that feels conclusive and good.- ‘shakes Magic 8 Ball’ = outcome seems bleak

Shrug, still doesn’t invalidate my point. You can still acquire decent gear without doing group content. Are you saying this isn’t possible, especially now?

Not in wrath. Which if you paid attention was the post I responded too.

Which leads into the second part of your quote… you know, once again, my post showing the massive gap between wrath and df gearing.

Blizzard needs to offer some classes online to sort out GD so we don’t have so much blatant

But we have that. Today. Now

Yeah, I’m going to bow out here, I don’t like debating with people that just cherry-pick comments to try to support their misinformed positions. You have a good one. :slight_smile:

Remember when I said that this gear wasn’t BIS? So, what I said was accurate, it just didn’t fit into your narrative here.

The poster above just cherry-picked Wrath to support their position, but completely forgot the other expansions.

I know dude, I never said we didn’t

Some triggered Blizz fans in this thread. You guys all need to have a Snickers!

Look I’m not unreasonable.

I have a solution that meets your standards of character progression.

All open world gear reduced from 424 to 400 ilvl. You get a once a patch quest for an enchanted aspect crest (447 atm).

There “meaningful progression”.

Enjoy your golden parachute next year.

I feel like the heart of Azeroth having levels that dictated when you can use your Azerite traits was the stupidest thing.

I kind of liked Azerite armor as psuedo tier set bonuses, but adding a heart level requirement, and one that had higher requirements for higher item levels, was really stupid.

I loved artifact weapons and neck levels. It me feel like the time I spent in-game was rewarded. I actually enjoyed doing things to gain artifact power knowing I was getting more powerful with the time and effort I put in. Where as now gearing is so easy, I login a couple times a week usually to do a couple M+, do my raid night then wait on my vault for free gear.
Not to mention the stories have just been getting weaker and weaker. I no longer care who the bad guy is, just that they drop good loot, because that’s all they’ve become is loot piñatas

Nothing is going to change for the better, not now, not ever. It’s just going to keep getting worse from here until the servers shut down.

You make the change buddy. People keep complaining but you have to speak with your Wallet.

I hope that one day the writing won’t be crap anymore, but who am I kidding. They won’t be getting rid of Daloser any time soon.